Page 56 of Retribution

Once she had approached my bed, she bought her arms out to the front and dropped a large bundle down beside me.

“What’s this? I don’t understand!”

She remained silent and with her task completed, she turned back around and left.



It was the day before my wedding, when Malachi sent a strange little creature to get me. Why he didn’t just come himself was beyond my understanding and I couldn’t help but feel a little insulted. Especially as he just used Hades favourite method of summoning whoever he wished to bore with his speeches at the time.

The little creature cowered before me, clearly having heard how I chose to spend my free time. I knew it was expected of me to end his life, but I wasn’t going to do it, not yet anyway.

“Take me to Malachi and I may let you keep your life.”

He looked at me in shock, before scurrying away, as fast as he could.

“I do not appreciate being summoned, like I am nothing more than your servant,” I stated, as I shot him the dirtiest look I could muster, before dragging his messenger into his room.

“I’m sorry it was a shitty move, but every time I leave my room I have a never ending number of creatures coming up to me. Wanting to know what it’s like killing again, how it feels to be marrying the Ebony Child and how it’s against my will and I don’t have a voice inside my own damn head” he shouted that last part as his fist disappeared inside a wall.

“Okay, well sorry Malachi but I don’t have all day. So just get on with whatever it is you wanted to say, so I can leave and find some much more desirable company.”

“Unya I’m sorry, I really am. It’s hard though, I know you have questions and I’m afraid to answer them so I avoided you. It feels like we shouldn’t even be getting married tomorrow.”

I stepped back, his words were like a dagger to my chest, which is exactly what I did to the pathetic messenger as I tossed his corpse out the door and slammed it shut.

“You don’t want to marry me, I knew it. I’ve been wracking my brain, trying to figure out when all of this would come to an end. I thought you would have done it in a nicer fashion, but sure why not just pull the rug out from under me,” I was screaming as well by that point, as stupid tears strolled down my damn face.

“Unya no it’s not like that, you think I don’t want to be with you, it’s the opposite. It’s more like, I don’t think you’ll want to once I answer the questions that are rattling around inside your head.”

Well he did bring it up, why not take the opportunity that presented itself.

“Did you know about Mihaela? Were we ever together before I came down here? Did we love each other? Who is Addy, other than an old best friend?”

“Sure okay, sit down this may take a while,” he replied, he then told me what he could. He didn’t know a lot about Mihaela, except from what he heard from the Underworld. Seemed I would need to gain information from Marcus on her.

Addy made me sad, she sounded like she had been a great friend. And to have her sister murdered right in front of her because of said friendship, no wonder she turned her back on me. I just wished I could recall our history.

“I can’t say if you loved me, you didn’t choose me. It hurt and I stayed away because I did love you Unya and I still do. I’ve told you our past, I guess the ball is in your court now.”

“Malachi I love you, I realised it when you nearly died. I don’t want to be in a world if you’re not in it with me. But there’s one more thing I need to ask. When Adiran pulled me int

o my mind Mihaela saved me, but she didn’t do it on her own. Did I ever know someone called Lawson? Or was my mind a master at conjuring up allies.”

He looked shocked, his face had gone pale and he was shaking. I moved to sit next to him and took his hands into my own.

“Malachi its okay, you don’t have to answer, I only asked because you’re the only one I can truly trust down here. Ever since Adiran was evicted all the voices went quiet, it’s horrible because now I can hear myself think. I hate it, my thoughts plague me, all this guilt and confusion I can’t take it anymore Malachi, I just can’t.”

“I don’t know why, but you chose Lawson over me. I don’t know if it was innocent or if you had an ulterior motive. I’d like it to be the latter but what can I say, I worry that you wouldn’t have chosen me if he was still alive. But why would you choose me now, when you wouldn’t choose me then.”

“Hey, don’t do that, I’m the one filled with doubts, you shouldn’t be as well. I love you Malachi and I don’t even know who this Lawson guy was. I can’t tell you how I felt, but I can’t imagine any part of me not being attracted to you, wanting you. Does it matter how I felt back then, when I know what I want and feel now.”

He looked at me and asked why I felt guilty, so I told him and he laughed.

“Don’t get me wrong pet, I didn’t want to revert to my old ways, I even contemplated saying no and losing you. The thing is I couldn’t do it. The minute I took that first life I forgot the reason I ever stopped. But I enjoy it even more now, because I get to do it with you,” he caressed my face and bought his mouth down upon mine.

“I want to try something, will you humour me Baby?” I asked, and his eyes sparked when I told him what it was I wanted to do.