Oh no, Elijah. I drop down onto the floor beside him, he’s holding his face and groaning so loudly. It’s no wonder Devlin and Benjamin are soon rushing in.

“What is going on here?” Benjamin looks panicked but his eyes are starting to crinkle at the sides as he takes in my mortified and worried expression.

“It was an accident I swear, he was tickling me and I kicked him I’m so sorry,” I’m speaking so fast, how are they supposed to understand me.

“It’s fine, don’t worry. The last time Dimitri did that to Elisa she got him right in the eye, an impressive shiner for sure,” says Devlin chuckling as he pulls Elijah up and checks him over.

“I hate to say it son, but there’s no improvement. You’re destined to be this ugly forever.”

“Dad, you realise I look like you right. It’s all in the genes,” he throws back before winking at me and I know

we’re okay. I still can’t believe I actually kicked him in the face, but at least he’s a good sport about it.

It’s been a couple hours since the face kicking incident and I’m sitting here in my room and I don’t know what to do, I’m trying to ring Dad but he isn’t answering. So much for wanting to talk to me, oh well maybe later is better than sooner in this instance.

“Come in,” I say, as a soft knock is placed against my door and I’m so happy to see that it’s Elisa.

“Hey sweet girl, I just wanted to come and apologise for Oscar. He had no right to speak to you like that and he’ll be suffering for it for at least a month. I think that’s a reasonable sentence.”

“It’s fine really, he doesn’t know me and Eli already said that he doesn’t bring people back because they’re judgemental arseholes.” Ah shit, my eyes are as wide as bloody saucers, I have the sudden urge to laugh. Nervous laughter, when did that happen? “Sorry, I don’t mean to swear,” my cheeks are no doubt as red as a tomato right now.

“Don’t worry about it, I swear worse than a sailor when my boy isn’t here. Now I know you have some questions regarding my way of life, we can talk about it now if you want. Or whenever you feel ready to.”

I pat a spot in the bed and she sits down, she has such a welcoming air about her. I could definitely do a lot worse in the in-law department. Fuck Henleigh, don’t go thinking like that!

“There are so many things I want to know, but the main thing is why you chose this way? I keep having a go at myself for liking more than one guy and I can’t help but think that I should choose, even though I’m not sure I can.”

“I didn’t choose it, if anything I fought my feelings for so long and it was making me miserable. I had Devlin asking me every day to be his but he’d been like that since we were kids and I always said no. It was Benjamin who I found it hardest to deny, he was this sweet guy who did anything just to see me smile. He asked me out, and I said yes but Devlin took it bad, he couldn’t understand why I would choose him. And I told him it was because I couldn’t bear to lose him and he told me I was on the way to doing just that. He asked why I couldn’t just be with both of them?”

She stops talking and I’m fascinated, I mean I know how it ends but I want to know how they got here.

“What did you say? And how did the other two come into it?” I ask and she gives me a sad smile which I can’t understand, the ending is happy.

“I told him that it wouldn’t be right to be with more than one person, I’d feel like a tart. And I couldn’t share them, so how could it be fair? You don’t get to eat your cake and keep it at the same time, and he kissed me. I was so mad at him that I slapped him across the face and refused to speak to him for a few weeks. But that whole time I couldn’t get that kiss out of my mind and I’m not one for keeping secrets, so I told Benjamin. He looked so hurt, and then Dimitri decided to throw his hat in the ring. If Benjamin and Devlin got a chance, why couldn’t he? So, I did the childish thing and ran. I disappeared for a year and when I was ready to come back, I messaged them all. I told them how I thought I was in love with them, but it was killing me having to choose. And they thought if they could give me the time to work out my feelings, then I would stop running. The problem was it wasn’t just the three of them anymore.”

“So it was Oscar,” I state, and she shakes her head, okay now I feel really confused.

“I think that’s enough for tonight,” she goes to get up and I clutch hold of her hand, I want to hear the rest.

“His name was Jason, and he was the reason I reached out it to the guys, his father had been in a poly amorous relationship and he couldn’t see why the guys wouldn’t share me. He made it clear that we all had to be open to it and know the rules that we ourselves needed to set, so he came home with me and Devlin was the first to welcome him. Dimitri said he would consider it, but he made it clear he would expect me to choose eventually and Benjamin walked away.”

“I don’t understand, how did you convince them that it was the right thing to do?” I ask, and she laughs wholeheartedly.

“Oh sweet pea you can’t convince anyone of that, they either come to that realisation themselves or they walk away. The one thing you must know is that your Harem may not stay the same. Some you may lose, and you may even find someone else who completes your heart but it isn’t an excuse to sample every man or woman that takes your fancy. If this is something you truly want, then choose the ones who you cannot imagine being without, the ones who make you feel like you’re finally complete. It may be one guy or five that doesn’t matter, but you can’t have favourites or secrets and you must share your time fairly. Most of all, communication is key.”

“What if there are three guys I care for, but I’ve already fallen for one? Isn’t that breaking the no favourite rule?” My voice is quiet, I’m so scared to ask this and I can’t look at her. Instead I’m wringing my hands and staring at them as though they hold all the answers.

“I didn’t fall for all of them at the same time and our bonds are different but the love I feel for them is the same, even if it came at different times. Just whatever happens, try not to hurt my boy. If you can’t see yourself with him, that’s fine, it happens but don’t lead him on. He’s happy and a constant smiler but he breaks just like you and I,” she drops a kiss on my head before leaving me alone.

I wonder what happened to Jason and how Oscar came onto the scene? Oh well, hopefully she’ll tell me one day and for now I’m going to get some sleep. Today has tired me out more than I realised, I wonder what tomorrow will bring.


My three days are coming to an end, I can’t wait to spend some time with Bella but I’m really going to miss Elijah. I need him to know how much I appreciate him bringing me here, I still don’t know what I’m going to do, but things do feel a little clearer now.

I’m stepping into their dining room when I’m suddenly thrown into the air and engulfed in a bear hug.

“Nope, you’re not going. Don’t leave me,” such a drama king but it’s making me laugh and soon his Dads are joining in.