I get up and walk over to the sitting area, loving the fact that I’m wearing jeans and my hoodie with no repercussions.

“I love the look.”

“This is me,” I say with a twirl and he smiles even wider before joining me on the loveseat.

“So, you are ready to go. I have things to show you, remember?”

“Of course, lead the way good sir,” he shakes his head at my words and we leave the room.

“Where are we going?” I ask as he places his hand over my mouth and leads me out of the wing and towards the north side.

“I can’t go down here,” I mumble over his hand and he winks at me as a light fills his eyes, great a rebel. Just what I need.

“The guys aren’t here and I think you should be aware of why the Prince comes with so many warnings.”

My eyes widen before my head drops into a nod and I follow him through the door that opens to their wing. The Harkwright wing and its glory knows no bounds.

The windows travel from floor to ceiling, with thick velvet drapes and they definitely have electric lighting in their corridor. Mini chandeliers fill the ceiling, throwing off soft lighting in the space. The walls are slate grey with gold features and the carpet is the softest I’ve ever walked upon as my slipper covered feet sink into its depths.

“This is crazy, who needs a corridor this gaudy?”

“Wait until you see their rooms, if you ever get an invitation that is,” He replies mysteriously and I grip his arm forcing him to come to a stop.

“So, you’re only taking me into the Prince’s room… why?” If I sound suspicious, it’s because I am. I have more fear when it comes to Shane than the elusive Emmet, show me his bat cave so I can be more prepared. Leave the poor Prince alone. Shit, do I feel sorry for him? The guy who comes with all the warnings.

“Emmet left his key behind so it could be cleaned, hence why I have it. I can’t get into any of the other rooms,” he sounds disappointed and I stroke his arm trying to be reassuring.

He grips my hand in his and leads me further down the corridor, until we come to the last door and he stands in my way. I guess to unlock it, before he pushes it open and quietly ushers me into the darkened space.

He closes the door behind us and flicks the light on, thankfully seeing as I couldn’t see anything with the drapes drawn, his walls are painted black. Why would you have black walls? It’s crazy!

I take in the four poster bed with black silk dangling from each of the posts, the mirror on the ceiling above the bed and the sturdy dining table with thick oak legs. His seating area comprises of one chair, a table and an area for a laptop to sit but no tv or space for anyone to join him. I mean sure it’s lonely, but it doesn’t make me fear him, I just feel bad.

“I don’t see the point in this Liam, this doesn’t make me fear Emmet,” I hear his intake of breath and I spin on my heels, my heart is in my throat as I fear that we’ve been discovered sneaking around.

“You called him by his name, no one does that Luna. Make sure it doesn’t happen around the Harkwrights, they wouldn’t want you to humanize the guy now.”

He captures my hand once more before leading me over to a painting on the wall, it’s of a forest on fire and right in the center is a figure and I can’t tell if he’s on fire as well or made from the flames themselves.

“Look at this room Luna, he’s a solitary person and he’s been quoted to say that he painted this room to match his soul. A mirror above the bed, silk ties around the posts… are you really not seeing it yet?”

“No, I’m not seeing anything. Liam it’s just a room and who am I to judge if he likes to watch himself while he’s… doing it,” my cheeks can’t heat anymore than they are right now.

“No girl who draws his attention ever makes it to the end, this room is soundproof Luna. He’s also been quoted as saying ‘scream proof’. How the fuck would he know that?” His grip is getting hard as he squeezes my shoulders, imploring me with his eyes to see where he’s coming from.

“I’m not going to judge him Liam, I don’t know him and he doesn’t know me. I doubt I’ll even make it on his radar,” I say, even though I know it’s a lie.

“Believe me Luna, I don’t think anyone could look at you and not want you,” his eyes fill with a heat that I can’t let burn me as I pull away.

I run until I’m almost at the door to get free of Emmet’s room when Liam grabs my arm and spins me around to face him, the force sending me crashing into him.

“Girls who get close to the Prince get destroyed, is that what you want for yourself?” He shouts the question at me and I flinch at his words.

He storms over to the Prince’s bed and pulls open a drawer before taking something out and slapping it across my chest. I look down and see a Manila envelope.

“What is it?” I ask, nibbling on my bottom lip and I don’t dare look inside.

“I found it the other day when I was cleaning, it’s an entire file about you. Photos of you, your mom and I’m guessing your sister. He noticed you long before you set foot through the Academy doors Luna, you are well and truly on his radar.”