Harrison suddenly pulls away and slides his hands under my arms pulling me away from Noah’s hot mouth. My mind is frazzled but the teasing is a bloody wicked game to play.

He holds me close as he plunders my mouth with his tongue, palming my arse before I’m spun around and lowered onto Noah. His moans match mine as I sink down onto him and just being filled is enough to drive me close to the edge. Harrison comes behind me, his chest against my back as he palms my breasts and pinches my nipples. I can feel my walls contract as I grind my hips over Noah, making us both gasp and pant.

One of H’s hands glides down my back and I don’t know what to think or do as one of his fingers strokes across my puckered hole.

“Can I?” He asks, his tone strangled and lust ridden. I’m not sure what to make of it, but I know he’ll look after me and only bring me more pleasure. If that is even possible.

“Yes,” I say on a breathy sigh and he puts a finger against my lips and holds it there until I draw it into my mouth.

I bite down and he moans as he pulls it free and places it against my hole, Noah is clutching my hips tight as he starts pumping his hips, hitting my sweet spot every time. It’s as he comes up for another thrust that Harrison slides his finger inside and I’ve never felt fuller in my life. The slight pain soon gives way to undeniable pleasure and I explode, milking Noah for everything he has at the same time.

My body feels like jelly as I collapse over him but I’m soon pulled away until I’m lying on the mattress beside him, with Harrison hovering over me.

“Think you can go again?” He asks, with the challenge as clear as day in his eyes.

I need to say no, I really should but instead I’m wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down to me. He wastes no time in sinking himself balls deep within me and he’s far from gentle and controlled as he lets himself go and we soon find a release all our own. Noah stays at my side as Harrison pulls himself free, sliding an arm beneath my head until I’m sandwiched between them.

“I love you woman,” he says and there’s nothing but pure, unadulterated affection shining from his eyes.

“I love you too H,” I place a kiss on his chest, right above his heart before turning to face Noah.

“I love you Noah bear,” I place a kiss upon his heart too.

“I love you, always will,” he replies simply and I don’t think truer words have ever been spoken between three people. Sure this is unconventional, but it’s perfect for us.

“You’re ours and we’re yours, no matter what happens it will never change. Also, that was hot as fuck and I will gladly do that again,” says H as his fingers interlock with mine and he brushes kisses over my knuckles.

“You can say that, you boys nearly killed me,” I say with a laugh.

“I never thought I could do something like this, but it feels right. Maybe that’s messed up, but I don’t think it would be the same without his ugly mug as well,” Noah says looking at Harrison who flips him off.

The thing is he’s right, I can’t say for sure it would work if there were only two of us. We all bring something to our strange little family, we complement and challenge each other perfectly. We just make sense. Here’s hoping it will stay that way when Elijah is in the fold as well.


UNKNOWN: did you think you were safe?

I forward the message and number to Devon without any hesitation. I want to believe it’s some kind of sick joke, but I can’t risk it. I’m not going to let it ruin today though, I’m determined to go to class and then I’m spending some time with my guys... and Sawyer.

“Henleigh, where have you been all my life,” Scott calls as I walk into class, hopeless flirt but he’s harmless enough.

“Knock it off, you know you won’t get anywhere with that one,” comes from Callum, he’s a knob for sure but compared to Finley he’s an angel.

“If you’re going to be coming in, you may as well enrol,” I say to Sawyer as he drags a chair over to the back wall and makes himself comfortable.

“With a guy like that, I wouldn’t be interested in you either Scott,” Lucy says and I’m going to do my usual and just ignore them.

“I’m not here to learn little lady, you’re the clever one I’m just the muscle,” he says with a smirk before pulling his phone out.

He gives my tutor a quick nod, and she doesn’t even react to him anymore. I know Devon spoke to her but I have no idea what he could have said to be able to swing this one.

She wastes no time in giving us our assignments, covering different aspects of our cameras and the various filters she would like us to try and use in our portfolio for the week. The only issue, she would like us to partner up for the day and take some portrait photos.

I hate partnering up, I barely speak to anyone past pleasantries or flipping them off and now I have to work with someone. Unbelievable.

“I’ll work with Henleigh,” Scott calls out and all I want to do is hit my head against the table, repeatedly. This day is going to be so much fun... not.

“Hey Henleigh,” he says as he comes to stand beside me and there’s two ways in which I can play this, I think I’ll go for the swift option this time.