“He’s expecting you to join him,” he points out and I look over to see him staring at me.

“I don’t know what I want,” turning my back to Tucker, I look over the menu and Darius is shaking his head at me with a slight smile on his face.

“You’ve changed Snowflake,” he breathes, so only I can hear his words.

“Is that a bad thing?” I ask, worrying my lip again and he shakes his head before jerking his head over to Tucker.

“No, not what I’ve seen so far. You’ll need thicker skin to survive that place, just don’t let it change you into something even you won’t recognize at the end of it. Now go sit down, I’ll grab something you’ll enjoy.” He walks over to the register to place our orders, while I make my way over to the table, and sit facing Tucker.

“I can’t quite work you out Luna,” he rolls my name over his tongue and goose bumps break over me. I really need to learn how to control my body’s reactions to this guy.

“I can say the same for you, but then again I can’t make you answer my questions,” I point out, as I start playing with the napkins on the table.

“True, alright then tell me. Which version of you is the real one?”

I raise my brow at him, what is he talking about? He’s completely lost me.

“The stammering girl who bites her lip and makes my cock jolt every fucking time,” oh, my lips part on that one. “The girl who has no fear and actually mocks me and dares to roll her eyes or the one who sits quietly in class and acts like being called on by me is the worst thing imaginable. Which one is real Luna?” My napkin is now a shredded mess on the table and his hand falls over mine and stops me from destroying anymore.

“All of them,” it comes out low and I know when he grips my chin for the umpteenth time today that he couldn’t hear me. I don’t like this though, especially with the way he won’t let me look away from him.

“Which one?”

I dart my eyes down to the table and he growls until my eyes jolt back to his and I can feel my face growing red.

“All of them,” I say a little louder this time and he releases me and relaxes back into his chair.

“Okay, your turn. A question for a question, however if I don’t want to answer I won’t,” he crosses his thick arms over his muscular chest and I feel my mouth run dry, before I clear my throat and try to think of a good question that he won’t refuse.

“How can we be sitting in here like this? Surely it’ll make a newspaper somewhere and then the powers that be will know you used my necklace to deceive them,” I point out and his eyes flash as he nods his head, almost as though in appreciation for the way my mind works. That can’t be right though, can it?

“Do you remember my bio?” I nod my answer and he strokes his chin as he carries on with his answer. “It’s empty because I don’t like people knowing more than they deserve to. I keep to myself and I can guarantee there isn’t a single photo of me circulating around the public. Tucker Harkwright may as well be a myth, known by name and nothing more. I like my privacy and I intend on holding on to it for as long as I damn well please.”

Darius drops our plates down in front of us and I take a sip of my drink and smile up in gratitude at the taste of the iced tea on my tongue.

“How are you all of those people?” he doesn’t even look up from his food as he asks his next question and I’m just glad I have something to do with my hands as I try to answer.

“I stammer when I’m nervous or upset although I’m working on overcoming it, the confidence rarely comes out unless I’m cooking or with my family but sometimes when I’m annoyed or angry I forget myself and just come out with whatever I’m thinking. Happiness is another one that has me forgetting myself and I can just be the best version of myself, but I doubt that will come out anytime soon,” I add and I pick up my burger and dig in before he can ask any follow-up questions.

“I’d say I’ve made you happy a number of times,” he mutters and I have to hold in my laugh so I don’t choke on my food.

“That’s a different kind of happiness wouldn’t you say, that’s just hormones,” cue Darius choking on his drink from behind me and my cheeks are aflame as I remember that he can hear every word of this.

“Besides, you’ve ruined it every time except for one.”

“Fair enough, your turn to ask,” he waves a hand at me as he takes a pull of his beer and I hate how my eyes are drawn to the way his throat moves as he swallows.

“Why don’t you have a regular or regulars?”

“I guess I haven’t found a girl amidst the bunch that I want to have as a regular, that and the majority have already done their rounds. No doubt I’ll find one but sex isn’t a concern of mine right now, I’m more in it for the classes,” his answer surprises me but I’m glad he doesn’t have a string of girls waiting to claw their way into being claimed by him.

“How long has Liam been visiting you for? I know he’s tried to get into your room a few times when you were injured.” His food is all but forgotten as he waits for my response, and I wish I could refuse to answer. I don’t want him to get into trouble because of me.

“I met him on my first official day, I didn’t realize he was cleaning my room and I bit his head off just a tad. I was emotional and I’d had a dreadful day and he was nice. He was really decent about accepting my apology and we became unlikely friends, there’s nothing more to it. He was just worried about me, that’s all,” I stress that last part, hoping I haven’t crossed a line anywhere.

“Fair enough, but don’t get too used to him. And I would be careful who you choose as your friend.”

“I am, I have two to my name in this place, one doesn’t talk to me anymore and the other is leaving in a week. You don’t need to warn me twice,” I say almost bitterly and I can feel my good mood slipping away.