Pulling myself out of my mind I notice that Carly hasn’t returned yet, her bed is still crisp, and the door hasn’t opened since the girls returned earlier this afternoon. One thing I will say, even though I’m not attempting to ingratiate myself with them they still think of me, they even brought me a map so I wouldn’t get lost and that gesture almost made me cry.

I don’t join them as they go down to get their dinner and instead I take my map and make my way to the library that I’m allowed to enter. It’s not small by any means, row after row of shelves line the space. The room has tall bay windows with a window seat for each one and a couple of comfy reading chairs pushed to the back.

I browse the books looking for something to distract me from my first day nerves and I have to fight my squeal of excitement when I find a copy of Boss by Scarlett Ross. I used to read this book all the time until one of the boy’s at school got a hold of it and ripped the pages out right in front of me, just to hurt me. I’d never done a single thing to him or his friends, but I was the odd one out. The quiet girl who couldn't even fall back on her book smarts, I was the easy target, and they took every opportunity to remind me just how pitiful and weak they thought I was.

Holding the book to my chest, I tuck myself against the wall as I sink onto one of the window seats and lose myself in the pages and find myself wishing I could live in this world and leave mine behind for good.

I don’t know how much time has passed since I came in here, but I don’t think I’m alone anymore. I can hear murmurs, as though someone is whispering and I don’t want to intrude. Maybe I can sneak out before they realize I was even around.

Slipping my heels off, I hold them in one hand, with the book still in the other as I make my way to the door and a breathy moan fills the surrounding air. I freeze as my cheeks heat and I turn around with my back to the door and a pair of blue eyes lock onto mine from one of the comfy chairs.

I recognize him from the dossier instantly and it’s safe to say that Scott Harkwright is keeping my gaze hostage. Even as a girl’s head moves up and down, swallowing him whole. Crouched at his feet, with her hands splayed over his thighs.

“Enjoying the show Zero? Participation is always greater than spectating,” he says easily, as though he isn’t being given a blow job. His breathing isn’t even staggered.

“You don’t need her,” Carly says as she releases him from her mouth and looks at me as though I’m less than her. Yeah, cause I’m the one swallowing cock on my first day.

“I wasn’t asking you and I never told you to stop,” he growls down at her and her cheeks redden before she returns to the ahem, task at hand.

“What do you say Snow, are you staying or leaving?” He smirks at me and I push my way out of the door, his laughter filling the room in my wake.

I can feel my blush spreading down my neck and I know I can't go back to our room like this, especially after seeing Carly in there. There’s only one other place that I can disappear to and it’s almost calling to me as I hurry to the kitchen and lose myself in the flour, sugar and eggs. I think I’m in the mood for brownies and double chocolate cookies tonight.

One tray of brownies, thirty cookies and a batch of blondies in the oven and I feel content. My face no longer feels hot and my heart is a reassuring thump, thump in my chest. I need to learn to school my features better but no one has ever been so blatant about sex before, and I don’t need a front-row seat while it’s happening. The other thing that worries me is what if they order us into a threesome, I don’t think I can do something like that, yet if I refuse, I’m gone.

I’m watching the timer tick down when the door hits the wall and I jump out of my skin. I spin around and come face to face with the guy who was in my room this morning. It’s ten pm, what is he doing in here?

“Sorry, I didn’t know anyone would be here” he says as he drops his eyes to the ground and hurries over to the double fridge.

“It’s okay, I’m allowed to be in here,” I say, as I pull out the map and the list of places I’m allowed to go from my pocket.

His eyes crease up around the edges as he smiles at me before coming over and placing his hand on mine and pushing it into my body.

“It’s okay, I don’t need to see that. I’m just the help, besides I wouldn’t tell on you,” he says with a genuine smile as he pulls his hand away and returns to the fridge.

“Can I help you with anything?” I ask quietly, my hand buzzing from the small amount of contact he just gave to me.

“Just claiming my dinner, have you eaten?”

I shake my head and he rolls his eyes before pulling out all the fixings for a sandwich and to my surprise, makes one for me as well.

“You didn’t have to do that,” it sounds awkward even to my ears as he holds it out for me to take.

“Let’s call it a trade, I’ll supply dinner and you can give me dessert,” I can feel my eyes widen as his words sink in before his mouth falls open, and he slaps his hand over his mouth. His cheeks blaze as he shakes his head almost comically. “I meant the cookies and brownies, I swear I would never proposition an Academy girl. Sir Harkwright would have my hide for even daring something as idiotic as that,” he says and I offer him a soft smile as I plate up a generous helping of brownies and cookies and he takes it with a mumbled, “thanks.”

“See you around…” he hesitates on his goodbye and I’m not sure what he’s waiting for.

“I’m a Zero,” I shake my head as I say it and his mouth turns down into a frown.

“That’s great, but I think I’d prefer to know your name. Mine’s Liam by the way,” he places one of the plates down and holds his hand out for me to shake.

I place mine within his, feeling his heat engulf my smaller hand. “I’m Luna,” I whisper and he brings his head in closer.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Luna, thank you for the dessert,” he drops me a playful wink and a low laugh passes through my lips as he releases my hand, collects his sandwich and leaves.

What just happened? Are there real life, friendly people in this place? Because I wasn’t expecting that. I sink down on one of the stools and eat my sandwich, when the timer dings I pull the blondies out and get started on a quiche for the people who work here. If they’re anything like Liam, then they deserve something nice to be here waiting for them when they start their shift.

By the time I finish and I have quenched my baking urge, it’s almost midnight and all I have left to do is cover the food and tidy up my mess. I made it, so it’s only right