“No, he just took me to get a dress for the masquerade ball and then to the posh restaurant place for lunch. It just wasn’t my scene, he was usual Tucker. Quiet and texting occasionally. Although he was annoyed to find out that no one had given me my new set of rules. I got the impression that someone kept that from me deliberately,” I stare right at him, but I can’t see any signs that he’s the guilty party.

“That’s fucked up, why would someone want to keep the rules from you? Unless… if they’re loyal to Shane then it would make sense. That guy really has it out for you, do you have any idea why?”

“Honestly, no. I haven’t done or said anything to him, I wish I knew but it’s a mystery. You leave in about a week don’t you?” I ask, and I know I will miss him more than I care to admit.

“I’m leaving the morning of the ball, I’d rather go before all that cleaning arises,” He’s laughing but it falls flat. “I’m really going to miss you Luna, our chats and just being with someone who treats me like a normal person,” he takes my hand in his and my heart jolts.

A lot of my free time has been spent with him lately, almost every day for the past eight months, how can I not be affected by him leaving. I’m glad he’s finally going to get away from this place but I’ll miss the banter and the flour fights when he joins me on one of my late night baking fests. How he holds me when I’ve had a bad day and I hate myself for ever signing up to this place and when the homesickness rises up and tries to bury me under the pain. He makes everything feel a little easier and I’m scared by how much I feel for him.

“Hey, where are you right now?” His fingers brush my hair away from my face and my breath is stuttering slightly.

“I’m here, I just didn’t realize how much I was going to miss you,” he smiles at my words before grabbing my hand, standing up and pulling me to my feet as well.

“There’s a place I want to take you, somewhere you can go whenever you want to remind yourself of my awesomeness,” he’s grinning but I can tell by his words that he’s being serious.

“This is going to sound mean but I’ve been on my feet a lot today. Can I please go with you tomorrow, I’m so ready to lie down in my bed and just relax.”

“Hey, no I understand. I really do, come on get yourself comfortable and I’ll leave you to it,” He lets go of my hand but I quickly grab a hold of him once more.

“You don’t have to go, not if you don’t want to,” he sits down and pulls me into his side and wraps his arm around me.

“I’ll miss you too, but I bet it’ll be like I never left,” he strokes my hair and my eyes flutter closed. I’m so comfy and he’s fast becoming my new favorite pillow.

Opening my eyes, I can tell that I’ve somehow ended up in my bed and if the clock is any indication, then it’s more suited to brunch than breakfast. I must have slept the whole day away, it was only four pm when I fell asleep, how can it now be ten am? This is crazy, shit where’s Liam? And I really hope he was the one who put me in here, I’d hate to think I did something stupid last night and now have a weird bout of amnesia.

I roll over and see a note on the pillow next to me, a smile spreads as I look at his rough squiggle.

Sorry, I thought it would be weird to stick around while you’re sleeping, but I didn’t want to leave you on the sofa either. I left you in what you already had on and I’ll lock the door behind me and post the key under it. Don’t forget though, this evening is mine. I can’t wait for you to see it, trust me Luna it’s incredible.


No idea why he signed it, who else would it be from? I sit up, shaking my head and get dressed before making myself a pot of coffee and try to work out what I’m supposed to do with myself today. Now that I know I’m not allowed to have friends as far as Shane is concerned, I’m not seeing the point of going down to the mess hall and I still haven’t joined any of the extracurriculars either.

Screw it, I throw back my coffee and head down to the kitchen and hopefully I’ll get lucky and they’ll be room for me to do a spot of baking.

Walking in I can tell there’s people in here working and I’m debating leaving when one of the cooks walks over to me and offers me a polite smile.

“Can we help you hon?” She asks and I smile as I shake my head.

“Sorry to bother you, I was looking for somewhere to bake but I can come back later,” I say and her smile goes from polite to marvelous in seconds.

“Frank get yourself over here, it’s the sweet girl who made that quiche,” she says as she grabs my hands and drags me further into the kitchen and I can’t see myself leaving here anytime soon. Guess it’s a good thing I don’t have any plans, but hey can I really complain?

“Ahh hello there, it was a lovely treat and we’ve been waiting for the chance to thank yo

u for your kind gesture,” says Frank as he makes his way round to me and shakes my hand.

“It’s fine, I love cooking and creating new recipes and I had the urge one day and thought it would be nice to make something for the people behind the scenes of this place,” I reply which makes the woman smile brighter.

“You want to cook, go right ahead. As long as we can do what we need and you’re not in the way, you’re welcome in here,” she says and I waste no time in claiming a spot and making a batch of cinnamon rolls.

I spend the next couple of hours in the kitchen until I’ve made plenty of day and nighttime goodies. I even made Aeron some brownies, just without pot this time. I don’t know why I made them for him, I just couldn’t help but assign them to him in my mind. But hey, I made Liam a bunch of cookies and Tucker some cinnamon rolls, although the first batch is mine. I refuse to share them, I get to eat my baking too.

Taking them up to my room, I then head to the mess hall to grab myself an early dinner before Liam comes for me. I watch as the guys head up to their table but I can’t see Aeron, Tucker or Scott up there.

I grab myself a slice of lasagne and cheesy garlic knots. This is going to be delicious. I move forward when I notice Maddox standing next to the food station and I guess I should say hello before finding myself a table. Seeing as no one will sit with me, thanks a lot Shane.

“Hey Maddox, is everything okay?” I ask, smiling up at him and liking the fact that even though he’s still taller, he isn’t as tall as most of the other Harkwrights. How can they all be over six feet? Aside from Maddox, I think Sam and Dylan are probably below that as well.