“Screw you,” I step closer to him and jab my finger in his chest, which makes him grab my hand within his own.

“Don’t touch me,” his eyes are narrow and his nostrils are flaring as he throws my hand away and storms out of the room. Hopefully, when he comes back we both will have calmed down a tad.

HARRISON HASN’T COME BACK and I’m worried, what if something bad has happened or Dante found us? Yes I’m paranoid but how can I not be with the situation we’re in. I don’t think he could have found us, but the stress is getting to me and I just want it all to be over.

My phone beeps and a wave of excitement is coursing through me, it could be from Noah or maybe even Elijah. Mr. Freaking elusive. The smile on my face falls as I unlock it and see an unknown number.

“How’s Nottingham treating you pretty girl? Don’t worry you won’t have to miss me for much longer, I’ll be there real soon.”

Well crap on a cracker, how does he know where I am? I haven’t even told anyone yet. Hang on yet, you ain’t ever telling anyone.

My inner monologue, ever the voice of reason. Harrison really needs to pull his finger out and get back here, we need to move and I can’t wait forever.

My heart slams against my chest as the door is thrown open and Harrison comes in panting as though he just run the London marathon.

“What’s going on?” I rush over to him and run my hand up and down his back as he bends over and leans his hands against his knees.

“I saw this motorbike when I left, what two hours ago, and it stuck in my mind because it is a beauty and definitely a vintage,” I can hear the admiration in his voice but I need to hurry this along. “Anyway, it’s still driving around out there. I stayed back for half an hour just watching the main road that leads onto this place, I must have seen it pass at least six times. The rider has a pillion and their head was definitely checking out the car park.” He’s growing frantic as he fights himself and starts getting our bags together.

“Calm down for a minute, it doesn’t mean they’re looking for us,” I point out hopefully and maybe a little naively as well.

“The same bike was following me, until I went into the centre and it couldn’t follow. It must have come straight back here, I think they are looking for your car Henleigh. Fuck!”

I step back as he screams that word from the top of his lungs, while mine are constricting and threatening to without oxygen until I inevitably pass out.

“What do we do?” I ask, his eyes are wild but I can tell he’s thinking about the best way to answer my question, please have a solution H. Because I cannot think straight right now.

“We grab our bags and wait for the bike to pass, that’ll give us five, maybe ten minutes tops to duck down one of the side roads and make it to the train station,” he’s calming down even if his tone is still a little frantic. “We buy a ticket to who the fuck cares where and then we get a new car once we arrive,” it all sounds so logical, but the success of his plan all relies on one thing and I’m not sure we can count on it.

“What if they’re not the only ones watching this place H, what do we do then?” My voice is shaking as I sink down onto the edge of the mattress and I can’t get my hands to stop shaking.

He takes a few deep breaths before crouching down before me and taking my hands within his own.

“We just have to hope that they are, I won’t let anything happen to you okay. I’ve got your back,” his thumbs are stroking along the tops of my hands and it’s helping to ground me.

The fear hasn’t gone away but I feel a little more in control and his plan, well it’s our best course of action. I just hope it works.

GETTING to the train station felt almost impossible, my heart was beating way too fast and so many times I doubted we could get there without the riders seeing us.

How can I not be relieved sitting on the train, opposite H, knowing that we did it. Only, H doesn’t look relieved. His eyes are dark and his mouth is pulled into a tight line. His shoulders are stiff and the muscles in his arms are flexed, I just don’t know why.

“Hey you were right, we got here and weren’t seen. What’s the matter?” I ask, keeping my voice low to try and ensure no one but H will hear me.

“Do you get the feeling it was too easy?” He raises his brows at me as I scoff at his words, nothing about what we just did was easy.

“What life were you living just then? That was far from simple H,” he is making me feel so exasperated right now, can’t he just be happy for a moment?

“You don’t get it, someone found us up here. How did they even know where to look? And if they were able to find us all the way up here, how did we get away?” He looks at me as though I’m supposed to know the answers or maybe he needs me to know them. His words however, are making my stomach feel like it’s a bottomless pit of anxiety, what a bastard.

He’s being realistic, but I don’t need that right now. There is nothing wrong with a spot of denial here and there.

“No more emails and we’ll get you a new sim, maybe go a little longer before you contact your lovers this time round, yeah,” the patronising arse wipe says, and his tone is leaving no room for me to argue. Of course I’m going to anyway.

“Excuse me, where do you get off telling me what to do? Even brushing that aside for a moment, why would changing my sim and foregoing my emails make a lick of difference?” I ask and I’m sure my look is screaming out how far down the rabbit hole I think he’s gone.

“He could be tracking you through your number, maybe even tracing you from your IP address,” damn, he’s being so serious and I’m cracking up and laughing so loud it’s drawing attention. “Will you calm the fuck down,” he hisses as he drops down beside me and gets into my face.

“He’s a psychotic bully, not fucking MI6. You’re being paranoid and I for one, will not be drawn into your delusions,” I want to laugh and play it off as nothing more than a joke, but although my tone may have come out a little haughty. He’s still managed to drag me down into the rabbit hole alongside him.