“Wait up Lu, I’ll come with you,” D calls and I smile as I hold up my hand to stop her from moving.

“It’s okay, I could do with a little time to study anyway, come get me before the assembly?” I say, knowing that although we can’t sit with each other, we can at least walk down together.

She nods, hesitating slightly before turning back to Jake and I leave the pool, wrap a towel around myself and head into the showers to get cleaned up.

Ten minutes later and I’m heading back to my room when Tucker appears out of nowhere and I hate the squeak that falls out of me. He smiles but there’s no warmth in it, as he holds out his arm for me to pass, following in my wake. He doesn’t wait for an invitation as I open my door and he drops down on my recliner and simply sits there, staring at me.

“Tell me what happened last night and what Shane said to you this morning in the mess hall.”

Straight to the point, there really is no messing around where he’s concerned.

“Does it even matter? You and Emmet already knocked ten shades of poop out of him, it’s done,” I say, as I sit down and tuck my hands underneath my thighs.

He leans closer, his elbows resting on his thighs while his steepled fingers rest beneath his chin. His eyes are roaming over my face before falling on my cheek and the band aid that is still in place.

“For one thing, just say shit. Poop really lowers the tone when you’re trying to make a point, you just come across as childish,” I feel myself bristle at that, and he smirks before his mouth settles back into a straight line. “For another, I’m not asking and I shouldn’t have to remind you of the rules for how to react when you’re given an order by one of the men.”

I rub at my eye, trying to buy myself a few minutes to compose myself. I don’t want to say something I’ll regret and I certainly do not want to start stuttering, fuck Shane and making fun of me for it. Too late you bastard, I’ve been dealing with it for most of my damn life!

“He pulled me onto the ground by my hair and ordered me to… s-suck him off. I said that Emmet ordered everyone not to touch me, and he reminded me of my position and how he would be believed over me. He was freeing himself, I-I t-tried but my hands were shaking t-t-too much. He was d-doing it himself when you guys turned up.”

“What about this morning?”

I just can’t catch a break can I?

“He said that I’ll be spending my night sucking and riding him,” my eyes drop to the floor and I’m glad I trapped my hands under my thighs, otherwise I’ll be fidgeting like crazy.

His hand rests under my chin before he tilts it up so I am staring straight at him, although I can’t stop my eyes from dropping to the floor.

“I want to know what he whispered to you Luna,” yeah that gets my eyes shooting to his. He doesn’t normally use my name so the fact that he is, has to mean something. I’m just not sure what.

“He told me that Emmet left this morning and by the time he’s done with me, I’ll be nothing more than the empty vessel he already sees.”

“Shane is a dickhead, ignore him. We’ll make sure he doesn’t get his way with you,” he takes his hand away from me and stands up.

“What if he claims me?” I don’t know why I left that part out but I can’t add it now, can I?

“Then there’s nothing we can do, I guess you’ll just have to hope you’re strong enough to make it through his bullshit.”

That’s the answer I expected, the Tucker who doesn’t give two shits about me is back. The one from the dress shop may as well have been dreamed up from my imagination.

“I guess we’ll find out soon enough,” I say, he walks to the door and pauses. He looks at me and opens his mouth but he doesn’t say a thing, instead he opens the door and leaves me alone. Only it doesn’t feel as freeing now, instead it feels like I’m in mourning. For the girl I’m going to lose once Shane makes his declaration today.

A shiver courses its way through me as I stand up and walk into my room, pulling out a knee length pencil skirt and off white blouse before stripping out of my clothes. I don’t stop when my door opens or as the sound of footsteps fill my seating area. My door is wide open and no doubt whoever it is, will enjoy the show. Pulling my skirt up, I slip the blouse on before turning around and coming face to face with… an empty room.

I look around but I can’t see any signs that anyone had even entered until I see an envelope sitting on my sideboard. Walking slowly towards it, I think I’m half expecting someone to jump out and scare the ever living shit out of me, but no one does. I pick the envelope up and slowly lift the flap to find a letter inside.

My Star,

Today something will occur that although it angers me, cannot be avoided. You will be claimed and it will not be by me. However you should always remember that you are mine and despite whoever turns out to be your first, I will be your last. You have been mine ever since you hit submit on your application. The problem is, you aren’t ready for me yet, but you will be.

Although I would love to claim every inch of you, I wouldn’t even know where to begin with a virgin and you should get the chance to know what it is like to be with someone else, before you give yourself fully to me. I know you’ve been warned about me, how I will consume you and destroy you and maybe they’re right. That’s not to say however, that you won’t enjoy every second of it.

You were a zero first because you had to prove you wanted this, that you could handle me and you have gone above and beyond. I never expected someone to try and kill you, but yet you are still standing, holding your head high and carrying on with your day. You have more things to learn before we’ll come together but remember… although you are a part of this Academy, you are not a Harkwright girl, you are mine.

I have set out a new rule which every man will follow, whether or not you are claimed, no one will claim your virginity. This is my gift to you My Star, to prove that you are worth the wait. Because although the thought of sinking myself into your depths is driving me out of my mind, I will not rush this. So you can choose who you lose it to, it is yours to give away. Then we can be together and the nameless, faceless girls who will fill the void of you will disappear, until we have both filled the void that is consuming us.

See you soon My Star.