He’s saying all the right things, if only I knew they weren’t built on deceit. I always knew Noah could break me but Amias, he could ruin me for good. Right now, I think I’d rather be broken, at least I’d heal again, eventually.

“You can trust me Henleigh, I’m not the best guy around but I’ve got you. No one will hurt you again, not while I’m here.” So much conviction and his words flurry through me, turning into a snowstorm built up of so many feelings that I don’t know which one will be left standing when the storm finally settles.

He’s coming closer and I want to pull away and move closer at the same time, I’m so confused. I can’t stop myself from wanting him even if it hurts, maybe I can enjoy it for just a little while. Who am I kidding, when I make him pay he won’t be the only one who’s hurting. I’m going to break my own heart just to teach him a lesson. Maybe I really don’t deserve any of these guys.

He pulls me into him and we fall back until I’m spread over his body. My head is only mere inches above his and he wastes no time in cupping the back of my head and drawing my mouth over his. Amias is not a gentle kisser, when he kisses it’s an all-consuming, fire scorching brand upon you. It leaves you breathless, muddled and your lips will be swollen and bruised long after it’s done. He awakens so much within me, it’s scary and exciting all at once.

I shift so I’m lying at his side and he follows my movement, not letting our lips break apart even for a second. I won’t go all the way with him, even if my body is humming with need. I won’t lose it with someone I can’t trust and won’t allow myself to fall any deeper for. But we are kissing as midnight hits and I turn eighteen, if this is how it starts, how will it end?

Waking up to three faces staring at me, how am I not supposed to freak out? The guys are laughing uncontrollably and I’m trying to make sure nothing can be seen under my duvet. I wasn’t exactly expecting company or a wakeup call seeing as it’s a bloody Saturday. Yes, I’m sure I was meant to do something, but I’m taking a day off from worry and responsibilities.

Elijah flips down on the bed next to me, tightening the duvet and threatening to pull it off me.

“Can you guys sod off so I can at least make myself halfway decent?” I sigh exasperatedly, holding my covers down and over me.

“Ooh how indecent are you?” he asks, wagging his brows and acting as though he’s going to peek a look.

“Enough to leave you speechless, so get out and come back in when I open the door,” my tone is more husky than I intended but the scorching look he rewards me with makes me feel like I’m standing in the Sahara.

They leave my room and I’m jumping out of my bed and rethinking my lace knickers and see through cami. Hang on, why should I? It’s my room they can knock and wait in the future.

I refuse to overdress for this, it’s just another day. So, what if I’m a year older, I’m a day older seven days a week where’s the celebration for that?

Jeans, a Papa Roach tank top and my trainers. There sorted. I plait my hair quickly before letting it hang over my left shoulder and put on eyeliner and a bit of mascara. And I’m done, as if it takes every girl thirty minutes to get ready, eight minutes read it and weep.

“Okay boys, now you can come in,” I sway with a sweep of my hand as I open the door and smirk at them.

Two of them look at Amias and he grinds his teeth before nodding and I’m swept up in Elijah’s arms before he drops a lingering kiss with just a touch of tongue.

“Happy birthday baby, you will pay for not telling me yourself,” he says, before I’m suddenly in Noah’s arms and he’s twirling me around.

I lean my forehead against his and we’re just staring into each other’s eyes, his are sparkling and they don’t look as tired today.

“Happy birthday my Leighbear and I completely agree with Elijah, you should have told us,” his scolding tone conflicts with the affectionate look he’s sending my way. Maybe I should at least pretend to be thoroughly scolded, for him.

“I’m not bothered by birthdays but I’d happily celebrate yours,” I reply before pressing my mouth to his and it’s agonisingly and beautifully slow. More a teasing of lips that makes my stomach pool with warmth.

I slide down his body before turning to Amias, it’s sweet that they made sure he’d be okay with them kissing me, but they shouldn’t have to check.

“I know this is hard for you, but you can’t dictate when they can and cannot kiss me, my warrior,” my eyes are narrow and my hand is poised on my hip as I look up at him, he needs to realise it can’t work like this.

“I know, just give me this please. I’m trying, but this is the first day for me I need to catch up a little,” he says as I push myself flush against him and give him a bruising kiss of my own.

I know I’m shocking him, he’s just standing here before I’m slammed against the wall and his body is holding mine prisoner. I can feel him everywhere and I know this is a claiming and I should be pissed off by it, but it’s just too damn good!

“Great, now I’m horny,” I break away to look over his shoulder at Elijah, I can’t believe he just said that.

“Don’t be so crude,” says Noah as he slaps him across the back of the head.

“So, what’s the plan?” I ask and I’m met with three very suspicious looking grins. Oh no, what have they got planned?

Outside passes for the weekend, it’s crazy but I’m so happy. Roxie is coming with Declan and Bella and Mikaela are coming as well. Mattias couldn’t get a pass and no one has mentioned Leah, but I’m sure I’ll catch up with her when we get back.

I still don’t understand the looks but I’m quickly forgetting about them as we sit in a cute little cafe and have a full English fry up. It’s heaven on a plate, nothing is better in the morning than this.

“So, what’s the plan for today?” I ask and after the girls have finished shooting the guys glares, Roxie finally starts telling me.

“Well some of us will be giving you presents while the rest of us will take you shopping seeing as we were only told last minute that today is in fact your birthday.” She really knows how to instil a lot of attitude in a short sentence. “These guys gave us no warning, so we were not prepared, then we have a little surprise in store before clubbing this evening. See, two-day passes so we don’t go back to school absolutely trollied. It’s going to be so much fun.” She is beyond giddy and I’m loving it even if it is a bit much for me.