He doesn’t come any closer as we stand on either path, only a road separating us.

“Because Elliott is already dead, although if he was alive I’d still choose you. It would make his suffering all that more sweet,” again no infliction, what is going on with this guy? Is he a psychopath or sociopath? Those two always confuse me.

“You said you’d tell me why,” I remind him, and I’m wondering if I’m making a huge mistake.

“Yes but I also told you to get rid of your boyfriends and you failed. Didn’t you Henleigh?! I will say this though, why don’t you look into what else happened on that date. See you soon pretty girl, you’ll be wishing you listened to those bullies at Padstow and just ended it all. Next time I see you, I’ll end you,” a shark like grin cracks his face before he drags his thumb across his throat and walks away.

I can finally breathe again but I feel utterly wrecked as I bend over and rest my hands on my knees. I just need to get my bearings once more and then I’ll be good to go.

“I changed my mind,” his voice comes from right beside me and terror is barrelling its way throughout my body.

His hand clamps around my mouth as his other hand wraps around my chest, pulling me hard against his chest. He’s as hard as granite and I can feel the impact reverberating up my spine. No fuck this. He is not taking me! I bite down on his palm but aside from flinching slightly, it has no effect on this freak of nature. I slam my foot down onto his instep, before turning and slamming my shoulder into his sternum. He lets go, and I’m guessing it’s more to do with the shock than anything else, but he soon goes down as my knee impacts his groin and I’m running.

I know I shouldn’t look back but I can’t help it, why is he smiling?

MR. TERRIFYING IS IN KENT, I know his name is Dante but Mr. Terrifying suits him better in my opinion. Roxie doesn’t know how to react to this news but I can’t stay here. Clearly someone is following me, although I do doubt he’s doing the leg work himself, I’m just going to cause trouble for her if I stay. I leave once everyone is asleep and I don’t even leave a note. All I leave is the bracelet the girls got me and my box of treasured memories. I hope she will keep them safe for me, even if I am sneaking out in the dead of night without so much as a goodbye.

I climb into the taxi and it takes me to the train station, I’m going back to Cornwall so I at least have somewhere to sleep. I’m still sticking to my guns though, this will only be for two, three days at the most and then I’m gone. Where? I have no idea. I just need the truth and to stay alive long enough to figure it all out.

I fall asleep on the train and luckily the conductor wakes me before I can miss my stop, he’s a sweet old man. Probably in his sixties and he has a grandfatherly look about him that melts my heart.

I get a taxi and go straight to my temporary home, my dad’s way of making himself feel a little less guilt. Nope not going there, I need to get a proper night sleep and then I need to get myself another car. Hopefully this time it won’t be as easy to break into.

I’m making myself a hot chocolate before I have a nice relaxing bath and then hopefully that’ll relax me enough. I burn my tongue as I throw back the drink, not patient enough to let it cool down fully and then I climb into a bath with a lavender scent infused with the water. I let the heat wash over me. A sigh of relief falls from me and my eyes drift closed. So relaxing.

“Pipsqueak, you know I love you don’t you?” Elliott sounds so serious and I don’t like it, he doesn’t do serious. He’s always fun when he’s with me, unless he’s trying to protect me.

“Of course you do, you’re my El and I’m your Pipsqueak,” I reply with my sweet smile, that he’s never able to resist.

“You know you’re seven now kiddo, you are getting so big. You won’t even need me soon,” he’s smiling but his eyes are pinched and his mouth looks grim, why isn’t my El happy?

“I’ll always need you, you’re my big brother and my guardian. You always

keep me safe, nothing bad ever happens when you’re around,” I reply innocently, but why aren’t my words making him happy.

“Of course it doesn’t, I’ll always put you first. This isn’t coming out right, look Henleigh you won’t understand this now but I need to say it,” he’s speaking so fast it’s hard to keep up and he keeps chewing on his bottom lip and making sure mum and dad aren’t around to hear us.

“I may not always be here, even though I will do my hardest to always be around, but know that whatever I do… I do for you and me. No one else matters, you’re going to have the best life and never be sad or alone, I’ll make sure of it.” He pulls me into his arms and rocks me back and forth. He never holds me like this and it makes me feel strange, it makes me...worry.

I FIND A NICE FORD FOCUS, second hand but in great condition and it doesn’t cost me an arm and leg which makes it even more perfect. Now all I need is to go back home, boot up my laptop and get my research on. First things first though, I need some bloody food. I haven’t eaten anything in at least twenty-four hours and my stomach is growling like a beast. I don't have it in me to make anything, I think I’ll stop in at a cafe and then I’ll get on with my task for the day.

I sit down and order a cappuccino and a bacon and egg sarnie, I’m hungry but I don’t think I can handle a lot right now. Not with everything that is going on. The waitress wanders off and I rest my head upon my forearms while I wait for her to come back.

I’m not paying a lot of attention as a shadow falls over my table. She can just place it down and I’ll leave a nice tip to make up for my sour attitude.


I shoot upright and stare at Harrison with my mouth open wide in shock, I was not expecting to see him here. What is he doing here? What if he’s spying on me for Dante? Paranoid much!

“What are you doing here? How did you even know I would be here?” I ask, failing to hide my suspicions, I sound as though I’m accusing him of something and his eyes are narrowing at my tone.

“I wasn’t looking for you Monterey, why would I ever want to seek you out?” He asks, his voice harsh and like a lash to my nerves.

“I’m sorry, alright. I’ve had a really crappy last couple of days,” I huff out as I fold my arms and stare out of the window. Just watching the world go by around me.

He sighs loudly as he folds himself into the chair opposite me, there’s no need for him to stay so why is he putting himself out? Clearly he wants to get away from me as quickly as possible. His body language is all wrong, closed off and he’s leaning towards the exit, just waiting for his escape.

“What’s going on?” He sounds bored as he asks this and it's starting to aggravate me.