“Leave him,” I say, nausea travelling up my windpipe as I spew across the ground and atop of Dante’s shoes. He tuts before wiping himself clean and hauling me over to a different van. Throwing me inside and sealing the door closed, please don’t die H, I need you to survive.


I HAVE no idea where I am or how long I’ve been gone, the chair I’m tied to has long ceased bothering me and the rope no longer chafes at my skin. I’m in a constant state of numbness right now, nothing can reach me.

Dante comes in the room daily, he just stands in front of me and stares, but I can’t figure out why. It feels as if he’s waiting for something, but he’s not giving anything away.

“Pretty girl, I’ve brought a friend for you to play with,” he says as he opens the door and throws a body next to me.

Fuck, is he dead? Forget that for a second who is it? Oh my giddy god, it’s Finley!

“Fin, are you okay?” I whisper yell, I’d kick him if I wasn’t being held to the chair legs with bloody duct tape.

He groans in reply as he rolls to the side and empties his stomach contents.

“Fuck me brownie, what’s going on? Why is Harrison’s mate doing this to us?” He looks and sounds as terrified as I feel, and I can’t believe he still thinks Harrison could have something to do with this.

“I don’t know, he said he wanted to kill me, but he hasn’t done anything,” I choke out on a sob as he gets onto his hands and knees and makes his way closer to me.

“I can get you out,” he gasps as he hacks up blood onto his hand before wiping it onto his trousers.

“He’ll kill you if you do,” I exclaim, doesn’t anyone know how to listen?

“And he’ll kill you if I don’t, I will not face my nana because I was scared of that psycho,” he spits out as he goes to town on the tape, picking at the edges until it starts to come loose.

I want to weep with joy as he frees both my legs and does the same with my arms, if he wasn’t such a twat, I’d hug him.

“Do you know how we can get out of here?” I ask as I tiptoe over to the door and place my ear against the wood.

“I think we’re in a basement, I remember being dragged down some stairs before he chucked me in here. If we can get up there without being seen, we just might be able to get outside. Even if you have to leave me behind, make sure you do not stop,” he says as he stands beside me and burns my irises with the ferocity in his gaze.

“I won’t leave you behind, that isn’t the kind of person I am,” I reply as he sighs deeply, I can’t waste time on that right now. I have a damn prison to escape.

The door opens on a creak which is causing us both to freeze, what if Dante heard it? Although I’m sure he would be making his way down here by now if he had, no it’s okay. We are still in the clear.

Holding my hand out for him to grab onto seems a smart idea, at least this way we won’t lose one another. We climb up the stairs quietly, flinching every time there’s a creak but nothing else happens. I don’t know about Finley, but my nerves are shot to shit.

“I should go first,” Finley says, trying to be chivalrous but I don’t need that right now.

“Stopping to trade places is a waste of time that we can’t afford, besides there’s no reason for you to risk yourself to keep me safe,” I say with an eye roll as I twist the door knob and watch as it slowly pushes open.

“Is the coast clear?” He asks and I squeeze his hand before stepping forward. It’s okay Henleigh, we’re nearly there.

Sneaking around the doorway I can see the front door, but the walls are covered with pictures of Elliott and me. Like some weird kind of alter, damn he really hates us. All of the ones with Elliot have had his face scratched out, while mine are fine except for the eyes. They’ve been painted in black, an endless void to match Dante’s.

Clap, clap, clap.

“You made it farther than I thought, well done pretty girl,” he says watching me from the top of the stairs. I’d been too ignorant to scout out beforehand.

“Finley, get out of here,” I scream, trying to push him away.

“Why would I do that?” He asks as he cocks his head to the side and squeezes my hand hard enough to make me cry out.

I’m staring at him wide eyed, as tears flood them but I won’t let them fall. I just don’t understand.

“Poor little brownie, so clever yet so oblivious to the world around her,” he says with a hate filled, icy tone as he drags me back by my hand and pulls me flush against him.

“If you weren’t such a whore I would have offered you a go on me before you died, but with the way you throw yourself about I have no idea what I’d catch,” he says with a malicious grin as he grabs hold of my plait and the back of my top.