He slides the charm into the door pocket before slipping the chain back around my neck, I look at him with my brows raised and his hand curves around my neck before drawing me closer. He doesn’t stop until his mouth is against my ear and his breath is fanning across my skin.

“Just in case anyone gets close enough to see whether your chain is in place. It’s a tracker Tiny One, as long as you’re wearing it the powers that be will know your every move.”

He drops a chaste kiss on my temple before sitting back and I can’t believe he told me that, why would he tell me that? Also, what the actual fuck is happening here?

The limo pulls up to a stop ten minutes later and Tucker pulls out a shoebox from the bag and passes it to me.

“You’ll need these for where we’re going.”

“Where are we going?” I ask, and he gives me his usual smirk and just stares at me.

I roll my eyes and he grips my chin between his thumb and forefinger and brings his head in close.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me Little One or I’ll have to spank that sweet little ass of yours, see what that does to you and your non existent panties,” my eyes are as wide as they’ve ever been and I waste no time in pulling the black wedge sandals out of the box and getting them on.

Is it just me or is it suddenly really hot in here?

“Okay, so before we go you’ve read your new set of rules since you got into the thirties right?”

“Well, sure I would have but all I got was an addendum of where I could go now and that I was allowed in the garden up until 8pm, unless I was with one of you.”

“For fuck’s sake, right hang on. We can’t go anywhere until you’ve at least had a look over them. I’ll tell you which section you need and then you can look over the rest later,” he looks really put out and I’m starting to feel sorry for whoever picks up the phone.

“Shut up right now you little shit, where the fuck do you get off?”

I have no idea what is being said on the other end, but clearly it’s not what Tucker wants to hear.

“Don’t act the fool with me, I know you’re responsible for Thirty-Four not getting the updated rule list. Why would you take them in the first place, do you want her to get kicked out prematurely?”

The divider slides down and the Mountain - although I guess I should start calling him Darius now - stares at us.

I throw my hands out in the universal gesture for, ‘I haven’t got a clue’ and he just shakes his head in return before turning back around. But he keeps the divider down this time.

“Don’t be moronic, you know full well what could have happened if one of the dickheads who isn’t up Sir’s ass got her to do something that was on the no list. No, I don’t care. I expect that list to be in her room when we get back.”

He disconnects the call and I have a whole load of questions, but I know I won’t get any answers. He starts tapping away before he passes it over to me and shows me what he wants me to read.

When out with a Harkwright man, we do not want it brought to the attention of a passerby that you are a Harkwright girl. Therefore you will be addressed by your first name or a nickname if the man chooses to adopt that method of addressment. You will still abide by the same set of rules, and must follow all orders given at any time. Whilst out in public, the Harkwright men will act on their best behavior and will not ask you to do anything that could prove dangerous to yourself or them or anything that could be deemed unlawful. If they should act against us, you are permitted to refuse their orders and will be given a fair hearing once you arrive back safely within the Academy walls. A bodyguard will be present at all times and will act as the eyes and ears of the Academy while you are away.

“Wow, I can’t wait to read the rest of the rules,” the sarcasm drips like honey from me and Tucker stares at me for a second or two before shaking his head and opening the door.

He leans in, offering me his hand and the gentleman act throws me off kilter once more, but I know better than to refuse and he helps me out of the limo before placing my hand in the crook of his arm.

“Make sure the driver stays here Darius, I want the Academy to believe we have been here the entire time,” Tucker says and Darius nods his head before relaying the message to the driver and joins us but stays a safe enough distance behind that he isn’t imposing upon us.

What a joke, it isn’t as though I can forget that he’s with us or that this is anything like a date, I’m not an idiot. I know Tucker isn’t about to take me on a lavish wine and dine where I’ll feel like a princess by the end, but I am curious a

s to where he is leading me. Seeing as they park the limo in a spot behind a posh restaurant that serves the lunchtime crowd, and I am beyond relieved that we aren’t going in there. I wouldn’t know the correct etiquette if it jumped up and bit me on the ass.

We keep walking until we’re well out of sight of the limo and the posh ass restaurant and I nearly choke on air as Tucker leads us into a burger joint. What the ever loving fuck, I was not expecting this.

“Don’t look so surprised, I hate places like that. Everyone is so fake and acting as though they’re better than everyone else because they have bulging wallets, big fucking deal.” Okay, his words are nice but is he for real right now. He’s part of the wealthiest family around and I can’t hold in my snort and I’m embarrassed of course I am but I’m also annoyed with him for acting as though he’s not a part of that life. No love, that’s me.

“Did you just snort Luna, that’s rather unladylike don’t you think,” god that damn smirk, does he not know how to let out an actual smile?

“Sir, yes sir,” I say with a mock salute and another snort falls out, but this one is coming from Darius. My eyes shoot to him but he’s returned to his usual stoic facade.

“Can you get us both a burger and fries and I’ll have a beer and whatever she wants,” he says to Darius before claiming a table.