Lewis Sampson and his girlfriend of three years Kelly Slater and last but definitely not least, William Walters, Finley’s father. Maybe he’ll give you all a lift to the gum clinic.

Your concerned student


“Henleigh, is it all true?” Declan asks as Roxie pretty much dies from laughter overload.

“Every last word, plus a little extra that I only sent to Finley. None of you need to know what that is though,” I say and sadness fills me, maybe I went too far in telling him about the child.

“Where did you get the idea for the name?” H asks, swallowing hard, I wonder if he’s trying to work out if I’ve told anyone or if not, when I will.

“PastFinder gave me the idea, which reminds me,” he flinches slightly, but he needn’t worry, “I’m going to tell you all what the mystery emailer has on me. I just need to work my way up to it, but you deserve to know before we leave this place. If you decide you want to cut your losses after that then I understand. And in respect of com

plete honesty, Roxie already knows. No favouritism, it’s just the way it worked out,” I’m rambling now. I’m really worried that because I told her they’re going to assume I trust her more or like her more or something stupid like that.

“You don’t need to explain, I tell Roxie everything. She’s so easy to talk to and there’s never any judgement and if anyone does mind, she’ll punch them for you,” Bella says and Roxie is nodding her head enthusiastically.

“I wish you could have told me, but I get it, no judgement Hen,” says Eli and Noah quickly agrees.

“Thank you and no judgement is definitely helpful,” I say quietly. Please let that stretch out to when I reveal it all, I’ve lost Amias, I can’t lose them too.

“I’ll leave you guys to it, thanks for what you did in there. See you around,” Harrison says, but he’s only staring at me.

“Library, usual time” I reply, and I watch closely as his eyes widen. Oh yes, we didn’t have any tutoring scheduled for today.

“Yeah, I’ll see you then,” he says, the confusion bleeding into his voice, I need him on his own and this is the only way I can do it.

I’m already here, waiting for Harrison to arrive. I have two questions for him and all I can do is hope that he’ll answer. I feel sick to my stomach and my hands feel clammy, great I hate anxiety!

“Henleigh,” that’s all he says as he enters the study room and takes a seat. He’s staring intently at me and more than likely trying to figure out why I would want to meet him today.

I take a deep breath in and release it slowly, I need a moment, that’s all, but my hesitation is making him antsy. He’s fidgeting in his seat and he keeps swinging his arms.

“You have secrets that you’re going to reveal alongside my own, so they belong to the people in my life?” It’s out there and he wasn’t expecting it, he probably didn’t realise how much I knew.

“Yes, I’ve tried to take it down. They shouldn’t be thrown under the bus just because it could hurt you more,” he admits freely as he falls down into a chair and stares at the floor as though it’s done him a great wrong.

“Mattias could help, I only have to ask. Though it will mean him knowing that you’re PastFinder,” I say, and I don’t know what to expect.

“Why didn’t you tell them?” The confusion is back in his eyes and he keeps clenching and unclenching his fists.

“They don’t need to know, if they want to dislike you, they can do it because of who you are, not what you’ve done to me.”

“I’ll accept his help to take those down, what about yours? Are you going to ask me to take that down as well?” His eyes won’t break away from mine, they’re narrowed slightly, and his arms are now stretched across the table.

“No, if that is something you feel you need to do, then do it. If you take it down, I’d rather it be your choice, not mine.”

“You really are something else, do you realise that? I still can’t get over what you did to Chelsea, it makes me wonder what you have in store for the rest of us,” Harrison says it fast before rising to his feet and coming to stand beside my chair.

I swear these guys love looking down on me, it’s even worse when I’m sitting and he’s not.

“You’ve suffered enough, I think you’re safe. The same goes for Ivy, as for the rest, well they’re fair game. See you around Harrison, you know where I am if you need me.” I give him a tight smile before standing and leaving the room.

Why did I add that part? I don’t need any more complications. Besides, I still have Octavia to take care of and just over three months left to go. I think I’m going I get a bigger thrill out of this one than I did from Chelsea's. I just need to figure out the best way to hit her where it hurts.


Octavia isn’t an easy target, she goes for what she wants and she tends to get it. She’s smart, pretty and apparently a really talented artist. I could break all of her fingers, but that’s going too far. This one is really getting to me, we’re now in May and there’s barely any time left to plan and instigate it. Plus, we’re having a prom, I’m going with Noah and Elijah and I’ve heard rumours that Amias is going with Octavia. Her official boyfriend is taking this stunning little dot of a girl, I think he got the better deal.