My eyes sink closed as I consider the ramifications of the only choice I think I have right now, I don’t want to hurt her and it might not even work, but I won’t just lie here and take it. The knife slices deeper into my hand as I tighten my grip, then with the last of my strength I manage to pull my near dead, injured arm up and slam it into the side of her head. Her screech would be comical if my life wasn’t on the line, add that to my blood matting on her hair and her weight lessens slightly on the blade. One last move and it’s my only chance, please just let go and move the fuck away.

I push at the blade, driving it further into my hand and it slices down my stomach, before finding a new body to cut. Her eyes shoot back to me as it lines up to her abdomen.

“Just let it go,” I beg, refusing to push the blade in and I think she’s going to. I can see the fear for her life shining in her eyes, and I know we’re both going to walk out of here alive.

“Come on Candice, just fucking do it,” Four sneers as she puts her foot onto her back and pushes down, driving the knife through her stomach and pushing it in to the hilt.

She falls forward, Candice’s full weight pressing down on it. I can feel warmth seeping through the fabric of my top. Four is suddenly screaming out and it isn’t long until people are rushing inside and pulling her free from me. Her chest is barely moving and all I can do is squeeze my eyes closed, as I’m pulled into a pair of arms and carried away from the room.


Breaking All The Rules

I don’t know who carried me to the medical center or who stitched and bandaged me up; I was so far gone by the time I was found and the adrenaline had worn off. Even now, staring at my reflection feels as though I’m looking at a stranger. My pale face is worse than ever, they leached any color I might have had out of me that day, and the dark circles under my eyes are more prominent than ever.

I’ve been holed up in my room for two months, having meals delivered outside my door and nurses visiting me to check the stitching and replace the bandages. Not just because of the injuries but my own fear as well. Their hospitality even stretches to my work being left outside so I don’t fall behind. I don’t know why they are letting me hide away, but I won’t argue it. I don’t trust their reasoning behind it, but I’m not the type to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Right now, I can’t face seeing anyone, wondering which girls knew it would happen and even if any of the guys were involved. Although, I may need to seek someone out soon, because I can’t go on much longer without knowing whether Candice survived.

A knock sounds on my door and I open it hesitantly, but I won’t deny the relief I feel at seeing Liam standing there.

“Come in,” I say, as I pull the door open wider and he gives me a gentle smile as he closes the door behind him.

“Fuck Luna, I’ve been going out of my mind worrying about you. I would have come sooner but your bodyguard wouldn’t let anyone but the nurses and female cleaners into your room. Sexist prick.”


“Yeah, after what happened the Prince decreed a bodyguard be put at your door for the foreseeable future. I guess he had to take a break or something because this is the first time he hasn’t been at his post,” my jaw drops open at his words. I wasn’t expecting that.

“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks, taking my non bandaged hand in his and threading our fingers together.

“What are you doing Liam?” I ask, as a bone weary sigh passes through me.

“I’m being a friend, stop reading so much into everything,” he replies with an awkward chuckle and I let him lead me over to the love seat.

Flopping down, I pull away when he sits a little too close for comfort, I’m worried that someone may come in and see us. Not for myself, but for him. God knows what the Harkwrights will do to him, no matter how innocent it is.

“I don’t want to talk, but if you’re willing, I could use a good rant,” laughing mirthlessly I look at him and he nods almost eagerly. Okay, I guess he wants my words, it’s strange but I like it.

“I don’t even know where to begin,” groaning, I drag my hand down my face, wincing at the pain it causes in my arm.

“Don’t think, just do.”

His words make me pause for a moment, wondering what he would do if he didn’t have to think or second guess his actions and choices.

“I’m angry,” it comes out low, almost as if I’m testing the words out on my tongue. His eyes don’t move away from mine and I think I can do this. It may even help, if only I could say it to the one person I really want to hear it. “I’m angry that I nearly died and no one will tell me what happened to Candice. That even after everything I went through, I still had to sit a lie detector test to prove that I wasn’t lying to try and steal the spot from Four. I hate myself for wishing she was the one that had a knife go into her,” my blood is heating and I can’t sit still. Standing up, I start to pace and I don’t look at Liam as I keep talking, ridding myself of the weight I’ve been carrying since it happened. “The worst part is that I’m hating someone I don’t even know and I can’t even tell him,” okay that part may have come out a little louder than I intended.

“What do you mean? Who do you hate?”

“Emmet, I hate him more than I’ve ever hated anything or anyone before, and I put all the blame on him for my injuries. For nearly dying and for whatever happened to Candice,” the weight of my words hangs heavy between us and I barely notice him standing up until he’s in front of me.

His hands fall on my shoulders and I’m breathing hard as my rage fights to stay on the surface. I hardly feel the way his hands run up and down my arms until I’m being pulled against his chest and his arms are wrapping around me. Stroking down the back of my head as hot, angry tears prick my eyes and soak through the fabric of his top.

“Why do you hate the Prince Luna? He isn’t even here,” he sounds perplexed, but I think I detect excitement as well. Maybe he hates Emmet as much as I do.

“Because it’s all his fault, and I’m standing here questioning my sanity and I may as well lay that at his feet,” I push at his chest and take a step back. “Do you know that he decreed that no guy shall as much as touch me until he gets here? That he is so important it allows no one else to want me or act on it until he says so. The worst part is that I don’t even know why I care so freaking much,” I will be pulling my hair out soon if I don’t get a grip.

“Luna, take a second and think hard about this. Do you want the guys to treat you like the other girls, to call your number, give you a few orders and then throw you aside when they’re done. I’m not making excuses for the Prince because no one knows why he does the things he does, but he’s stopping that from happening to you. So what do you want?”