We have to be careful, if someone gave Dante my number then it means I can’t trust them all. Without knowing for sure, I must treat everyone the same and although I hate it, I know it’s the right option.

“Come on woman, let’s grab a shower and then we can have something to eat. We have to keep our strength up,” he says while dropping a kiss on my forehead.

“Have you got enough tablets?” I ask, following him up the stairs and into the bathroom with a walk-in shower.

“I’m okay for the time being, don’t worry I’ve got it covered,” he sounds so convincing, but he’s forgotten before, what happens if he runs out completely?

TWO WEEKS OF BLISSFUL IGNORANCE, I can’t believe no one has found us. Mikaela is a genius, I need to buy her the biggest fucking gift I can think of when I see her next.

“Errr, Henleigh,” Harrison calls from the kitchen and I don’t like the shock of worry I can hear in his voice.

“What’s the matter tough guy?”

“Devon has been released from prison, he paid Ivy a visit,” his words are heated, and I can see the anger rolling off him in waves.

“He’s looking for you, he isn’t happy that you’ve gone off the grid. It may not be long before we’re discovered here, it’s in my father’s name after all,” he says as I wrap my arms around his waist. I just want to calm him down, if I can. If Ivy is okay, there’s no reason for him to get too worked up. I think.

Leaning up to kiss him clearly isn’t allowed as we’re thrown backward, Harrison lands hard into the marble countertop whereas I’m hurtled straight into the back door.

This place feels like a furnace as an explosion takes hold and shakes the foundations of the house, fire is licking up the walls as we pry the back door open and make it out just as the kitchen is taken over by a wall of fire.

This house won’t be saved, and everything we had is being burned to the ground. All except one credit card, a letter from Elliott that I still can’t read and our phones. Everything else is being incinerated and all we can do is stand here and watch. One more explosion tears through the house as a fireball chases us down and out of the back door, we leap to the side and get away with only a small amount of scorching.

“We need to go,” he shouts over the ringing in my ears as he takes my hand and pulls me down through the garden and out of the gate. Running around until we come to a row of garages, he opens one to reveal a black Audi TT. It has to be his father’s, but I don’t think he cares, I sit down in the passenger seat and he throws it into gear.

We are breaking every speed limit known to man and being thrown into the side of the car is not fun. Especially when it happens multiple times, I can’t complain though. It’s this or burn to death, how could I choose the latter?

We have no destination in mind, clearly all he is thinking about is how to get away in the quickest time possible. I really hope we don’t get pulled over, there will be no talking our way out of this one.

Scouring the internet is helping to keep me distracted and at least I’m doing something useful while he’s driving like a maniac. I have no idea how I found a room to stay in for a few days, there’s even parking around the back so the car won’t be on show.

“Are you sure this place will be okay?” He asks for the umpteenth time but what else can I do but nod in return. I don’t trust my voice to try and be

more vocal. I’ll either scream or cry, maybe even both with the way I feel right now.

“Come on, let’s grab the key and then we can hole ourselves in. We beat the odds again, we’re okay,” he’s really trying to stress this, but I just don’t see it. There is no silver lining to be found, we are only here due to sheer luck. We could have quite as easily wound up dead.


Hey big bro I could really use you right about now, I keep thinking I should open your letter and see what it is you have to say. Did you write it because you thought you may not come back and if so, why did you risk it? Did you hurt Damon? No, that doesn’t feel right and not because I can’t picture you hurting anyone but because I’ve been thinking long and hard about this. I think he was yours, like Harrison and Noah are mine.

So how did he end up with a bullet in him, from the same type of gun you had in your car? I understand his strong reaction to me, if he was your lover then seeing your eyes must have brought it all back to the centre for him. Reminding him of who he had lost, I wish him nothing but health and happiness, but I think he’s the reason I’m being targeted. Sure, I could be wrong, but I do not believe in coincidences.

I just need to figure out who he is to Dante, brother, uncle, cousin or maybe an ex lover that he never got over. Yeah that last one doesn’t feel right, I don’t think he even knows how to love. He’s nothing but an empty shell, everyone says that the eyes are the window to the soul and his eyes are empty. He’s soulless and I don’t think having my death on his conscience will make him lose a wink of sleep.

Is there a way to beat him big brother or are we just prolonging the inevitable? Right now, all I care about is Harrison keeping his life, I won’t drag him down with me. I love you, don’t forget to save me a seat right at the front and it better be beside you.

Love you always,


TWO MONTHS SINCE EVERYTHING BEGAN, I don’t know why I continue to write to him when I know he’ll never answer but maybe I’m wrong. We have to run again, there’s no way around it. We’ve been changing rooms every other day and he hasn’t found us yet, I feel suspicious but Harrison is viewing it as some kind of reprieve. I can’t see it myself, something big is about to go down and I can feel it in my bones.

“Seatbelt,” he says as he switches the engine on, guess I better do as I’m told.

“Are you going to read that?” He asks, looking at the envelope, if it wasn’t from Elliott I probably would have twisted it up by now and ruined its legibility.

“Yeah, I think I’m finally ready,” I reply softly as he holds onto my left hand, I can’t even begin to express to him how much I appreciate and adore him.