What the fuck just happened?

“She’s going to get in trouble,” Caitlyn’s soft voice fills the air as she looks worriedly at the door.

“She won’t be back, it says in the pack. Any unauthorized violence between the reserves will result in an immediate expulsion,” we all turn to look at Millie at that. Unauthorized? Who in their right mind allows people to fight other than boxing and wrestling, but we’re eighteen-year-old girls. What do they think we’re going to do?

“Things are about to get interesting bitches, enjoy your month here because I don’t plan on being the next to leave and I’ll mow down all three of you to get my spot,” Carly looks over her shoulder at us before disappearing into the connected bathroom.

“I don’t think I will make it, I don’t have anything special to offer,” Caitlyn sinks down onto her bed and buries her face in her hands.

“Right there with you girl, this place belongs to people like Carly, not us,” Millie says as she throws herself into reading the welcome pack from cover to cover.

I should really do the same but I feel sorry for Caitlyn, I just don’t know how to help her. Standing up, I move to the breakfast table, drumming my fingers across the top before walking over to her bed and awkwardly perching on the edge.

“For my entire life I have felt like a stand in, not because of my mom but it’s how I viewed myself. The adopted daughter, with a perfect sister who was amazing at everything she tried and I couldn’t even get higher than a D in most of my grades. Be that as it may, being a reserve isn’t nothing, don’t you see. They clearly saw something in us otherwise they would have picked one of the other girls they turned away. No, I suck at a lot of stuff but I’m great in the kitchen and I’m sure you have something that you do better than everyone else here. Find what makes you who you are and you’ll be fine,” she peers up at me through her fingers before wiping her eyes and launching herself at me.

“I don’t do hugging,” I say weakly as my body goes stiff and I can hear Millie laughing at us.

“I’m sorry, I guess I’m not used to having a girl like you be nice to me and try to make me feel better. Thanks Luna,” she says with a smile as she pulls back and settles back down.

“A girl like me, what do you mean?” My defense mechanism is kicking in and I’m waiting for the insults to be thrown.

“You're beautiful and exotic, I’ve never seen a girl with features like yours. They are unusual but they work for you. I think the only thing that could make it even better is a little more weight on your bones,” she blushes at her words but I don’t feel insulted, I think the same thing myself.

“I know we’re not here to make friends and we are all out for ourselves but that isn’t me, you need someone to talk to then I’m here,” I give her a smile which she returns right as someone scoffs and we both turn to look at Carly.

“You girls are going to make this so easy, I’m not even going to have to break a sweat to get the better of you,” she laughs loud, a dirty husky sound.

“Are you done with the bathroom?” Millie asks, standing up but shrinking back down as Carly sets her attention on her instead.

“I sure am, I hope you like ice cold showers. I felt I deserved the hot water more, seeing as you are used to living in these conditions,” she throws herself on her bed, pulls on some ear plugs and goes to sleep.

Searching through my things, I check to see what items they let me keep, and I want to smile and cry all at once. I’ve still got my picture of Poppy and mom, my favorite apron that Poppy brought me for my last birthday we celebrated together and that’s it. No phone - no one has the number anyway - no MP3 player and no comfy jumper. Yep, it sucks but at least I’ve got the things that matter.

I sit back down and grab my pack trying to find the rules that Millie had read from, I need to familiarize myself with everything it seems. I mean, I haven’t even got started on the list of clothes I am permitted to wear tomorrow.

Rules for a Reserve

No authority is higher than the Harkwright men - other than SIR HARKWRIGHT HIMSELF

No unauthorized violence - including self defense

Refusals of any orders issued by the Harkwright’s will be grounds for dismissal - the offended party will make this decision.

You must always make yourself available to a Harkwright

Your door will never be locked to a Harkwright

No entry to non-permitted areas - unless invited by a Harkwright

You will leave your room if a fellow zero brings a Harkwright back - unless your presence is requested then refusal will not be permitted

Learn the dossier by your first morning, no Harkwright should have to introduce themselves and you should never confuse them.

Always be prepared, always be courteous and always show them the respect they deserve

You must keep personal items within your room

No unauthorized attire is permitted to be worn outside of your room