Page 57 of Retribution



I’d found myself tied to my 4-post bed, with my arms and legs spread. My wrists and ankles were tied to each post with rope, that was rough and scratched at my skin whenever I moved. It was thrilling and I couldn’t wait for Unya to begin.

I felt her hands caressing my chest, did I mention I was also blindfolded. All my other senses were growing stronger and I could feel her breath against my skin as her tongue travelled up my abdomen. She bit my nipple and the groan that escaped from my lips was one of pleasure.

She continued to use her tongue to travel up my upper body, when she made it to my neck and bit down hard enough to make me bleed I almost tried to rip the ropes off of me.

“Patience my love, just enjoy the experience,” she said as she started to make her descent until her mouth reached my hard, throbbing cock.

Her lips suctioned around me as she licked with her tongue and scraped me with her teeth. She was swallowing me whole as she took me all the way down, I was going to explode any second but I wanted to hold off. I was desperate to shoot my load deep inside her tight pussy.

I knew she wouldn’t stop so I tried to snap my binds, I felt her raise herself up and could only guess that she was smiling.

She climbed up my body drenching my throbbing cock with her juices, I needed to be inside her but, she wanted to tease me.

She rested me between the lips of her clit, as she rubbed herself up and down, she was moaning with pleasure and that sound was driving me crazy.

“Unya please, I’m willing to beg if that will get me inside you any quicker.”

She removed my blindfold and her eyes met mine just as she rammed me deep inside her, we both groaned in delight and then she used my cock to fuck herself hard and fast.

It was out of this world, it was crazy the skills this woman had, believe me.

After we finished we laid together, with her body covering mine. We were hot, sweaty and reeked of sex, and we didn’t give a royal fuck.

“That was fucking awesome baby, feel free to return the favour whenever you like,” she said grinning from ear to ear.

What’s next on the agenda pet, I’ll do whatever you want, just name it.”

Let’s go cause some trouble my love, I want to make the bitches scream.”

I smiled and as we walked hand in hand to the training area, we knew we were the only ones who would walk out alive.



We knew the other wolves would soon be closing in around us, but thanks to myself and the other sorcerers we came up with a ward that would stop non-friendlies from entering our domain.

Janelle was still trying to convince everyone the best thing she could do was to just disappear, but no one would accept that.

She seemed confused by everyone’s reaction, but she hid it well.

The sun had just begun to set, when a howl rode to us on the wind. Janelle was pacing the floor in her wolf form, when her head shot up and stared straight at the entrance to our base.

She started to walk toward the sound, with myself, David and Ishira following close behind.

Instead of finding another wolf behind our invisible barrier, we found a large, muscular man standing mere inches away from the barrier.

“Such a pitiful little pup, you should have made it easier on yourself, by remaining in hiding like the coward you are. Fleeing instead of fighting me, for what your father thought was rightfully yours. It just proved how unworthy you were to wear the title of Alpha.”

Janelle shifted back to her normal pose and shoved on a leather jacket.

“You killed my father and mother, but even worse than that, you killed my daughter and she wasn’t even one years old. But you couldn’t just stop at ripping out my heart, you also had to ground it down into dust by killing my mate. You couldn’t leave me one person, you just had to take them all away from me. You only had to ask for the position and my father would have given it to you. But you plotted against him and then took his life, your own fucking brother.”

David placed a hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged him off.