Pulling my hand away I sit back down beside him and fiddle with the necklace around my neck. The one the guys got me the first Christmas I spent at Padstow.

“How do you want to do this?” He asks and I appreciate him giving me the lead more than I can ever express.

“How long are you here for?”

“Until Sunday,” he replies staring at me with such tenderness that I don’t know what to do. I think I need the aggravating, cheeky Elijah I used to know. I know how to handle that version.

“I guess we can spend some time together while you’re here, and I’ll be more chatty in our texts. Honestly I have no idea what we’re supposed to do, maybe that’s the solution for us. We won’t think or discuss it we’ll just act, if it’s too soon or doesn’t feel right then we’ll tell one another,” I say and I don’t know if this is the right way to do it, but it feels good.

“Okay, it sounds like a plan to me,” he says with a cheeky grin, “can I take you out tomorrow, it doesn’t have to be a date but we could have some fun,” he says before wagging his brows and it’s making me laugh. This is the Eli I know, maybe we will be okay.

“Sounds like a plan, but you should know that I kind of have a bodyguard now. So there will be three of us, how does that sound to you?” I ask with a smirk.

“I haven’t got any problems with threesomes, you should remember that,” he fires back and I don’t think as I smack him across the arm and we share a private smile that only we could ever understand.

“ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS LEIGHBEAR?” Noah asks as I get ready to go out with Eli.

“Honestly no, it feels weird and although this isn’t a date it fucking well feels like one,” I say as I line my eyes with a thick kohl line and a dusting of gold shadow.

“Of course it does, you guys will never be just friends and you’re not even trying to be,” H says and we’re both staring at him trying to figure out how he feels about this.

He’s used to sharing me with Noah, could he stretch that understanding to include Eli as well or is it too much for him? I won’t do anything that will hurt him, even if it means I let Elijah go before we even let it start.

“I can cancel, if you want me to. I won’t do anything that you two aren’t okay with, you know that right?” I ask, taking the time to look at them both.

“I’m keeping out of this one, you already know I’m okay with it. That being said I do have my limits, I don’t think I could share you with just anyone,” Noah says and I get where he’s coming from.

“I don’t want anyone else Noah, there could only ever be two other guys for me beside you two and one of them I can’t be with. You won’t have to go through this with anyone else,” I say and I mean it.

Each and everyone one of them matched me perfectly in their own way, I haven’t got it in me to open myself to anyone else, I only need them. I just need to remind myself to stop including Amias in that one. My stubborn bloody heart doesn’t seem to have gotten the message yet.

“It’s weird for me but I will be okay, as long as I don’t lose you I can do it. Just no one else please, Eli and I guess Amias will be okay, but I don’t think I can stop myself from decking the next guy who takes a shot at you,” his fists are clenched and his jaw is tight. Oh yeah, I don’t doubt his words at all.

I walk over to him and push his shoulders down until he perches on the edge of my bed so I can sit myself down within his lap and stroke my fingers across his jaw.

“I promise you no one else will be coming into the mix and if anyone shows me even a hint of interest, I’ll sic you on them,” I say as he captures my fingers in his mouth and bites down making me gasp and Noah laughs thickly.

“Finish getting ready woman, enjoy yourself and when you get back, I’ll be sure to finish what I started,” his words aren’t making sense in my lust fogged brain.

“We both will,” Noah says his hand slips into my halter neck and teases my already hard nipple.

I can’t contain the moan that slips free, but it turns to one of frustration as Noah moves away and Harrison lifts me off his lap.

“Have fun woman,” he says before capturing me in a kiss so hot it could engulf us all in its flame.

He pulls away before giving me one last heated stare and leaves me to finish getting ready, damn these guys are going to kill me. At least I’ll be happy. I really do have a weird way of looking at things.

I DON’T KNOW where we’re going so I’ve donned a pair of bandage wrap leggings, a black tank top, ruffled skirt and heeled boots with laces going up the front. I also have a pair of flats in my bag just in case it isn’t heel friendly. I’m going to keep telling myself this isn’t a date but I can’t see myself believing it.

I know he’s here, the door chimed a couple of minutes ago but I’m not rushing to him

. I want to give him and Noah a chance to talk. They used to be great friends but they’re not anymore, maybe that’s how it will always be or maybe they can reconcile. I’m hoping for the latter but I’m pushing it if I stay up here any longer. Time to pull my big girl knickers up and get this show on the road.

I don’t know if they’ve been listening for me or not but all four guys are waiting by the stairs, although Sawyer is the only one who’s not staring at me, gotta love that guy right now.

“Woman, you look gorgeous,” Harrison growls out, I’m glad he isn’t coming, he'd probably end up in a fight.

“You look amazing my love, enjoy your non date,” Noah says with a wink and I can tell he believes my no date line as much as I do.