Harrison growls at the taste of me as he pins my hands over my stomach and uses his free hand to thrust two fingers inside whilst sucking on my clit. Oh dear heavens above, I think they’re trying to kill me with orgasms.

It tears through me and I turn my head to bite down on Noah’s neck, muffling my cries. He moans out as Harrison moves away, grabs my ankles and pulls me until my arse is hanging over the edge and he’s lining his tip up with my entrance.

“Noah, kneel beside my head,” I can dish out the orders too it seems. I can see him swallow deeply, as Harrison keeps himself pressed against me, teasing me.

Noah releases himself from his trousers and I circle him with my hand before drawing him into my mouth, now this is heaven. Harrison thrusts himself home within me and my eyes roll back as I swallow Noah as deeply as I can. I’m relaxing my throat and making up the difference with my hand, as I circle him with my tongue before swallowing which brings his hand into my hair. He fists it so tightly, but it only makes me wetter as Harrison drives himself within me, hard and fast.

He’ll pay for it later when the excitement wears off and the pain returns, but I haven’t got it in me to make it stop. I’m a red-blooded woman, I wouldn’t stop this for anything.

“Henleigh, you’re so fucking tight and wet,” he groans out as he hits harder, his thrusts becoming sloppy as my walls tighten around him and we come undone as stars explode before my eyes.

Noah tries to jerk away but I refuse to release him, squeezing his arse tight with my free hand. I can feel him pulsing and he grunts out as he explodes into my mouth and I don’t even think as I swallow every last drop.


FALLING ASLEEP, trapped between Harrison and Noah is incredible and it only gets better as I wake up wrapped within them. I love being a Henleigh sandwich.

My phone is buzzing like crazy, but everyone who has the number is in this house, other than Ivy. Shit what if something has happened to her or Harrison’s sister. Jumping up, I catch my foot on Harrison and fall hard. Shit, shit, shit. I think I've jarred my shoulder, it’s hurting like a bitch. But the pain is nothing compared to this.

Two guys pretty girl, really? You are worth more than degrading yourself by whoring it out to whoever smiles at you. Oh well, it’s showtime. Come outside and your friends can live, Harrison will be my wildcard. Make the right choice!

Harrison leans over and snatches the phone from me before tearing out of the bedroom completely starkers.

“For crying out loud, baby girl control your men,” shrieks Roxie as she shoves her head into my room and quickly covers her eyes as the cover slips away from Noah.

“Dante’s outside, he got my number I just don’t know how,” I say as I throw on a tank top and a pair of jeans and chase after H.

For crying out loud, I’m a runner it doesn’t mean I’m great at coming to a sudden halt. Crashing into Harrison’s back at the front door was not how I planned to stop, but it does the job.

Peering around the side of him is clearly my only option as he’s way too tall, and I can see Dante standing on the other side of the road staring right at us. He’s miming a gun, bang, bang.

Harrison slams the door closed and wraps me in his arms. I’ve brought this to Roxie’s door, I knew we should have left yesterday.

“I’m starting to think we can’t outrun him,” he says into my hair as he holds me tight, but nothing can warm the ice that is setting within my core.

“You were right baby girl, I never should have asked you to perform, I am so fucking selfish,” Roxie says as she bursts into tears and Declan is trying to console her but clearly we are all feeling helpless right now.

“I have to go, he’ll work his way through all of you if I don’t,” the fear is easy to hear in my voice and my hands are shaking like they’re set on vibrate.

“Why don’t we lead him on a wild goose chase, jump in a car and keep on driving. Only you won’t be in the car,” Mikaela says, appearing in the living room doorway and I don’t know if it could work but maybe it’s worth a shot.

WE HAVE no idea if it’s worked, the apprehension of not knowing is just as bad. I mean it could be a lot worse than being trapped inside a B and B with Noah and Harrison, but it’s steeped in sorrow. We have to say goodbye and it’s breaking my heart and ripping me apart.

“It’s going to be okay, I will see you again Leighbear. I won’t let anything happen to you,” he whispers against my forehead while Harrison stands watch at the window.

“What if we failed and he’s waiting outside, I can’t lose you Noah. Not with such finality,” my bottom lip is trembling and he’s kissing away my tears. My sweet, wonderful Noah. I hope my death won’t change you, like Elliott’s changed me.

“He saw you in that car and we were careful when we did the switch, he should still be chasing Roxie and Mikaela around aimlessly. They’ll be fine, Roxie is nuts behind the wheel, she’ll be okay,” he says while moving his hands up and down my arms.

“It’s time to go,” Harrison says, patting Noah on the back before grabbing our bags.

“Take this and don’t refuse it, let me help in any way I can,” he says while shoving a credit card into my hand. Well blow me, it feels wrong accepting it, but I won’t say no. I can’t afford to.

“I don’t think I have the strength to say goodbye,” I say, my throat closing in on itself. I can’t help but think, this could be the last time I ever see him.

“It isn’t goodbye my love, just see you later. We will be together again,” he kisses me with all the feelings he has within him. And I’m kissing him back with wanton lust and unbidden love. If this is our last kiss, I want to make it as memorable as I can. Right up until the moment our taxi arrives and takes me from him.

I can see him standing at the window as we climb into our taxi, we know there isn’t any point in leaving the area, but London isn’t a small city. There are plenty of places we can lie low and figure out our destination. I can’t believe Harrison’s dad even has a small house in London when he comes to visit, probably to bring his mistress back if Harrison’s suspicions are correct. It only takes twenty minutes to get here, thank fuck and we haven’t told anyone else where we are or even that we were staying put in this big old city.