“You told her,” he screams at Harrison as he charges for him, I’m up and out of my chair but he’s going too fast. He collides with me and we fall to the floor hard, his shoulder ricocheting off my jaw.

“You imbecile,” comes from Roxie as she helps me up and positions herself in front of me, acting as a barrier I don’t really need.

“No, Devon told me. I’ve known ever since school broke up last summer. The funny thing is I’ve been fighting with myself whether I should end things with you. In the beginning,” I hesitate for a moment and close my eyes, the pain is building and threatening to bury me. “In the beginning I planned to make you fall for me wholeheartedly, so when I did end things it would hurt you. I wanted you to know that what you’ve done is wrong, but it backfired. I fell in love with you and it became harder and harder to hold on to my anger, but you wouldn’t be honest. I gave you so many chances, no matter what I did or said you just kept on lying.”

I’m choking up and tears clog in my throat, Roxie is holding onto me and I don’t care if I seem weak it’s how he’s making me feel.

“Henleigh,” he tries to speak but my head is shooting up and my look is screaming at him to even try to talk his way out of this.

“You didn’t tell me when you had the chance and yet you claim that you love me, that isn’t love. Look at Harrison,” I shoot him an apologetic smile and he nods his head as though he expected it. “A guy who hated me, who had no reason to admit to anything and yet he still owned up to it. He had no idea that I already knew it was him, he did it because it was the right thing to do. A guy who has pretty much been my enemy was more honest and decent than the guy who I fucking love,” okay my voice is getting louder and I really want to punch him.

“I’m not the only one who’s lied and kept secrets,” he says, and I’ve had enough of this shit.

“I already knew about Harrison, move the fuck on and as for me nothing I kept from you affected us or what we felt,” I can’t do this, it’s too much and I sigh as Noah wraps his arms around me.

“I was talking about your other boyfriend,” he spits out, glaring at everything in the room.

“Elijah didn’t lie, he just didn’t tell me about your orders. It hurts, but it wasn’t his secret to tell.”

“I’m talking about your Noah bear, you think he’s so perfect and he can do no wrong. I guess he’s made a fool out of you after all.”

I freeze and look up at Noah, I don’t want to believe him but the agony on his face is no lie.

“You are a selfish bastard, fuck you Amias our friendship is done,” so much anger is fuelling him but it all changes as he looks at me and tears fill his eyes. “I was going to tell you, I swear, but I chickened out. I wanted to hold off until I knew for sure.”

“Knew what?” I ask, but he won’t even look at me now, I pull away and square up to him.


; “Until you knew what Noah?” I’m confused but I feel as though I should already know the answer to this question. An alarm bell is going off in my head and this is the loneliest I have ever felt, even after my brother died and my parents became nothing but pictures on the wall. Being friendless was my choice, and I welcomed the solitude. This time however, it hurts, more than I ever thought possible.

“I’ve already had the tests done, I get the results next week.” He can’t even look at me, he looks as though he’s a house of cards, one blow away from caving in. Welcome to the club.

I know I need to find out why he changed his mind, but Amias can’t honestly believe this was the right way to go.

“You are such a fuckwit, do you honestly believe what Noah has done could ever compare to yours. You used me, watched me. You fucking pursued me as a job, what Noah has done hurts but you sicken me. And throwing your best friend under the bus like that doesn’t make you look good, it makes you look pathetic,” I’m directing all my anger towards him and as far as I’m concerned he deserves it, I just don’t know if Noah does?

Turning to look at Noah, the anger washes away only to be reloaded with a crippling pain. Everything is falling apart.

“You said you wanted to wait until the school year was over, I don’t understand,” I say, as I go back to the sofa and sink down into it.

“I was, and then you told me you loved me, and I didn’t want to wait any longer. I was going to tell you but I knew I would let you go if it came back positive and I didn’t want you to have to suffer and wait along with me,” his voice and eyes are pleading with me to understand, but I have none left to give.

“You wouldn’t have told me unless it came back clear would you? You would have broken up with me and never told me the real reason why,” the fact he’s looking away and tells me I’m right and it’s the last nail on the coffin of my harem.

“Did anyone else know?” I ask and Elijah is holding his hand up and I want to be alone.

“Get out, all three of you. You’ve all hurt me, and it was all for your own gain, Elijah I don’t know how to feel about you but you two. I don’t even want to look at you right now,” I turn my back to them and bury my face between a cushion and my shoulder.

My hair is acting as a veil to hide my tears and anguish and although they try to argue, they do leave. Everyone goes that night, taking my heart with them, except from Roxie she refuses to leave me alone.

“Do you think you’ll ever forgive them?” Roxie asks as she strokes my hair.

“I don’t know, what if this is how our relationship is destined to go? Them lying and keeping things from me, I can’t risk it,” I reply, my voice once again filled with a sadness that I can no longer contain.

My phone beeps and what little colour I have left, soon drains from my face.

I’m coming for you Henleigh, it’s time to reunite you with your brother. This time, the bullet won’t miss.