“Okay Leighbear, do you want me to grab you some lunch?” He asks, which makes my eyes soften and my heart skip a beat, he’s always thinking of me.

“Yes please Noah bear,” I say softly as I look up at him through my lashes.

He’s pulling me into his arms, I love how affectionate he can be. We only brush lips before I’m off, running as fast as my legs will take me. The sooner I grab my camera the sooner we can begin.

I really shouldn’t be running; I realise this because I am now flying through the air. I can’t believe Chelsea tripped me! I land hard on the floor, throwing my arm out but it only makes things worse.

“Oh no, are you okay?” a girl asks as she rushes over to me.

“Yeah, I think so,” I reply, just as she grabs hold of my stinging wrist and twists it.

Crying out, I can’t understand what’s happening. I don’t even know this girl.

“Don’t try and claim any other guys you little sket, never thought I’d agree with Chelsea but over you, it’s an easy choice. Back off hoe bag and believe me, your guys won’t be yours for much longer.” She pushes me back into the ground, as her foot hits my ribs before I’m being pulled up and Bella is looking at me with worry on her face.

“Are you okay?”

I shake my head, this is only day one of being with two guys, what will happen on day two?

“Come on, let’s get you to your room and I’ll walk with you to meet your guys,” a slight blush on her cheeks as she says my guys.

“Has it changed your opinion of me?” I ask, please say no girl, please.

“No of course not, it’s strange but I get it. The girls though, they can turn nearly anyone, you need to be careful,” she says, as if I need any warning when it comes to the bitches of Padstow.

My heart comes to a juddering stop as I open my door, I don’t understand it. The floor is littered with dozens of Polaroid’s, Bella is reacting quicker than me. The noises coming from her are filled with shock and surprise, I need to see what they are of. Snatching one up, my head isn’t working right. I can’t make sense of what I’m looking at, but it doesn’t take long for it to sink it. They’re of me, being beaten and left for dead. Those sickos took photographs of it, I feel so relieved that I was unconscious for it all.

“What do you think this means?” she asks in a timid voice.

“I think it’s a warning or maybe a promise, what they did was nothing more than a joke in their eyes. Bella if I’m right, what will they do when they’re being serious?” My resolve is weakening and there may as well be an earthquake taking place with the way my voice and hands are shaking.

We’re just standing here, looking at each other she looks terrified and I know her fear is for me.

Bella offers to go to the guys for me and let them know I’m running a little late, I have to go to the nurse. My wrist is throbbing, and it’s swelling, I know it’s not broken, please don’t be broken.

Definitely not broken but it is sprained and it’s had to be wrapped up and I’m now sporting a sling. Yet again, I can’t do any of my extras because they involve both hands, I hate this. But not as much as I hate the guys waiting outside for me, they weren’t supposed to come over. Just wait or go without me and now they’ll be forced to hang around with me and I am not a happy bunny.

“Who did this?” Amias asks, his voice is dark and menacing.

“I don’t know, Chelsea tripped me and then some random girl decided to make it more fun,” I’m trying to come across as blasé about the whole thing, but they don’t like what they're hearing if the thunderous looks on their faces are anything to go by.

“I guess we better find out who the mystery girl is then, what do you say Noah.” This comes from Amias with deadly intent, it’s terrifying and it isn’t even directed at me.

“I agree completely Amias, but we can’t let this ruin Elijah’s fun. Unless, you’re not feeling up to it,” he says, cupping my face and Amias’ look just keeps on getting darker.

“I’m happy just being with you guys, but I’m going to be getting my grump on. I’m fine with just going back to my room before our next class.” I say it on a sigh, but maybe it will be better for everyone if I leave them to it.

They won’t hear of letting me stay on my own so we’re heading outside, I really do not want to be in any pictures but they get their guilt trips on and I’m soon posing with each of them.

I hate to admit that I’m relieved when it’s time to return to classes and I can’t wait to get this day over with.

Every day this week has been nothing but more and more Polaroid’s of my beaten body. Words scrawled across my door and locker and even contraceptive pill packets dropped on me when I’m sitting down. Oh yes it’s been a joyous seven days for sure.

I’ve been throwing myself into my self defence program and I’m willingly running at 6am every morning, as well as going to the fitness centre four nights a week. I don’t want to get all big and burly but I can’t get the feeling out of my head that I need to stay in shape and ready for whatever they throw at me next.

I’ve got Papa Roach filtering through my headphones as I run across a treadmill with a steep incline setting, before jumping on the rowing machine. I don’t want to think or dream so I’m trying to push myself beyond exhaustion. I can’t believe it’s my birthday tomorrow, maybe I should have told the guys but I don’t want anyone to make a big deal about it.