“I’ll give you more,” the laird promised. “But you’re going to ask for it.”

No, no, I couldn’t do that, my mind insisted.

But my body screamed otherwise.

“Just as you begged me when I took your maidenhead.”

The reminder loosened my tongue, for I remembered that I had no shame. Not with him. Or at least, whatever shame I had belonged to him. And he would feast upon it. “Please…my laird…”

His hand gripped my hip hard. “Please, what?”

“Please fuck me.”


On this very bed, I almost said, just to be contrary. But the thought of the paddling I would get for it made me hold my tongue.

His hand went from my hip to my hair, and wrapping it in his fist, he jerked my head back. “Say it if you want it. Don’t lie to me if you don’t, but if you want it, you owe it to me to say so.”

God’s blood, I did want it. I did! “Please fuck my arse,” I finally whispered. And once the vulgar words came out, it was like the burst of a dam. A torrent of pleas burst from my lips that I couldn’t hold back. “Please do it! Please fuck me. I want you to fuck me hard. I want to feel you spurting up inside me. Please take me. Please take me and make me yours.”

He grunted with satisfaction. “You’ll come to bed naked and with this passage oiled from now on, in case I wish to use it,” he said, with a feral snarl.

A command, or perhaps a condition.

“Yes!” I said, willing to promise anything. A sob escaped me, and my pleas became nearly hysterical. “Please do it. I need to feel invaded and plundered and … please, please, I’ll do anything. I need it. I need it. Please!”

The laird unleashed a string of curses as if I’d pressed against his flesh a hot poker of desire. I felt his skin flame hot against mine, as if he hadn’t expected me to beg so desperately. “Aye, I need it too, and you were made for fucking, lass,” he whispered just before his mouth fastened upon the side of my neck, kissing me there, sucking me there, even as his hips began to thrust in earnest.

Oh, it was happening. He pushed deep, deep, inside my back passage. Then withdrew, and did it again. He was fucking me as easily in the arse as he’d fucked my mouth or my cunny. And I—well, the begging had put a fever into me. Our bodies slid against each other, lubricated with sex and sweat and oil. And I knew I was going to climax the moment he did.

I also knew he was straining, holding back, waiting for me to get closer. The noises I made were scarcely recognizable. Something animal in nature. He knew them for a sign and so did I. What I didn’t know is that he would need to come first.

Fortunately, he knew it.


With an animal howl of his own, he plunged deep, his cock jerking and driving a warm flood of seed into my bowels. And the release—the force of it, drove me to the edge. How could I have anticipated the shattering climax that worked its way through me from between my legs, through my whole pelvis, then my belly until even my toes curled?

I groaned, quaking, my mind slipping into pure ecstasy. It was an orgasm unlike any he’d given me before. Such pleasure I hadn’t known existed, mixed as it was with a feeling of violation. But as he’d taken me, now my body took him.

My orgasm forced me to clamp down so tight that he hissed at the grip.

Beneath him, I could do nothing but whimper and writhe, and as he collapsed upon me, our hands tangled at the top of the bed. His breath came in heavy pants, and mine matched his in tempo.

In the aftermath, I was lost in a sea of happiness. Not only for the lingering waves of pleasure that ebbed and flowed through my throbbing body, but also because of the laird’s rumble of contentment.

As he softened inside me, he said, “Now I have had you in every way a man can take a woman. Or nearly so.”

“Nearly?” I asked.

“There are variations on the theme,” he said, with a husky voice. “And ways that involve the mind more than the body.”

“I want to know them all,” I said, marveling anew at what he did to me.

At how much pleasure he gave me.

At how I felt a glow from within that seemed the very opposite of sin.