“Means some people get all the luck,” grumbles Elijah and I’ve never seen a look so dark and full of anger like the one Ivy is sending his way.

“Ignore this prick, he’s just sulking because it means he doesn’t get to share any classes with you now. That honour goes to Noah,” she’s directing her words my way but I think she honestly wants to kill Eli right now.

“What is going on between you two?” I ask and they look at the floor in synch.

Sod it, I don’t have the effort or reason to press them, instead I lay back on my bed and Elijah tries to join me, but I push him off quick. I’m not going to push Ivy off, and she is thoroughly enjoying rubbing that fact in.

“There is a slight issue with your new classes, Noah isn’t on the track team and he won’t be in your maths class. Which means you’ll be riding that one solo with Harrison and Finley.”

“Hang on, Finley is in maths with us. Why would he be in that class?” I ask.

“Because he’s a privileged arsehole and is never where he’s supposed to be. The only reason he was in our class was because you were, he’s got detention for joining your class, but he won’t suffer for it. Perks of being the son of the assistant head,” says Elijah, crouching on the floor beside me and dragging his fingertips up the underside of my arm.

I’m trying not to react but it’s making me want to curl my toes, in a good way. It’s ticklish but it’s also lighting a low ember inside me. I know if I pull away it’ll only encourage him, but I don’t know how long I can keep up an air of indifference, besides how many other girls does he flirt with? I’m not willing to be just another number or the only one, I’m complex so shoot me.

“Lija, back off, you know she’s not interested,” states Ivy as she tries to bat his hand away, but he uses his other one to deflect her.

“She can pull away if she wants, besides it’s harmless, just a little stroking between friends.” He winks at me as he licks his lips suggestively.

Okay, that makes me choke on my own laughter and my hands goes flying to my mouth.

“Bloody hell, she can laugh. I was starting to think she didn’t have it in her,” says Eli and even Ivy is snickering at that.

“Sod off you two, let’s go grab something to eat while I have an appetite and then you can tell me what extra classes are safe to take.”

Elijah is smirking and I know he’s going to suggest a few that he’s in and surprisingly, it doesn't sound all that unappealing now.

By the time we’ve had our dinner and walked back to my room I’ve already decided on a few extras that I’m going to try out. Horse riding will be with Ivy, and everyone swears she’s a goddess in a saddle. There’s a self-defence class that Amias is taking, and after my run in with Mr. Terrifying, I’d be an idiot to not give it a try. And then there’s the one that Elijah insisted I had to take, photography. He thinks he’s the next Joel Meyerowitz and I’m intrigued to see what he’s like in that kind of environment.

The self-defence is on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, the photography is on Sundays and the horse riding is at the end of the school day on Fridays. I can’t start any of my extras until after my first week, but Amias surprised me by offering to start me on his training programme. He’s not huge like Elijah but he’s still bigger than I’d like to be. He did make it perfectly clear he only intends to help strengthen my core and endurance. How could I refuse? I tried but nothing came to mind. Come tomorrow morning I’m going to discover what kind of training partner he is; something is telling me he won’t go easy on me for my first day.

It’s Saturday, why did I agree to this. It’s five thirty in the morning and he’s already pounding on my door, I think I may have to kill him.

I roll over so quick that I smack into the floor, for crying out loud that hurt. I slowly get to my feet and plod over to the door, I’m so tired I can’t even work out why he’s staring at me with his mouth hanging open and his pupils dilated. What’s wrong this time? Why are his eyes travelling down my body? I can feel my eyes widening to match his as I duck behind my door and rest my head against the wall.

Amias comes into my room and closes the door behind him, fuck me sideways on a pogo stick.

“Get a good eye full?” I ask, owning the embarrassment. So, I’m only in a pair of girl boxers and a cami, it’s not like I’m naked.

I move into my bathroom and close the door so I can get ready, and it’s not lost on me that he hasn’t said anything. He was just staring at me.

He’s sitting on the edge of my bed as I come out of the bathroom, in a pair of yoga leggings, sports bra and workout top. It’s so comfortable and keeps me from overheating due to its backless design, except from a panel across my shoulders to hold it in place and a knot at the bottom.

“If you’re ready, let’s get going.”

“Okay, what’s first on the agenda at this ridiculous time in the morning?” I ask. I want to laugh at the fact he won’t meet my eyes but now I’m starting to feel a little self-conscious.

I mean, it wasn’t that horrible was it? Damn I am not one of those girls who obsesses over guys or what they think about me. Nope, not doing it I do not care what he thought when he saw me like that. Maybe if I think it enough, I’ll start believing it.

“I don’t know what you can handle and how hard I should go with you.” He pauses when he sees how hard I’m trying not to laugh and narrows his eyes at me. “No. Don’t go there, I have enough to deal with when it comes to Elijah twisting everything into something sexual. Just no.”

“Don’t worry Amias, I’ll behave, I would hate to make you uncomfortable,” I say sweetly. and I don’t know how his gaze can get any narrower than it is right now.

He leaves my room and leads me to the fitness centre. The treadmill and rowing machine are our first point of call, and once he makes me work up a sweat, he leads me into a room covered in floor mats.

“Have you ever done any yoga?” he asks, staring me down.

“Yes I have, and it’s left me very flexible,” I reply and I’m having to hold back my laughter as he turns his back on me, I’m really enjoying messing with him.