“Shit girl, I thought it was just bitches being jealous but I think they may be on to something, be careful with Emmet. I knew him as a kid and to this day I don’t think I ever saw the true Emmet. He has so many versions of himself but he comes with a warning for a reason. I’d advise you to get the attention of someone else, but god only knows how that would turn out. Shane and Emmet, fuck,” her worry is only filling me with more anxiety and dread.

“What do you mean by personalized pendant, what is it supposed to look like?” I ask, looking at the crescent moon dangling between my breasts.

“Well, I got a rose. It’s my favorite flower and Bradley made sure I would always have one with me while I’m here,” her tone turns wistful as she pulls hers out and it’s definitely pretty. “The others got the crest of the Academy, only the favorites get one like us, I think only four have been issued. Me, you, number one and number nine. One likes to claim that hers came from Emmet and I believed her up until today, I find it hard to believe that Mr. Closed off will claim two girls, but then again… I don’t know him. I don’t think anyone does. Sometimes I wonder if he even knows himself.”

Well damn, so I am a favorite or is this just another way to throw me off. I don’t even know why the Prince would want me so bad, he thought my first and only relationship was pathetic and that’s the only time he’s ever met me. But then again, he did have photos of me that were taken outside of the Academy and he sounded angry when he confronted Aeron in the kitchen over what Shane did to me in the mess hall. Am I ever going to figure this out?

“How are you swimming right now, I can’t even feel my legs,” I complain as I rest my arms on the edge of the pool and just float in place.

“Come on, it wasn’t that bad. You’re just not used to using all of your muscles,” D replies as she swims yet another lap.

“No, you’re just an alien that has way too much energy. That seems more realistic to me.”

“You are so funny Lu, you should show this side of yourself more often,” this isn’t the first time she’s said that over the last few days. The thing is, I feel comfortable around her and I am really enjoying spending time with this insane girl.

Archery is the only one we haven’t tried so far and I’m looking forward to it. The sugar craft is more of a basics class but Daria enjoys it and I know if I bow out then she will as well. The dance class is a killer but we’ve only tried the street dancing one so far and although I am beyond dead right now, I’m determined to stick with it, at least for another class.

“It’s crazy right, we’ll be shooting our arrows like the goddess warriors we are and then we’ll be dressing up and going to a ball in the evening. Come on, this is living right here,” she swims back to me finally and she’s not even a little winded. Jealous, too fucking right I am.

“You can put a positive spin on anything, can’t you?”

“Too right, it’s my gift. Besides, after all the resentment my father held towards this damn town I had to find a way to look on the bright side. I didn’t want to grow up bitter and resentful. It’s like you I guess, you want to be polite and kind because you want to be a credit to your mother, and I want a happy life free from negativity.”

“You’ve definitely picked the wrong friend then D, I’m a whole ball of negativity,” again with honesty, sometimes I should just say nothing at all.

“Don’t worry girl I’ve got you, by the time we leave this place behind you’ll finally see all the things you have to be proud of. Not money or materialistic crap, but in yourself. And come on, when you’re out there making all your food, just know that I’ll be your first customer and expecting to find a dish dedicated to my awesome self,” she gives me a wi

nk and a smile all her own.

“Okay, you come to my bakery before I open and I’ll let you put your favorite dish on the menu, the one dish that will never change,” I guess I should have expected the squeal and hug from her by now, but she still manages to surprise me and I’m not tense this time. Maybe good things really can come from this place.

Daria is with me as I wait to be seen by the Doctor and I hope they have more than one because I don’t know if I can keep my feelings hidden from Daria or if I even want too. There lies the danger, because I want to tell her everything, even though I know I can’t.

We have the damn Ball in two days and our first archery course and I’ve gone and busted up my ankle, I can barely put any weight on it. I knew that dance class was evil and I think this proves it.

“Stop grumbling under your breath, you are fine and you are not quitting the class so don’t even start thinking about it,” damn woman, knows me so well already.

“Hey, you don’t know that’s what I’m thinking. I mean it was, but you couldn’t know that, we’ve only been friends for less than a week,” I point out and she just laughs and ruffles my hair like I’m a child.

“Hon, some friendships are destined to happen and ours is that kind of friendship, you can’t deny that it takes next to no work for us to get along. So yes, I feel safe in assuming I know exactly what is going on in that pretty little head of yours.”

She’s got me there and I’m even more terrified of her seeing me with Cole, because she really does seem to know me too well for comfort. What if she figures out other things that I’m not ready to confront just yet?

A nurse comes out to get me and helps me to get to the treatment room, Daria is bouncing around on the balls of her feet.

“D, calm down. Look go and find Bradley and I’ll find a way to get a message to you once I’m back in my room,” her eyes narrow and she stops bouncing as she comes over to my seat and crosses her arms over her chest.

“No, you are not getting rid of me that easily. You want me gone then fine, but I will wait for you in the waiting room,” she drops a kiss on my cheek before walking out of the room.

The door opens five minutes later and I don’t look around but the hairs on the back of my neck start to rise and I can feel it all the way down to my toes, my luck has run out and I know before he sits behind his desk that it’s Cole.

“Luna, what happened?” He looks concerned as he reads over my file.

“I w-was in a d-dance class and landed awkwardly, my ankle has been h-h-hurting ever since. I can’t stand on it,” I say, as he comes to stand beside me and help me out of the chair.

“Let’s get you on the table so I can get a look at it,” he lifts me on the table and his fingers make light work of my loose work out trousers as he slides the leg up to my knee.

My breath falters as he makes contact with my skin but it soon changes from anxious to pain, when he touches my ankle.