“I’ve heard rumors of what he’s done to the girls he chooses for a week or two, aren’t you even curious?” He seems so bewildered.

“Nope not even a little bit, I’ll make my own mind up about the big bad Prince,” I laugh before he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into his arms.

I won’t kiss him, but I can’t resist a quick hold. Why did he have to come and see me? I’m going to end up feeling all confused again. I always do when I’m around him, liking and wanting him but at the same time something screams at me not to get too close and to never give in. Sometimes I really hate my inner voice.

“Luna, can I kiss you. Just one last kiss,” his eyes are scorching me and I’m going to say no, I should… no I have to say no.

“Okay,” for fuck’s sake I think my alter ego will go on strike if I don’t start listening to her soon.

His mouth is on mine in an instant, it’s slow, just a brush of lips until he sucks my bottom lip into his mouth and gently bites down. I can feel my toes curl as he deepens it further, tilting his head and holding the back of mine. His tongue exploring and twisting around mine, before he pulls away and just stares into my eyes.

“You’re the kind of girl who could have anyone she wants, a guy could really fall for you.”

“A girl could really fall for you too,” I breathe my eyes tracing every inch of his face, mapping it in my mind.

Given enough time, I really could have fallen for Liam, in a different place, time and life. I think I would have been happy with him. It just isn’t meant to be, a part of me wants to be honest with him and tell him about Cole but all it will do is cause pain and I don’t want that. The moment he leaves, I know I’ll never see him again and although I’m resigned to it, I’m still hurting just a little bit.

He leaves not long after and Maddox stops by to let me know that our assignment went brilliantly.

“Thanks for stopping by to let me know, I hate that I couldn’t be there to present it with you,” I grumble and he smiles gently at me from the doorway, refusing to come in even though I invited him to.

“It’s okay, you can’t help being hurt and I’d rather you rest than cause yourself more pain. Anyway, I just thought I’d stop in and let you know that it went well and drop off today’s lesson plan so you don’t feel as though you’re missing out,” he places the papers on my sideboard before looking down at the ground.

“You don’t have to rush off, you know, you’re

more than welcome to stay for a while.”

“Thank you, but I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he gives me a quick wave before walking out the door and I don’t miss the way his eyes stray to something just out of my sight. I watch as he quickly nods his head before closing the door and leaving me alone.

The day of the masquerade has arrived and Daria has been here for the last ten minutes pretty much fawning over my dress the entire time. I’m not even exaggerating, I think she’d wear it if she could.

“So Tucker took you dress shopping, what was it like with the big ogre?” She asks with a laugh and I’m not sure how to answer the question.

“It was okay, there were three dresses to pick from and this was my favorite, I almost went for a pale blue ball gown but this just stole the spotlight the minute I got it on. As for Tucker, he’s really not that bad, I’m glad it was him and not Shane. He probably would have murdered me and got the driver to dump my body somewhere,” my words make me shiver and the scary thing, Daria doesn’t even argue with me or say that I’m over reacting.

“You didn’t even get to pick your own dress, that sucks.”

“Not really, I hate shopping and until I came here most of my clothes came from thrift stores or hand-me-downs from my sister. Not that her style really suited me, but it’s the thought that counts,” I say, feeling bad for even slightly knocking her style.

“Have you ever met your birth mom?” She asks and I like that she didn’t say real mom, because it isn’t always blood that makes a family and my mom is my real one.

“I imagine I did once upon a time but she died when I was two so I won’t get to now and my dad is an unknown entity. There’s never been a name on the birth certificate,” I feel weird talking about this and I think I need to change the subject before we get any deeper into it all.

“I’m sorry Lu, that’s gotta suck. Anyway let’s get your hair and make up done so you’re all ready for the masquerade. Oh and before you argue, I am doing your make up I don’t care if you’re wearing a mask,” eh what’s the point in arguing with her over something like this. At least we’re not talking about the adoption anymore.

She gets started on my hair first, putting soft curls in before putting half up and keeping it out of my face with a clip and letting the hair fall into the rest of the curls. She does my makeup soft apart from my lips which she does red, I’m not entirely sold on it but she’s so excited and I’m not exactly an expert with this kind of thing.

By the time I’m in my dress and she’s getting ready, I don’t even recognize myself and that’s before I put the mask on. Damn am I nervous though. My palms are sweating and my legs may as well be made of jello with the way they’re shaking. Part of me wishes my ankle was still hurting, but as long as I take a couple painkillers I’m good to go. Why couldn’t it have been broken?

Daria steps out of the bathroom and she’s absolutely stunning, she looks nervous and I’ve never seen her like this before.

“D, you look amazing.”

She’s wearing a knee length ivory dress with red roses on the skirt and red gems spread out in intricate patterns across the top. Her hair is up in a twist and her make up is light but it’s the mask that steals the show. White with a red lace overlay and red and white feathers coming off from the sides, if she wasn’t already claimed she would be after tonight.

I hate myself so much for thinking that, but it’s true. She’s one of the prettiest girls here and by far the nicest, who wouldn’t want to have her all to themselves? I’m just glad Bradley claimed her first, by what she says, he’s definitely treating her better than his counterparts would have done.

She helps me fix my mask in place before opening the door to leave but instead of walking out, she bends over and rushes back to me. She’s left the door wide open and girls are starting to filter into the corridor, looking in my room and not even trying to hide it.