I load up my Gmail account and there are at least three from Roxie, one just confirms my suspicions. She asked Declan about my suspicion and it turns out that they were installed within my home, from his father’s company. Apparently, they were signed off by my brother, is the sky growing darker or is that just me.

Every room, bar the bathroom, had a camera fitted, his father doesn’t sign off on every purchase but when he recognised my name from school it seemed to stay in his mind. I feel so violated. Those cameras were there the entire time I was, all those times I got changed in my room, it's nauseating.

The second email is the one that told me to leave, I need to find out what she knows but how can I ask without giving the game away? Maybe Dante is tracking my IP address, but what if he’s monitoring the emails themselves.

Baby girl

I’m sorry for the last message, I must have freaked you out for no reason. You know me I’m such a Drama Queen. No, she isn’t. Anyway, I miss you and I hope the guys haven’t been too hard on you. Enjoy your trip and stay away for as long as you want, I’ll keep an eye on your house for you once I get back. I’m finally getting to go, can you believe it, see you soon.

Love ya Baby girl.

CLEARLY, I am missing the big picture here, where is she going? She isn’t saying a lot but maybe that’s all I need, someone else is reading them but how does she know that? Too many questions and no one to shed a little light onto them for me.

“I’ve been thinking,” I jump like a cat that’s just been electrocuted as he drops the tray down in front of me. I never even heard him and he’s looking at me as though I was doing something illegal. “You okay?” He asks, raising his brows as he looks me in the eye.

“Yeah, you just surprised me is all,” I say weakly as I pick up my coffee and take a deep mouthful of the best thing created since sliced bread.

“Okay,” he draws the word out as he takes his seat. “As I was saying, I’ve been thinking abou

t that Dante guy and I’ve realised that I kind of understand him.”

“What the fuck,” I shout at him, and people are staring at me as though I’m just another teenage delinquent.

“Not like that, jeez woman what do you take me for,” now he looks disgruntled but how did he expect me to react? “What I mean is, he’s going to a lot of effort to destroy you. He told you he’s going to kill you, but he hasn’t exactly tried yet. Don’t think that’s because he doesn’t have the means or lack of opportunity, I think he wants you to suffer. The same way I did,” he shifts in his seat and looks down as he picks up his mug and takes a long swig of it.

“You didn’t want to kill me though,” I point out, as I pick up the lemon curd muffin he thoughtfully got for me.

“Yeah, because I’m not a psychopath,” he scoffs in return while rolling his eyes, I think I’m rubbing off on him.

I turn the computer so it’s facing him so he can read the email for himself and his eyebrows draw together as he reads it again and again, guess he can’t decipher it either.

“Well, you know her,” he says offhandedly while pouring way too much sugar into his mug. “Did she ever mention a place she wanted to go to, maybe this is her way of giving us a place to head off to,” he says and it's so brilliant I could kiss him. If it wasn’t Harrison of course.

“She mentioned a couple of places, I just need to figure out which one it is. There was a place she wanted to go as a band but I think that’s been pushed to the side now, seeing as I refused to join permanently, Maybe it’s…” I’m cut off as Harrison places his finger against my lips, my eyes widen in return and I bite down on the pad of his finger. Am I imagining the fire that is burning in his eyes or the fact that he isn’t pulling away, I guess I should then.

I clear my throat as I pull back slightly and lick my lips, is it getting hotter or is that just me.

“I think…” he trails off as he stares at me and I stare right back, what is happening right now? His eyes flick to the side and he grows pale as his eyes widen, I follow his gaze and there it is. A motorbike with two people atop it, staring right at us from the road, we see their heads nod as they speed away.

“That’s a different bike right, there’s no way anyone could have followed us,” I say hopefully, and he nods along but he’s miles away and I’d love to know where he’s gone.

WE FIND a hotel attached to a pub, they don’t even bat an eye at us as they pass us a key and send us off on our merry way.

“I don’t understand this H, how do they keep finding us. We haven’t messaged anyone, and I only just accessed my emails who the fuck are they?” My voice is growing higher in pitch and my arms are curling around my stomach.

“I may be to blame here,” he says sheepishly, and he pulls back as I launch myself at him, catching me around my waist and holding me away from him.

“What did you do?” I ask, my eyes spitting fire, after all the guilt I’ve been harbouring over this, and he may be just as responsible for why they keep finding us, is he shitting me right now?!

“I’ve messaged my boss a few times, as well as Ivy,” I relax in his hold enough for him to let me go and I move to the other side of the room. Looks like I’m not the only one who ignores his ‘sage’ advice.

“Looks like you’ll be needing a new one too, hand your phone over,” I order, holding my hand out and narrowing my eyes while holding my head up. Yet again the height difference makes it impossible for me to look down at him, but I’m giving it my best shot.

He keeps looking between the phone and me and it's making me curious, is there something he doesn’t want me to see on it. He unlocks it and I know for a fact he’s deleting something. What do you have to hide Harrison?

He shoves it into my hand before storming off into the bathroom and I take this opportunity to give Ivy a call, I just need to word this right.

“Harry, what are you doing? I thought you couldn’t call me with everything that's going on,” she sounds nervous, I wonder how much he’s told her.