Oh god, Harrison. Why don’t the tears cease, I have no right to cry over him. If he’s dead then it’s my fault, it’s Rebecca all over again. Like sister, like brother. You are so fucking twisted.

I don’t know if I should look for him or stay here and wait for something to happen. Dante keeps finding me, why will this time be any different?

It’s been nearly forty minutes since I pounded the gravel and fell into this room, a heaving, sweaty mess. My eyes are like saucers as I hear a beep outside the door, someone has unlocked it. I don’t know who this is, it must be Noah although I hope it’s Harrison. Oh shit, it could be Dante. He’s killed H, taken his key and come for me. Looks like I’m coming sooner than planned El.

I am not going down without a fight, crouching on the far side of the bed with a lamp in my hands, I am more than ready.

The door opens, it should be creaking, doesn’t this situation call for an ominous sound of a creaking hinge as the door is opened by my soon to be murderer.

“Leighbear, little help.”

Harrison is a bloodied mess with his arm wrapped around Noah and Amias’ shoulder. His head is tilting to one side as they drag him across the threshold. The lamp is falling unbidden from my hands and hitting the ground with a sense of finality as it smashes into pieces. Getting in front of them in a nanosecond has to be a record, I have to help them get him to the bed. What I want to do is kick Amias out, but that isn’t the right thing to do right now. The right thing isn’t always that simple.

“I didn’t realise you two had become so close,” Amias says, his eyes screaming bloody murder as his words try to lash at me under the ferocity that they’re spoken with.

“Amias, you did your good deed now go. I’m not going to have Henleigh thinking I’m the reason you are even here,” Noah shoots out and I don’t know who’s more shocked, Amias or me.

“I’d love to know what’s going on here, but Harrison doesn’t need this,” I say, hurrying into the bathroom to get a bowl of water and a washcloth.

“Is there anything I can do?” Noah asks, speaking softly as Amias storms off towards the door and leans against the wall next to the frame.

“If you can help me get his top and shoes off and get him under the covers, I should be able to take it from there. But I have to know, why didn’t you take him to the hospital?” I shouldn’t be mad, but he should be checked out by someone who knows what they’re doing!

“He refused, he didn’t want to leave you alone in case that psycho came after you,” Noah replies as he helps me to undress H, what would I do without him? My Noah bear.


I CANNOT BELIEVE Amais refused to leave, I know he’d still be here with us if it wasn’t for Noah. I would love to know what is going on between those two, but Harrison had to be my priority.

“Woman,” he moans as a cough wracks through his body and he’s grimacing as I run the cloth over his chest and abdomen. Revealing the bruises hidden underneath the crimson staining his skin.

“Hush now, we can talk soon,” I say gently, pressing my finger against his lips as I continue to clean him up.

I can’t think about the blood and bruises, it will only make me fall apart if I do.

His hand is pressing against mine, holding it prisoner against his abdomen. Flicking my eyes up to his, I am terrified by what I see there. I’m wrong I know I am, but what if I’m not? How do I handle it?

“You got away,” relief is pouring from him, and if I was standing, I know I’d fall down by how weak he’s making me feel.

“I’m sorry H, I never should have left you. This happened because of me,” I hate that I’m crying, I have no right too. Not with the state he’s in, physically I’m fine how is that fair?

“It was worth it, the bruises, the bleeding and the pain. It’s all worthwhile now that I know you’re safe,” his tone is gruff but softer than usual and it’s full of all the emotions shining out from his eyes.

“Nothing is worth having this done to you,” I say as I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, no doubt I’ll start getting a metallic taste in my mouth soon.

He’s sitting up with a loud groan that seems to reverberate through his entire body. Putting his fingers to my lip and freeing it from my teeth. Why is my breath escaping me so jaggedly? He’s injured for Pete's sake.

His fingers skimming across my cheek are making my eyes want to roll back, I am messed up. Right?

“I’m glad you listened to me, I don’t want you to get hurt,” his eyes are refusing to release me from their hold and the intensity is terrifying for reasons I don’t want to question right now.

“Lay back, let me take care of you,” it falls out without any hesitation and I can’t believe he’s doing as I’ve asked. Twilight zone or what!

The cut on his side does not look good, but at least it isn’t bleeding heavily. Noah left a first aid kit on the dresser which is a godsend, thank you Noah bear.

He winces as he gets back up so I can wrap a bandage across his thick back and around his torso to cover the dressing I’ve attached to him. He’s breathing deeply and it catches occasionally, not that it’s surprising.

“Henleigh,” our eyes connect, and he places his hand across mine.