An hour later and I can’t believe what I’m seeing. I thought she would have taken away some of my paleness but she’s changed very little in the way I look. She has pulled my hair away from my face, the majority of it is down except from the strands that usually circle the sides of my face, she has them held at the back of my head with a silver clip keeping it attached. She’s even curled the sections that are falling freely and it’s beautiful, because of how simple it is.

There isn’t a hint of blush on my cheeks, but she has removed the circles that were lining my eyes so even though I still look as pale as a damn ghost, I’m fresh faced and healthy looking. The only makeup I can really see is the light blue on my lids and the light layer of eyeliner circling my eyes. My eyelashes are thick and look fuller than ever before. I can’t believe I can look like this. It’s me, but a version I’ve never seen before. All the attempts I’ve had with makeup always went terribly wrong so I avoided it.

“Okay, it’s time for the dress and then you’re done. Just in time too, they’ll be coming to get you any minute now,” she gives me a sad smile before picking the dress up once more and laying it on the floor.

“You need to step into it, but first you need to put the bra and panties on. I would offer to leave the room, but I doubt I’ll be the only person to see them today.”

Fuck, who’s going to see me in my panties... I wasn’t expecting to lose my virginity so soon.

I pull my cami off, being careful not to mess my hair up and unhook my bra, swallowing hard as the straps slip down my arms and it’s only my hands holding the cups in place. She looks at me with nothing but sympathy shining within her eyes before bringing a silvery blue lace bra over. Mine falls to the floor before I quickly replace it with the lace one, it hugs my breasts perfectly but it hides very little. I’m sure this would make most girls feel sexy, but I feel sick to my stomach, nothing sexy happening over here. She passes me the panties next that although it isn’t a thong, it may as well be. There’s a lace band running over my hips and the lace and cotton mesh lies between my legs and over my ass, but only covering my cheeks half way.

“They prefer thongs but I thought this would be a suitable compromise,” she says, and all I can do is jerk my head in a nod.

She takes my hand next and leads me over to the dress, giving me stability as I step into it and she pulls it up over my body. She does the top up at the front with clasps very similar to what you find on a bra and then she fluffs the skirt out before kneeling at my feet and sliding a pair of small heeled shoes onto my feet. Silver and sparkly and surprisingly comfortable to wear.

“Time to see the finished look,” she leads me over to the mirror and my mouth falls open, she really does know what clothes will suit me. This girl has a gift.

It has a pale blue corset which hugs my breasts and pushes them up but without revealing too much. It goes in at my waist and shows off what little I have in the hips department before falling into a silver tulle skirt that falls to my knees. I can’t resist doing a little twirl and watching the way it flies out around me, I feel like a princess and I’m surprised by the smile it puts on my face.

“You look beautiful Luna,” she holds my hands and I wonder what life would have been like if I’d had a friend like her.

The door handle turns and she steps away and moves to stand against the wall with her hands folded before her, I look up to find Ms. Vanderbilt looking at me. I can’t read anything on her face but the girl looks surprised to see her.

“Come Miss Carter, the selection is about to begin.”

I look at the girl who helped me but she doesn’t say anything, it’s like she's become a statue and I guess a bye isn’t in the cards for us. I give her a slight smile anyway before crossing the threshold and falling behind Ms. Vanderbilt.

She doesn’t say anything until we step into a different elevator this time and as the doors slide closed, she inserts a key into the elevator wall which opens a hatch with a red button sitting inside. With a single push the hatch seals itself closed and then she turns around to face me, a grim look set upon her face.

“Despite my best efforts, they have chosen you to attend. For your sake, pray they do not select you. We have plenty of untouched girls here Miss Carter, but none of them have the air of purity that you possess. They will eat you alive,” her tone is cold, and it matches her eyes perfectly.

“Why are you telling me this?” I ask, my voice barely more than a whisper as her eyes drill through mine and down into my soul.

“Because I’ve known girls like you before and one way or another, this place will destroy you. It doesn’t matter now but if you take anything I say with you, let it be this. Beware the prince, nothing with him is what it seems and he won’t just claim you, he will own, consume and ultimately destroy you.”

My chest is heaving, and this corset isn’t doing a damned thing to hide it, as the elevator comes to a stop and the doors open into yet another hallway and I’m led to a door with the number sixty adorned upon it.

“Remember that number Miss Carter, that is how you will be addressed throughout this process. Do as you are told and only speak if they request it, good luck kid, you are going to need it.”

The door slides open and I step inside, it closes and seals me in, with an air of finality. I’m not sure what I expected to find but a room with a small stage and a chair sat upon it surrounded by LED lights was not it. I can see the mirrored wall and it doesn’t take a genius to know it's only a mirror on my end, I guess this is how the guys will look at me. Looking around, I can see a camera in one corner with a red blinking light and speakers in every other corner of the room.

I don’t know what to do, am I supposed to sit or stand here? I don’t want to presume anything or make a choice that will act as a strike against me before it’s even begun. Unless, this is part of the choice, to see how I will react. No doubt there are already eyes on me, I can feel the weight of them and I need to stop my heart from racing and calm my breathing.

Wandering around, I run my fingers over the cool glass, using it to ground me. Taking in every mark on the hard worn floor and the slight flecks of paint that seem to be missing from the walls. Trying to keep my mind busy, I count how many steps it takes to get from one side of the one way glass to the other and then I move away. Walking over to the chair, I can see a note fixed to the seat. I bend over slightly to pick it up and glance over it to see what I need to do.

Take a seat and do not fidget.

Okay, then. I fold myself into the chair, making sure I keep my back straight and I cross my legs being careful not to flash the mirror. Screw them, I’m not going to give them a show of my own volition. I can barely stand even being in here, it’s claustrophobic and I want to move. But I can’t,

so I keep my head staring straight ahead and I wait.

A hundred and twenty breaths inhaled and exhaled before the speakers crackle. Twenty blinks before a song filters through the room and countless beats of my heart when a voice - so powerful and dark I would do anything to both hear it again and run from it - plays over the speaker and flays me alive.

“Stand number sixty and turn three hundred and sixty degrees… slowly.”

I get to my feet and do as I’m told, I keep my back straight and my head held high. Easy to do seeing as there isn’t anyone to look at, I’m starting to think I can do this. I need to stop focusing on the negative and remember that I am in a room on my own. I’m pretty much in my element, I enjoy my company or at least, I’ve learned to enjoy it.

“Sixty, turn so your back is to the glass and touch your toes, keep your legs straight and bend as far as you can go.”