At the laird’s vulgar words, Ian gulped on air, hovering on the edge. He pulled my head up so that I must look at him and asked, “Is that what you want?”

“Very much,” I said, still gasping with my own pleasure.

Because it’s what the laird wished of me. That is what I told myself. But the truth is that the haze of arousal had made me curious, too. What would it feel like to be taken by another man? Especially a man like Ian who was so distant and unknowable, but brawny and well-made, with a hard flat stomach I found myself inexplicably drawn to lick.

Ian gave a single nod to the laird, who withdrew from me, leaving behind an emptiness in my wet passage I was now eager to fill. The laird stood, discarding his plaid, then pulled me up roughly by the elbow. He was never a man for gentleness, my laird. I knew his fingers would bruise me where they dug in. But I loved those little bruises he left on me. Tokens of the pleasures we shared together. His treatment of me only made me burn hotter.

Ian stood too, leaving off his belt and plaid and sword, then letting his eyes feast almost worshipfully on me before running a hand down the front of my body. Together, he and the laird both removed the pearls from my neck—leading me to fear that whatever we were going to do together was about to get much rougher. Then Ian claimed my mouth in a kiss, his stubble scratching the tender arch of my lip before his tongue tangled with mine. I sucked on it, not knowing what else to do, then moaned as his hands kneaded my breasts.

I want you to find pleasure in his body as you do with mine.

That was the laird’s command, and I hadn’t thought myself capable of it. But finding myself pressed between the hot bodies of two strong and strong-willed men, it all seemed very pleasurable indeed. The laird’s sticky erection pressed between the cheeks of my arse, and Ian’s hard cock was pressed against my belly. The sensation of that nearly made my knees buckle.

I did wilt a bit.

Fortunately, four hands steadied me. My laird’s hands on my hips. Ian’s on my breasts. And then, deliriously, I lost track of whose hands were where.

They drew me to the bed, then pulled me down, like hounds on a stag.

Ian drank in my kisses thirstily, like a drowning man. Meanwhile, the laird’s lips fastened on the back of my neck, his teeth grazing down my spine. Both men wanted me. But I knew, that in this moment, Ian wanted me more, because he was almost sheepish to let me see it. When I tried to look into his hazel eyes, he glanced away, as if he were shamed, to be caught trembling with need. And so I let my fingers skim down the length of his strong arm, to cover the trembling hand in which he was fisting his cock.

There was a moment, I suppose, when I could’ve stopped it. If I’d wanted to. But with my shoulder-blades braced hotly against the laird’s strong and sweating chest, being taken by both these men seemed both inescapable and too delicious to resist. So when the laird lifted my leg up over his kinsman’s hip, I helped guide Ian inside me.

The mechanics of the thing were the same, of course, but the size and shape of Ian’s tool opened me in different ways than the laird’s had before him. And he was gentler about it too. The silky crown of Ian’s penis dipped inside my opening, then pulled out again with a sucking sound before he plunged home, filling me with his thickness where I ached to be filled.

Ian groaned in satisfaction at our carnal coupling, clutching me by the hips, trying to get deeper but finding it difficult in this position. Perhaps the laird knew it, for he gave way to his kinsman, letting Ian roll atop me for better purchase.

It was the laird’s way to crush his weight down upon me, making me feel small and trapped and taken. A sensation that drove me to dizzying heights of arousal. But Ian was careful to hold his weight upon his strong arms, using his burning gaze and his cock alone to pin me in place.

I wrapped my arms around Ian’s neck, but otherwise, I went soft. My eyes fluttered half-closed in a stupor of sublime sensation as Ian worked over me, hips flexing, his stiff manhood gliding in and out of the sheath of my sex.

And I remained in that stupor until I heard my laird’s command. “Look at me, lass.”

Oh, god, the shame of it. “I can’t…I can’t!”

“Look. At. Me.” And I remembered then how much he liked to see me shamed, and how he had insisted upon this very thing when it was Ian who was watching, and the laird working over my virgin body.

Jiggling slightly with Ian’s excruciatingly slow and steady thrusts, I lifted my eyes to my laird and felt myself lost in that dark gaze. He was watching me be taken by another man, and yet, I saw a fierce pleasure at the sight. “How does it feel, lass?”

As the wind outside howled in judgement, I gave a desperate shake of my head. “Please…”

I couldn’t bear for him to make me say it. To make me admit it. It would be disloyal and whorish in every way. But he was relentless. “I asked you a question, lass, and you do not dare lie to me.”

No, I dared not lie to him. Even if I wished I could lie to myself. “It feels so delicious it’s awakened a hunger in me I don’t even understand.”

My words were for the laird, but Ian heard them too, and he gave a shudder as if my words awakened something in him too. At seeing his shudder, the laird smirked. “You heard her, man. You might as well put your back into it if you mean to sate her voracious appetite.”

Then the laird yanked my head by the hair to the side, and brought his face close so that we were nearly nose to nose. “You might reward the man whose fucking you so well by not laying still as a statue beneath him. We both know your quim is quivering with need, and that you’re going to take your pleasure on his cock. Don’t fight it.”

Even with another man inside me, the laird still held me in his thrall. I couldn’t look away. I couldn’t deny his words. I could only wrap my legs around Ian’s hips, and surrender to the cresting ache between my legs. My thighs tightened around Ian, his hot skin sticking to mine, and my arms locked about his strong neck, the rest of my body encouraging his strokes with a lewd undulation that I seemed to have no control over whatsoever.

I mewled with the rush of pleasure as my climax overtook me, feeling my own wetness gush around Ian’s unyielding erection. The laird’s kinsman cried out with me, then choked the sound back, denying me his own release. Again.

Instead, he rode it out with clenched teeth so that he could keep fucking me, even though I was so tight and tender in the aftermath. And I realized then that my pleasure wasn’t meant to bring this to conclusion, but only to heighten the experience. “Shall we take her to higher heights?” the laird asked Ian.

But it wasn’t a question. It was a command and we both knew it.

With a grunt, Ian rolled off me, onto his back, throwing a head of sweaty hair out of his eyes. “Kneel over me, lass,” Ian said, but neither man waited for me to comply. They put me where they wanted me. Both of them grasping at my hips and legs to set me atop Ian, where I balanced on palms pressed flat to the strong plane of his chest.