“Little cub, what’s wrong? Your door wasn’t even locked,” he sounds like he’s admonishing me and worrying about me at the same time.

“Don’t little cub me,” I grit out as he lays his hand on my forehead.

“Cub, you’re burning up. Is anything else wrong?”

“Yeah, you won’t leave me alone,” why isn’t he getting the message?

“I’ll be back soon,” he says, ignoring my question before he finally leaves and I’m quickly drifting back off to sleep.

Ten minutes, that’s all I get before someone is holding my wrist and shoving something under my tongue.

“What’s wrong with her, is she going to be okay?” His tone is frantic and I crack an eye open to see him worrying his bottom lip, Amias never does that.

“It’s probably just a virus, but I’ll keep an eye on her. Her temperature is raised, but I’m not overly concerned at the moment. Get to class, she’ll be fine,” says some lady, probably the nurse.

“I’m not leaving her you demented bint, and I don’t care what you and the principal have to say about it either. So, tell me how to help her, I may as well be useful.”

“Quiet, please,” I’m begging, but I just hope they can hear me over the deafening noise of their damn voices.

“Henleigh, can you tell me how you are feeling?” asks the nurse and I want to laugh and throw something sarcastic at her but I can’t.

“Migraine, cold, tired, noise and light hurt and I feel sick,” that is all they are going to get out of me.

The nurse is saying something to my warrior or traitor, they both feel fitting names for him. The door is opening, yay they are finally going away and leaving me in peace.

So, why is my bed dipping? Oh please don’t touch me, everything hurts. I think I’m whimpering, but it seems to convince them to take their hand off of me. I want to cry out as I’m suddenly pulled to the side, but it feels nice once I’m settled against a warm chest and my hair is being stroked. Mmm this is nice, I can sleep now. I feel safe and wanted, there’s something wrong about this, but my head is working properly, oh well, I’ll figure it out later.

I’m opening my eyes, why am I being held? Shouldn’t I be

in class, I feel really confused and my head hurts.

“Hey little cub, how are you feeling?”

“Not so loud please, my head is banging. What happened? Why are you here?” I ask, talking as quietly as I can and hoping he can work out what I’m saying.

“After what happened yesterday, I wanted to make sure you were okay and to talk to you about the other guys.” He brushes the hair away from my brow, ignoring the way it tries to cling to my forehead. “But when I got here and knocked, there was this crash against the door so I came in, your phone is done for. Did you throw it at the door?” he asks and I can’t tell if he’s angry or amused, his tone is giving me mixed messages and I’m trying to recall what happened.

“There was this loud noise, and I wanted it to go away, so I threw whatever I got my hand on first,” I’m mumbling as I clutch my head against the jackhammer that is going off in my skull. “Dad is going to kill me, can I go back to sleep please, I don’t feel so good.”

“Of course you can, get some rest. Hopefully it will make you feel better.” He’s speaking softly and I can see how much his worry for me is wearing on him.

“Okay but first, I need to go to the bathroom,” I mumble as my cheeks heat and I find it really hard to look at him as I say this and even he has to clear his throat. Though I suspect he’s trying not to laugh.

I move slowly, but I can’t do this. My legs are wobbling, I don’t think I can make it in there on my own and I’m not going to ask for help to go to the bathroom. It’s humiliating.

“Come on little cub, I don’t think you can make it on your own, I’ll take you.”

“No you won’t, it's embarrassing,” I shriek out and he just smirks as he picks me up bridal style and carries me over.

“I’ll wait outside for you, just give me a shout when you’re done,” he says, as he drops a kiss down upon my forehead.

“Okay,” I mumble in return, before closing the door and shuffling over to the toilet.

Everything hurts and aches, I’m beyond tired and I’m so cold. I can’t stop shaking, what is going on? I felt fine yesterday, I don’t understand it at all.

“Amias,” I try to shout it, but it comes out as a croak. He must have exceptional hearing as he’s coming in and lifting me back into his arms.

“Do you want me to get you something to eat?” he asks, as he tucks me into my bed but my shaking is getting worse.