He looks around at the group and slowly turns around, meeting every one of us eye to eye.

“If we tell you to get on the floor and open your mouths you do it, if we tell you to spread your legs you better believe you’ll be spreading them without a fucking delay,” his voice is rising and more and more people are gathering, including a few more of the Harkwright men. “So, if I tell you to bend the fuck over and take my cock up your ass without a fucking crying session, you better fucking do it,” spittle flies from his mouth as he screams the last couple of words and the girl goes into herself. Curling into a ball but by the way Simon’s eye flick to her, she isn’t in the clear just yet.

“Zero, get your ass over here and show your worth,” I freeze and Caitlyn looks as though she’s going to fall over in shock but we don’t need to worry as Carly steps forward and cracks her knuckles.

She stands at Simon’s side and he whispers into her ear before gripping onto her ass hard enough he must be leaving finger marks and grinding himself into her. Her cheeks heat before she walks away from him and moves closer to the other girl.

“Okay Chantelle, here’s your goodbye present,” she says before her foot smashes hard into the girl’s ribs, making her cry out before the next blow goes to her cheek.

She tries to get up but Carly drives her elbow down into her back, causing her to sprawl out, face first. She delivers kick after kick to her kidneys and ribs before crouching down and raining her fist down upon Chantelle’s face. She isn’t even trying to protect herself anymore, and barely even a whimper is coming out of her mouth. No one is doing a damn thing and I have this sick dread building in my stomach that she won’t stop until Chantelle is lying dead before her feet.

Caitlyn tries to grab a hold of my arm, but nothing will stop me. I don’t care if I meet the same fate, nothing is worse than watching this happen and doing fuck all to spare a life. All this because she didn’t want to do anal, fucking monsters the lot of them.

I rush to the middle, not a single person trying to stop me and I grab hold of Carly’s elbow as she brings her arm back to strike another hit to her temple. Her head shoots up, she bares her teeth as she stands straight, and narrows her eyes at me.

“She’s had enough, that is more than enough of a punishment. She’s being kicked out for God’s sake,” I grind out, bracing myself for a punch to the face and I know she’s eager to give it to me.

“How dare you grab me you frigid bitch, go back to the cemetery with all the other pale assed emos,” the back of her hand whips out and strikes me across the face, but I don’t make a sound. I just wait here for her next move.

“That’s enough,” bellows Tom as he comes over to us and grips Carly by the wrist. “Your orders were to teach Chantelle a lesson, not the other Zero. You could be kicked out right here for pulling such a stunt.”

“She grabbed me,” she pouts as her bottom lip sticks out and his eyes darken on her.

“I don’t give two fucks about a grab you pathetic little girl, now get out of my sight before I make Chantelle’s punishment look like the top prize,” she swallows hard before walking away, keeping her back straight and her head held high. But I don’t miss the slight shake in her hands and I don’t care that it gives me a thrill knowing that she’s scared.

“What are you doing getting involved in my business?” Comes from Simon as he grips Tom’s shirt by the collar and pulls him in close.

“She said no to anal dude, get over yourself. Besides, we have four girls ready and waiting to take her place,” he says coldly before gripping Simon’s wrist and pulling himself free.

He shakes his head before storming away and with a single glare from Tom, the rest of the crowd disperses until there’s only the three of us.

“You should run along too, I’ll take care of her,” he says with a narrowing gaze when I hesitate and my eyes drop back down to Chantelle.

“I don’t want to leave her alone, I…”

“Come on, spit it out,” he all but growls and I close my eyes for a few moments, trying to find some hidden strength to fall back on.

“I’ve heard the rumors where some girls don’t make their way back home, I want her to,” I exhale on a shaky breath and he comes in closer. Close enough that I can pick up his scent, of sandalwood and something that has to be uniquely him.

“It’s better if you don’t stick around Zero, but I can assure you that with me standing at the door she will make it home. Alive, if not a little rough around the edges. Now leave, I’m not asking.”

My eyes flick up to his and I nod my head before crouching down and running my hand over her face, brushing the hair away. “You’ll be okay, Tom will look after you.”

I hear a grunt come from the man in question before getting back to my feet and walking away and despite wanting to, I don’t dare look back.

Carly doesn’t come back to our room again that night and her stuff is removed and taken to her new room. She didn’t just get made a number, she became number Twenty, meaning all the girls after her had their numbers raised. No one wants to fall lower, and I can imagine there are a lot of unhappy campers present right about now.

The rest of the week is a blur in comparison, except for Caitlyn refusing to go anywhere alone in case a Harkwright sets his eyes on her and Millie doing whatever she can to gain their attention. She’s lucky they haven’t taken the bait yet if Simon and Shane are anything to go by, but it won’t stop her for long.

By the time the third week sets in, something new is happening and whispers are circling down every corridor and it’s almost deafening as we’re called into the grand ballroom for an abrupt assembly.

I didn’t think this place would do assemblies but I guess they love proving us wrong, I walk beside Caitlyn as we enter the room and the sight of it leaves me breathless.

The room sports a high dome ceiling, with a crystal chandelier bigger than any of the others I’ve seen in this place. The walls are navy blue with gold accents and a dark oak wood is used for the floor and the windows stretch high across the walls. It’s magnificent and even the rows of chairs and the daunting stage with fifteen chairs lining it doesn’t detract from its beauty.

We claim our seats at the back, a Zero written across three chairs. Even here we are segregated from the rest of the girls. Why do they have to throw our standing in our faces every damn chance they get?

Millie drops down a few moments later but barely glances at us, she doesn’t even look at us now unless we’re alone in our room.