“I respect honesty and I meant what I said, you are my little cub. Now you want to be friends, great.” He pauses for a second as he brings his face closer to mine. “You want to be friends who kiss sometimes, even better as long as you’re upfront with me. I’m not looking for a relationship either and I think I’m too messed up for you anyway, but the ball is in your court. Just know, if you ever are mine, I’m a jealous bastard for sure.” His smirking and his eyes promise a world of excitement and danger, but I’m sure it would be fun. It wouldn’t work though.

Damn, I’d definitely be up for kissing him whenever the urge arose. But I don’t want anyone to get hurt and in all honesty he’s wrong. I’m the one who’s too messed up for him, for all of them.


Mrs. Hutchinson wants to suspend me for a week for what I did to Octavia, it’s ridiculous but what can I really say in return. I’m so angry and I’m sitting in the waiting room whilst she contacts my parents to come and collect me, I didn’t even get a choice on that one. The funny thing is, no one is answering her call.

I’m playing on my tablet when Mattias walks past and then comes back when he realises who he saw, he is such a sweetheart.

“What’s going on?” he asks, completely ignoring the receptionist who's trying to get him to leave.

I tell him everything that went down and he does not look happy, then he’s getting up and walking out. I guess he’s not an advocate for violence, and I’m off to return to my wonderful family home, oh the joys. Damn even my internal voice is dripping with sarcasm.

I throw my head back and just stare up at the ceiling, the only reason I jerk up is because the receptionist is suddenly raising her voice at someone, and I look just in time to see Noah push his way into Mrs. Hutchinson’s office.

I can hear raised voices coming from the slightly open door, and I don’t care what Miss Snooty has to say, I am listening in on this one.

“This is completely unwarranted behaviour Mr. Wallace, how dare you come into my office without permission and try to tell me how to run my school,” her voice raises an octave as she tries to scold him.

“I wouldn’t have to if you did your job to a sufficient standard. Now why is it I know the reason as to why Miss Monterey behaved the way she did and you do not. And why is she being suspended and yet Octavia and her merry band of ingrates get off Scot free.” His tone drops colder, until it fills me with ice, and it isn’t even directed my way. “Now I know my father would not be impressed to hear how favouritism is being shown in such a fine educational establishment such as this one. That your own assistant head is allowed to pull her weight to make sure her son and his girlfriend can get away with such vandalism and utter malice.”

“Mr. Wallace,” she goes to speak and I almost choke on what happens.

“Did I sound as if I was finished, I am usually all for showing my teachers the respect they deserve, but if you are going to ignore the proof I have presented to you then I will have to send it to the board, and my father myself, and we both know how my father does not have the time for such matters. Let Miss Monterey stay and punish Octavia and such for what they did. And she needs to have a bed back in her room by the end of today. You may be the headteacher, but you can easily be replaced, don’t forget that.” His tone is screaming authority, I wish I could see their faces right now.

The door is pulled open and how can I not look at him in wonder. That saying, ‘curiosity killed the cat’, well I’m definitely curious.

“Save your questions until later, I have a feeling she’ll be calling you in momentarily. Chin up Leighbear, I’ve got you.”

I sit in the canteen at lunchtime still floored by what Noah did for me. I’ve been given detention and I’m not allowed to attend the extra activities for another week, but I’m still here and I don’t have to go back to my parents. I’m surprised they’ve even agreed to let me go home come Christmas break, after everything that happened before I came here. Nope not going there, it’s still too painful.

My friends soon join me and pretty

much shit the bed when I tell them what Noah did for me. Ivy has bug eyes – they are that wide.

“Would you have really called your dad?” she asks, he doesn’t look up from his lunch as he gives a nod.

“No way, why?” Elijah asks and then he looks to me and his eyes open wider and even his mouth drops open.

“Stop reading so much into it, I’d do the same for any of you,” he says, sounding gruff, and his voice still does wicked things to me.

“What’s the big deal? Would he have been mad at you?” I ask and it’s not hard to notice as everyone suddenly has a reason not to look my way, all except Amias.

“No, he’s just a busy man,” says Noah, and I smell horse crap. There’s more to it than that but he never made me talk about my brother and I have to afford him the same courtesy.

“It’s okay, I won’t pry.”

“Christmas break is coming up soon, two whole weeks away from here. Got any plans?” asks Elijah, draping his arm across my shoulders.

“My parents have given the school permission to allow me home for it,” I say, I just don’t tell them that I have no plans of accepting it.

Ivy is going home to her parents and Noah says, rather quietly that he’s doing the same. Elijah and Amias don’t really specify what they’ll be doing but I guess it’ll be the same as the rest of them. I wonder if I’ll be the only one staying here other than a skeleton crew, and also whether I’d be able to sneak off for a few days and get some much-needed preparation done.

After lunch is over, I head to the advanced building with Noah, he’s quiet but it feels heavier now. I’m guessing there’s something going on with his dad and I hate that I’ve brought him turmoil. This is why I think I’m too messed up for them, the longer they’re around me the worse things will get. I just don’t know if I can let them go, maybe I’m being selfish, but I want to hold on to them.

The rest of the month is surprisingly easy. The classes are challenging which I adore, Noah conveniently ended up as my neighbour in all the seats I take during class, except for maths, which I share with Harrison. Come to think of it, I don’t understand why Noah isn’t in that class but I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually.

Now Harrison doesn’t sit with me, he just stares intently at me and if our eyes ever meet, they scream with dangerous intent. But nothing happens.