Standing up, I stumble into the coffee table, someone is saying something but I can’t hear it. It feels as though my head is being held under water and nothing is coming through. My chest is tight, and I can't force the air to fill my lungs as I drop to my knees, my hand splaying out on the floor beneath my head, holding me up as my body fails me.

I can feel nails clawing through my skin and I can’t take anymore of it, I need it to stop. I know I’m being moved but I can’t figure out how or where, until something cold hits my skin. A screech falls out of me as ice cold water pelts over my head.

I’m still struggling to catch my breath, but everything else is slowly coming back into focus. I look down and watch the water hitting my hands, washing the blood away, turning the water red, and the stinging as it hits my split knuckles makes me sigh in relief. I stiffen up as a pair of legs appear next to mine, followed by arms wrapping around my stomach until I feel… secure and safe.


“It’s me and you’re going to be okay, you were having a panic attack but you’re safe. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere, not while you need me,” his breath washes across my neck as the water slowly starts to heat up, and it isn’t lost on me that we’re sitting in his shower, fully dressed.

“You didn’t try to undress me,” it falls out through chattering teeth, and I feel his laugh reverberate through his chest as he drags my hair behind my neck and drops a kiss on my exposed skin.

“No, when I get you naked it will be because we want it, not because I feel like trying my luck. Besides, panic attacks are a cross even I have to bear sometimes. How do you think I got started on pot?”

“You are always surprising me.”

“Just you wait, you haven’t seen anything yet. Also I’m supposed to be leaving this evening, but I will rearrange for a couple of weeks, considering the circumstances I don’t think it will look good if any of us suddenly up and leave. That’s more than enough time to figure each other out a little more,” he drops another kiss on me, before standing up and stepping out of the shower.

I turn my head to the side and watch as he pulls his sopping shirt over his head, revealing tanned, toned skin that makes my mouth pool. I can’t stop watching as he slips out of his shoes and slides his jeans down over his thighs, past his knees and over his ankles. His eyes are on me, I can feel them, but I can’t stop watching until his thumbs dip inside his waistband and my eyes choose this moment to

shoot up to his.

“All in good time Little Zero, all in good time.”

“Could you get me something to change into please?” My cheeks are red as I ask Aeron freaking Harkwright to get me some clothes because he got me wet. Ha, gotta love irony.

“Of course, I’ve got just the thing,” he says with a sly grin and a twinkle in his eyes before moving out of the bathroom in nothing more than his wet boxers.

He returns in barely anytime at all with a pair of boxers and one of his shirts, and I can’t believe I’m going to be wearing his clothes. At least it’s only until I go and grab something from my room… right?

“Only stipulation, you wear these in my bed tonight, either that or naked. I’m a fair man after all,” guess that put me in my place.

I take the offered clothes and quickly slip them on before joining him in his room, and sitting down on his king size bed. I’m not even going to think about how many girls he’s had in here, and what he’s done to them. I’d never get a wink of sleep if I let those thoughts take root and fester in my mind.

“Hey Aeron, do you think it was a one-time thing?” I’m not expecting him to answer so him sitting down and placing my hand, palm down on his thigh, is shocking the hell out of me.

“Can I trust you Little Zero?” I nod my head, scared to say anything out loud and change his mind on whatever he is thinking about saying.

“Don’t make me regret this,” his eyes go dark and all traces of the jovial, humor loving Aeron is gone. I’m glad I don’t see this version a lot, it’s kind of scary. Maybe even more so than Tucker and Emmet, judging by what I’ve seen so far. “Carly had severe bruising around her neck, down her arms and her legs. Some are saying it was rough sex gone wrong, but I’m not sure. Either way I don’t think anyone would be stupid enough to do it again and you’re safe. You’ve got Darius, and you’re rarely alone anyway. Just don’t go off with anyone you don’t trust.”

“What if they follow me like Shane did?” I have to voice it, otherwise it will play havoc with my brain all night.

He looks at me and I watch as he opens his mouth, and then Daria’s voice filters through the door in the living area and the moment is gone.

I guess I won’t be getting any more answers now, but at least I’m safe… I think.

I wake up without realizing I’d even been asleep, my body is warm maybe a little too warm. There’s an arm draped over my hip, and my head seems to be lying on another one. Am I being spooned? By Aeron? How the fuck did this happen? I barely remember climbing out of the shower, let alone getting changed and climbing into bed. I know I did, and I also know that Aeron had to let Daria in for a little while so she knew I was okay. I guess I must have fallen asleep shortly after she arrived, I wonder how long he’s been in here with me?

A loud thump fills the room, as something hits the floor and I lift my head to see a figure sitting on a chair, staring at us.

A squeak passes from me as I look at him, trying to figure out if it’s a friend or foe. Although sitting in the dark and watching me sleep, definitely gives him the creep factor.

“Don’t worry, I was just making sure you were okay after the day you’ve had.”

“I-I’m fine,” I whisper, not wanting to disturb Aeron.

“Are you sure? I mean, after what Sir made you do to Four, it couldn’t have been easy.”

“Y-yes, I’m sure. It’s not sitting well, but I’m managing,” I say and he starts to move closer, as he rises from his seat, and starts putting one foot in front of the other.