“For crying out loud, it’s just a seat,” I exclaim, feeling exasperated.

“Aww Harrison, you’re defending my honour,” comes from Chelsea as she appears next to us.

“Fuck off Chels, not everything is about you. You want someone to kiss your arse, go and find Finley,” he bites out in reply, without taking his hate filled eyes off me.

“Now listen to me Monterey.” My surname drips from his tongue like poison, how does everyone already know who I am? “I don’t want someone like you in my school, so run along before I take the option away from you. You’ve got two days to run off to Mummy and Daddy and get your dirty fucking arse out of here.”

His hand curls around my throat, he applies pressure, but I can still breathe. No, he isn’t trying to strangle me, he’s just declaring his dominance over me. I hate that I feel a mixture of fear and excitement, I really need to find a healthy way to deal with all the emotions I try to keep buried inside.

He pushes away and with one last degrading look, he starts to walk away. I won’t be pushed around though; you have to stand up for yourself otherwise people will always walk all over you.

“I’m not afraid of you Harrison, and I’m not going anywhere,” I shout out.

He stops and glances my way, before flipping me off and the last thing he says is, “I don’t ever want to hear you saying my name again.”

I shake my head slowly before finally making it into the library and the sense of awe I had first felt, hasn’t lessened in the slightest.

Every wall, except for the far back one, is covered in books. Row after row of shelves fill the ground floor, and the first floor has a hot drinks machine and a seating area where people can enjoy their books whilst looking out over the balcony to the floor below. There is also a desk with rows of computers.

As well as three private rooms on the ground floor and a row of long line desks for students to study at. The back wall is a mixture of stain glass windows and exposed brick and it takes my breath away. The upper level holds very little interest for me, and I presume I would find the Shepherds there if they ever entered a place like this.

The librarian is a sweet old lady, until she looks at you and you realise her stare could freeze the blood in your veins. You can tell she doesn’t take any nonsense in here and I love her for it.

I wish I had a free period so I could spend a few hours here just scrolling through the thousands of books contained within the walls, but unfortunately I only have ten minutes before my class starts and being late is not looked on fondly in this prison, I mean, school.

I grab my necessary reading and pretty much jog down the hall to my next class.

By the time lunch comes around, I’m cream crackered. Because of my IQ and—according to the score—high intelligence, they shoved me into the higher tier classes. If only my education meant anything to me, I don’t even know what I want to do when I leave here, other than di

scover the bloody truth.

I sit down at my table, after grabbing a shepherd’s pie and yet again, my appetite has deserted me.

I’ve had enough already and when yet another shadow falls across the tabletop, I’m almost ready to blow.

“What now?” I snap, as I throw my head back and look up and then up some more.

Holy crap, who is he? He has sandy blonde hair, with baby blue eyes. An oval shaped face with a slightly pointed chin, although his jaw is still strong. A straight nose with eyes just the right distance apart and yet again, lashes that should be made illegal for a guy to have. Genetics do not play fair.

He has wide shoulders, with muscular arms. I swear I can see his pecs bouncing through his tight shirt and his waist tapers just as it disappears beneath his trousers, damn this boy is yummy. And he has to be at least six-three.

“Whoa take it down a notch love, I was just looking for a place to sit,” he says with a shit eating grin on his face. What’s he up to?

“It’s not like I can tell you where you can and can’t sit,” I reply, before returning to my plate.

He plonks himself down opposite me, and I notice that he does the ‘come here’ motion with his hand. I slap my hand against my head as three more people come to join us, and I regret not telling him where to go. Clearly my hormones had taken over for a moment there, and now I am stuck here with a bloody group of people. Unless, I just get up and walk away.

I’m contemplating it, when my eyes glance up and my mouth drops open, the angry pixie is sitting with me. Okay, now this could be interesting.

“I thought you didn’t want me to sit or speak with you, aren’t you breaking one of your own rules?” I ask, as she smirks at me before tucking into her food.

“Don’t worry about Trixie, she’s mad at the whole world and everyone must suffer for it,” says Mr. Dreamboat.

“For the last time Elijah, my name is not Trixie,” she bites out and I can’t hold back my laugh.

It draws a lot of attention but I don’t care, if it’s funny I will bloody well laugh.

“What tickled your funny bone?” asks Elijah, his eyes sparkling with his own mirth.