“Someone get him out of here before I put him six feet under,” Tucker throws out and Scott sneers at me as he puts an arm around Aeron and leads him away. I still haven’t got a clue what just happened or if I’m allowed to go and take a seat somewhere else when Maddox stands up and comes closer.

“Go and find a table somewhere else, you don’t want to be here,” he says with kind eyes and it’s all I can do to not thank him for this act of kindness before I walk away and try to forget about the look on Tucker’s face as he dealt the blows or the way it affected me to watch it happen. Nope, not going to think about it… ever.

I’m sitting in my business class when Maddox walks in and claims the seat beside me, I still won’t thank him and I know he isn’t expecting me too.

“Does it still hurt?” he asks, indicating my arm and I rub at the bandage, trying to stop the itching that has suddenly occurred.

“Not as bad as it did, but too much pressure can cause it to act up a bit. I have got a sling for it, but I wasn’t expecting anyone to grab my arm today,” I give a half smile as though everything is peachy but he doesn’t return it.

“Aeron doesn’t mean to be such an ass, he’s always like this when he gets back.”

“I didn’t realize he’d left,” I say carelessly and his laugh is like music, so carefree but even he looks surprised by the fact he just did it.

“Yeah, he got back last night. He was only gone a week this time but it doesn’t matter, a day, a week or month it’s all the same. I’m not trying to make excuses for him but he’d never hurt you on purpose,” why does he want me to see the good in Aeron so badly?

“It’s fine, you don’t need to convince me of anything.”

“You’re wrong, but you’re not ready to see it yet,” is all he says in response and I haven’t got a clue what he’s talking about.

Class starts not long after his weird words and it feels good to be back here, which reminds me.

“Thank you for leaving my work for me,” I say to the tutor and her soft eyes crinkles around the corners.

“Your welcome Thirty-Four, but you should be thanking your neighbor over there. He took them after every lesson for you,” she replies and I look over to see Maddox turning bright red. I mouth “thank you” to him and he waves his hand before burying his head in the textbook.

We get halfway through this time before my number is called and I look up at the door to see Tucker standing there, his eyes narrowed on me and I want to refuse him. Yet, I pack up my things and make my way to the door and follow on behind, like a good little sheep. I wonder if he’s leading me to the slaughter?

He says nothing as we leave the building and step out into the gardens, he keeps on walking and doesn’t stop until we get to the entrance of the maze.

“Stick close, it’s called a maze for a reason,” and with that he steps inside and I make sure to stay as close as I can.

I know better than to question him about why he called me out of class again or why he has brought me to the maze but the silence between us is deafening. Although if I could ask him anything it wouldn’t be either of those it would be, what made you attack Aeron? And did it make you feel any better?

We move deeper and deeper until he comes to a halt and I watch as his back grows taut before he turns around to face me, he looks at me with something that I can’t explain and it makes me take a step back.

He steps closer and we don’t stop moving until I’m up against the maze wall and his chest is brushing against mine. He leans his head down until his mouth is against my ear and I can feel his lips with every word he utters.

“I know you’re good at keeping a secret Tiny One, so make sure you keep this to yourself, no one can know.”

I inhale hard at the shiver, his lips against my ear elicits in me and he jerks back, his eyes darkening as his pupils dilate. His chest is still against my own and I don’t know if it’s my heartbeat that I’m feeling or his.

“Fuck,” he growls before his lips descend on mine, except he bypasses my mouth and instead goes for my neck. Sucking and biting, the intensity of it causes my eyes to roll up into the back of my head, before he pulls away and gives me the dirtiest, fuck you look I’ve ever seen.

He grips my shoulder and pulls me away from the maze wall before pushing me into the middle of the maze and my eyes widen when they fall on Aeron and his red-rimmed eyes.

I step closer without even realizing and his head shoots up to mine, before he looks back at the ground. I am beyond confused right now, why would Tucker bring me here?


He jumps to his feet and strides over to me, before stopping abruptly and taking a few steps back and I’m just standing here. Waiting to find out what the fuck I’m supposed or even expected to do.

“Little Zero, did I hurt you?” his voice sounds so haunted, and it guts me enough that I start walking forward. His eyes widen in what I’m guessing is alarm, until I’m standing within arms reach.

“Yeah you did, why?”

“I’m sorry Little Zero, I wasn’t thinking. I was so off my head, I didn’t even realize I had gripped your bad arm,” the thi

ng is, I don’t want his excuses.