What if Dante is tracking me? Noah could do it but Mr. Terrifying is a wild card and I don’t know him from Adam. Am I underestimating him too much?

Sod it I'm going to stretch my legs, we’re on a train so I think I’ll be fine. Internally rolling my eyes, oh yes like a champ. I go into the next carriage just idly passing people until I find the little girls room.

It’s terrifying using the toilet on a train because they rarely lock properly, it would be just my luck that someone will open the door while I have my knickers wrapped around my ankles.

I walk back to our seat, that’s strange? I could have sworn I saw that same guy in the other carriage, why has he moved in here? Our eyes lock and I quickly look away as I sink down onto my seat.

“H, I think that guy over there is following me,” I say my tone coming out raspy as fear ricochets through me.

His face pales slightly as he looks around before he sits back down and gives me a strange look, what have I done this time?

“Henleigh, there’s no one there,” he’s looking at me as though I was playing a sick joke on him but I wasn’t. Maybe I got the wrong impression, not hard to do with the situation I’ve found myself in. Right?

A FEW HOURS have passed and we are now clambering off the train in bloody Cambridge, I do not have anything against the place but it still isn’t London. Harrison made a convincing argument against going there and I need to stop fighting with him, this is my fault and I can’t risk him getting hurt because I’m too stubborn to listen to reason.

“Come on, we’ll find a place to crash for the night and then we can get a car in the morning,” he says, as he hoists our bags onto his back and walks off down the road.

“I can carry my own bag,” I grit out, but he just gives me a dirty look, while continuing to carry it for me. “Also if you can stop for a minute, I think we should put the car in your name,” I grip hold of his arm, heating up at the feel of his muscles beneath my hand as I get him to stop moving.

“Why?” He asks, a lot more smug than is necessary and he’s only going to get worse.

“Because you’ve got me worrying that he could be tracking us somehow and if he can do it through texts and emails, then maybe he could do it through a car in my name as well. So well done, you’ve dragged me into your paranoia,” I huff out with an eye roll and his smirk widens and then falls as he takes in my words.

“Ahh shit, what if he tracks me too. Clearly he knows we’re together,” he’s thinking out loud and I’m standing here and waiting for it. The moment he decides to go it alone, safety in numbers doesn’t apply when I’m involved.

“Okay we’ll get a car that’s fine, but when we rent a room somewhere we’ll use my old fake ID and park the car far enough away that he can’t assume where we’re staying. That should afford us a little more safety, even if only temporarily,” he says it all so easily and I can’t help that I’m standing here slack jawed, he isn’t leaving. Did he even consider it? Of course he did, you’re not worth the trouble.

Yeah my inner voice is feeling particularly cruel and bitchy today, woo me.

“What’s wrong now? Are you pissy because I went ahead and made plans? Isn’t that great,” he fires at me with so much heat and attitude that I can’t help but slap him across his face. Why ask me a question if he’s going to answer them himself.

He rears back and so do I, I can’t believe I did that. Oh fuck. His eyes roll back as he falls to the floor and starts having a seizure, we’ve been running for three days and I never even thought about this happening.

I drop down and run off instinct and memory to ensure he won’t harm himself, we draw quite a crowd.

“Is everything okay?” Comes a male voice and I only giving him a passing look. When a first aider from a nearby shop comes out to help as well, I look back up but he’s gone. He looked so much like the guy from the train, I’m fucking paranoid.

By the time he comes back around an ambulance has arrived and he’s thoroughly pissed off, he refuses to go to hospital when he says it was his fault anyway. I don’t know how that works but I’m quick to my own anger when he admits that he’s been forgetting to take his meds. Anger and guilt, he forgot because of the stress we’re under.


DAY seven of being on the run with Harrison, he says I’m driving him crazy because I refuse to let him go anywhere alone. He had a seizure for crap’s sake, how does he expect me to behave.

“Henleigh, where is it? I’m not fucking around woman, give it to me now,” he shouts and a smirk is crawling over my lips, round one goes to me. Haha.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say the epitome of innocence as I bat my eyes before continuing, “why don’t you tell me what you’ve lost and I’ll see if I can help you find it.” Yes, I’m being condescending, and I don’t care. I’m having so much fun and it’s at his expense, even better.

“Give me back my medication, I don’t even know why you took them in the first place,” his hands are balling into fists and I won’t push him too much further.

“Are you sure you haven’t just forgotten where you put them? I mean it is possible, seeing as you forgot to take them,” I have a note to my tone now, I’m still royally pissed at him for putting himself at risk like that.

“Henleigh, I need my pills,” he screams at me and out of context it would sound so bad.

“You need them in thirty minutes, I’ll give you them then. I’m not taking any chances with you now H, even if I have to be your very own private nurse,” I put my hands on my hips as I try to stare him down. The height difference makes it difficult but not impossible.

“You are exasperating, I don’t even know why you care,” he says snottily before storming back off into the bathroom.

I walk over to the window to let some air in and my breath whooshes out of my chest. I know I’m not imagining it now, the guy from the train is standing on the opposite side of the road looking up at me.