“That’s fantastic, I’m so proud of you Luna and I’m sure your sister is too. You will do incredible, I just know it.”

“I’ll do okay I guess. Poppy’s the clever one, I’m just me,” I really need to stop tucking my hair behind my ear, he’s going to realise what it means.

“You need to give yourself more credit, you’re incredible Luna. You’re funny, kind and I’ve never seen you raise your voice to anyone, even when they deserve it. I wish I could be that positive,” that warmth in his voice is killing me.

“Says you, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without a smile on your face,” I shoot back with a giggle and he joins in with the sexiest laugh I have ever heard in my life.

I wonder if all eighteen-year-olds think the way I do and imagine flirting where there isn’t any, as long as I correct myself it will be fine. Besides, I’ll probably only see him one more time after today if I get into the Academy.

“Maybe I’m smiling because I’m around you, did you ever think of that?”

I scoff as I take a deep pull of my coffee before setting the mug down, he doesn’t need to flatter me though.

“Will you stop teasing, you wouldn’t only smile for me,” I say with a shake of my head.

“Luna, I…” his beeper chooses this moment to go off and I think this is the first time I’ve seen him without a smile. He scowls down at the small device and frown lines begin to circle his eyes. “I’m sorry, I’ve got to go,” he sighs and all I can do is smile in reply as we both stand up and walk out of the cafeteria together.

“Well, I hope I get to see you again before you go off to college,” he says as he takes my hand between both of his and strokes his thumb across the top of it. Pins and needles shoot up my arm and I suddenly feel breathless.

“I’ll t-t-try,” I stutter and he awards me with one more smile before releasing my hand and I can’t stop myself from standing here and watching him walk away. My cheeks flame when he looks back and catches me red handed and all he does is send me a wink before chuckling as he rounds a corner and disappears from my line of sight.


The Selection Process

The envelope is burning a hole through my bedside table that I moved it to once I got home from the hospital. It’s been nearly four weeks since it arrived and I’m struggling. Mom still won’t look at me and I feel so torn, be that as it may, it’s time for me to at least look at the contents.

Miss Carter

First allow me to thank you for the interest you have expressed within our organization, your application has made it through the screening process and I would like to offer you an appointment to go through the next stage. I have attached a checklist of everything you will need to bring for the appointment to be as successful as possible. There is also a suggestion for the attire you should attend in, I would recommend you check through this and follow my instructions. You are amongst the one hundred and fifty that have been selected to move on and that is, an honor in itself. Less than half will be selected to attend the Harkwright Academy, so I would also suggest that you do not allow yourself to get your hopes up too high, we only select the best of the best.

If you are still interested in proceeding to the next stage, then please accept as soon as possible. If I have not heard back by 3/20/20 then I will assume you are no longer interested and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Yours Sincerely,

Ms. Vanderbilt

Well crap, that deadline is tomorrow. I knew I should have opened this sooner. I was just put off by my mom’s reaction, but I won’t let it hold me back any longer. She doesn’t want to look at me then fine, if I get in she’ll have three years where she can ignore me in peace.

Since we don’t have a phone, I guess I better get to a pay phone and let her know that I am interested in going on to the next stage. Why am I interested? I guess because I know I won’t get chosen so I have nothing to be scared of. Maybe I’m in so much denial because I don’t want to face the possibility that I could be selling my soul to the devils of Harkwright Academy.

It’s only taken me five minutes to get here and I guess there’s no reason to put it off any longer, as I punch in the numbers and balance the receiver between my ear and shoulder. The letter is gripped so tightly within my hand that my knuckles are turning white and the paper is tearing slightly.

“Harkwright selection, Melissa speaking. How can I help you?” She sounds really bored, it must be a fascinating job she has.

“Hi, I was told to ring about the second stage,” I hate how much I’m shaking, I’ve nearly dropped the phone three times and even my voice is trembling.

“I’m assuming this is Luna Carter.”

Okay, I was not expecting that. Also why is she now sounding colder than the arctic, instead of the boredom she had before?

“That’s an impressive guess.”

“Not at all, you are the only one who hasn’t called in and no one ever calls twice. There are no rescheduling or cancellations. So if you are calling this number then you must be Luna Carter and I wish you all the luck in the world for this conversation.”

A beep sounds through my ear and I've wrapped the phone cord so tightly around my finger it's turning purple. How sarcastic and rude can you be? Poppy would never have stood for that kind of treatment, but then again, I’m not Poppy.

“Miss Carter, I had all but written you off. Do you often leave things to the last minute?” What is it with everyone being angry with me lately, am I putting something out there?