t it was a little opening they were trying to enter, she thought. And they were not small men. It amazed her to think that she was caught between men so powerful that they could crush her with the smallest effort. And yet, both of them held their bodies in restraint, all to please her.

A sweat broke out over Davy’s body as he squeezed his eyes shut.

“Will you mind what you’re doing, Davy?” Malcolm snapped.

“Is it terrible?” she murmured.

Davy chuckled. “No, but I’m feeling more of him than you at the moment, and I’d rather not see that. There are some things the mind cannot forget.”

Arabella began to despair. “Am I doing something wrong?”

Malcolm’s voice rumbled from behind her. “No, lass. We’re trying to go slow. Trying to—”

“Just break it!” Arabella cried.

For the love of God, in that moment, her maidenhead seemed as troublesome a thing as ever existed and she wanted it gone. More precisely, she wanted these men to take it, so that she could enjoy whatever else they might have to offer her.

Davy’s eyes opened again, and he grinned down at her. “We just don’t want to tear you apart, lass. T’would be easier if we took turns—”

“No,” Arabella insisted, more sure than ever that she couldn’t know how to decide which would be the first to have her. They’d have to do it at the same time. “Both, or neither.”

Thankfully, Malcolm understood. He was a man who could be less than gentle when he needed to be. “You tell us when, lass. Say the word, and we will both thrust up into you as hard as we can.”

Perhaps they expected her to dally. Arabella did not. “Now!”

In that moment, two men who were strong enough to batter a door down used their cocks to break her open. She did feel torn apart as both shafts speared up into her and broke her maidenhead. The thrusts of their hips were hard, unforgiving, brutal. It felt as if some giant thing had impaled her. As if she’d been seared by a brand.

It was not a wee bit of pain, but a great deal of it.

She screamed.

Tears, hot and salty, flowed down her cheeks.

And yet…and yet…

The moment she felt her hymen tear—the moment she knew that it could be blamed on neither of them, but rather, they had both claimed it together—was amongst the most satisfying moments of her life.

“It’s done,” Malcolm said through clenched teeth, as he and Davy both swiftly withdrew from her. It had been only a moment, but now she throbbed and ached and the pain was all mixed together with her arousal.

Davy kissed her tears away, almost panic stricken as he cooed, “Now we’ll be gentle, we’ll be gentle, lass. I promise.”

They were, too.

Davy’s thumb circled the nub of pleasure at her center that sent little sparks of pleasure into her blood. Malcolm kissed her neck, her shoulders, her back. And all the while, his wet straining cock pushed between her cheeks, slowly, painstakingly nudging its way into a forbidden passage.

“Too much?” Malcolm asked.

“Yes,” Arabella said, shying away, then pushing back against him, unable to make up her mind. “No. I’m not sure!”

“Well, we must make you sure,” Davy said, kissing her on the mouth. Overwhelming her with sensation, and affection, and wicked promise. Somehow, the way he touched her made it easier to take Malcolm, and she whimpered when he slid an inch into her most secret place.

“Oh, oh, that can’t be…”

“Yes, it is,” Malcolm said. “I’m inside you and you like it.”

“I do,” Arabella said, clasping Davy hard, drawing him closer. “I want you both inside me.”

“Mmmm,” Malcolm murmured against her neck. “She’s a wanton.”