“Well Miss Monterey, will you tutor Harrison or not?”

The question of the century or what, he hates my guts how can I do this? But then again, that didn’t stop me from visiting him while he was in a coma. I’ve got a mean streak but I’m not heartless, if I can help him make it through this last year then I will.

“I’ll do it, just let me know what’s expected of me,” I reply and she agrees to email me the list and schedule. So exciting.

I don’t know why I get myself into these kinds of predicaments, and oh yay Amias is heading over. Can this day get any better? I don’t even care that my inner voice is riddled with sarcasm right now.

“Can I speak to you?” he asks.

“Later, I need to get to class and I’m still pissed at the way you reacted earlier.” I’m shorter than a half inch baguette but he deserves it and he should realise that.

“Please little cub, it’s important,” he says, but I can’t bring myself to care right now.

“And so are my feelings, but you never seem to consider those do you. So no, right now I need time to think. I’ll talk to you later,” I say back and his face shutters as his eyes fill with their usual darkness.

“Fine, I’ll see you when I get back.” He looks at me as though I’m the spawn of Satan, all because I won’t make myself available every time he decides it's beneficial for himself.

“Where are you going?” I ask, because I do care, despite what he may think right now.

“You don’t want to talk to me, clearly you don’t get an answer to that question,” he replies as he walks away.

I may have wanted to be his dream girl so I could crush him, but I’m starting to wonder if he’s even worth it anymore.

My last class before lunch feels, different. Everyone is quiet, and the whispering isn’t directed at me for a change. No, the new hot topic seems to be Harrison and people aren’t being all that nice. Well, ‘people’ is too nice a word to describe them. How could I expect any different from the Shepherds? I guess they’re hoping for a new leader and I know Chelsea is gunning for that position.

It’s passing really quick today and Noah is looking at me with this emotion that screams I love you, he’s got me hook, line and sinker.

“Ready to go to lunch?” he asks, wrapping his arm around my waist as we walk down the hall towards the canteen.

“Definitely, I am starving,” I reply as his fingers trace my cheek before surprising me with a kiss that means we are stopped dead in the middle of the hallway.

It’s so easy to forget that people are around while he’s kissing me, but he’s pulling away with this beautiful smile on his face as we resume our walk towards lunch and our friends.

Although it’s easy to see as we take our table that it’s going to be a quiet one for us today, just me, Noah and Elijah and I’ve become a Henleigh sandwich between the two of them.

Roxie and Bella are auditioning for Leah’s replacement, I don’t know what happened between them but how can I not blame myself? I have no idea where Amias is and Ivy left school after classes finished, she’s become really secretive lately.

“He’s disappeared again, why is he being such a dick?” Elijah asks and clearly, he’s talking about Amias.

“He’ll figure it out eventually, hopefully it won’t be too late,” Noah replies cryptically but it’s impossible to miss the stares they keep sending my way.

“Any news on Ivy?” I ask, I have to change the subject it’s causing too many conflicting emotions within me.

“She said she’ll be back to her normal iciness tomorrow, no idea where she’s been going though,” but I get the impression that he didn’t ask either, Noah doesn’t like to push people.

“Come on No-No she’s clearly got a fella somewhere and she doesn’t want us to know, after last time,” Elijah says and it’s the opening I’ve been waiting for.

“Okay, what is the story there, who was this guy and why did it result in you calling her Trixie?” I can’t fight the urge to discover the truth anymore I need answers.

“I’ll tell you, but only because it’s public knowledge anyway. There was this guy who used to go here, a couple years older than us but Ivy was besotted. He had this girlfriend called Tricia and everyone called her Trixie.” He throws his hands in the air and I know this is going nowhere good. “Well, he treated her like shit, cheated, put her down and pretty much treated her like his personal maid. She eventually saw the light and left him and suddenly, Ivy got her chance.” People rarely changed. This is going to end badly and my heart hurts for the girl she was before she gave herself to some dickwad.

No, don’t stop there Eli. When did I become the sort of person who gossips. Fuck my life!

“We tried to warn her, but she was convinced she could change him. She made him work for it I’ll give her that but she could only hold back for so long, he hooked her and he treated her worse than he ever did to Tricia.” His knuckles are clenched, and his mouth is pulled into a thin line. “He dumped her publicly when she refused to sleep with him, saying he only went with her because he thought if she was following him around he could at least make it worth something to him. Ever since then, Elijah has called her Trixie to remind her why she shouldn’t get herself in that situation again.”

Bloody balls, that is harsh, and I thought I had a bad track record when it comes to guys. Don’t go there Henleigh, you’ve been doing so well.

The rest of the week passes and I can’t get rid of the anxiety that is flowing through me right now. Amias hasn’t come back, and it’s been three days. No one has seen him and I’m going out of my mind, I’m trying not to care but my heart won’t listen. We’re supposed to be training tomorrow, and he’s not here, I don’t want to do it without him and this is the last weekend I will have before Harrison returns. I don’t even know what his return will do to Amias and I’m still deciding if I’m going to call it quits with him but how can I when he’s not here?!