The thought nearly made her climax right there, her back pressed against the wood-paneled wall.

When she joined the party, someone gave her a drink. She was usually wary of drinking anything a stranger gave her, but the guys tonight wouldn’t have to slip her anything because she wanted to be taken advantage of.

So she drank it down. It burned all the way. It was booze, something else her father had forbidden her to have. She was only a freshman, so she shouldn’t be drinking, but the toy in her panties buzzed twice as fast as if to reward her for breaking the rules.

“Wanna dance, Lexi?” one of the frat brothers asked, sliding his hand to the small of her back. He was short, and stocky, and not her type, but the fact that he knew her name and might have the remote control to the toy in her panties made her attracted to him anyway.

“I’m not sure I know how to dance,” she said, worried that she’d be awkward. Fortunately, her body seemed to know what to do, her hips rolling to the beat, and she let the guy press close against her while she did so. She hadn’t ever danced with a guy before and it was heady to rub against his chest. Then she danced with another guy, and another, until her nipples were hard and her knees were weak.

Boys were paying attention to her; she felt popular for the first time in her life. But when she stopped dancing, the toy stopped buzzing.

“You don’t want to orgasm even before we get your clothes off, do you Lexi?” The question came from Gabe, who ran his hand down her side, then slid it over her ass, pulling her close against him as the rock music pounded through the frat house.

She loved the way he just touched her any way he pleased. “You have the remote, don’t you?”

Gabe slicked back his red hair with one hand, and his grin evaporated. He stared at her a little more intensely than before. “What if I do?”

“Then…then I want to kiss you,” Lexi admitted, feeling the swirl of liquor in her head, but not so much that she wasn’t sure of her answer.

Gabe made no move to kiss her, but ran his thumb over her lower lip. “I’d like to kiss you, too, but you should save that for last. Because you get to choose who gets to give you your first kiss, Lexi. But tonight me and my brothers are all going to fuck you. And you’re not going to know which of us did it first.”


All of you, or none of you. That’s the deal.

She’d had no idea what she was saying when she threw down that condition. Oh, she’d wanted a wild sexual encounter with more than one man. But she’s secretly hoped that the man to take her virginity would be Drew. In chemistry class that week, she’d given him a heated glance over the top of her notebook and fantasized about his hands on her.

But as Gabe led her downstairs to the basement game room where plaques and fraternity paddles lined the walls, she remembered that Drew had drawn the short straw. What did that mean?

A few guys hooted at her when she came down the stairs. One of them was just a sophomore—a baby faced kid who hadn’t yet grown into his gangly limbs. He looked at her like she was a piece of meat. She wasn’t used to any kind of attention, much less this kind and it made her unsteady.

Lexi nearly stumbled down the stairs, but Gabe caught her by the arm and steadied her. Oh, god. Lexi gave a little bit of a start to see a cheap air mattress in the middle of the floor. For some reason, she’d always imagined she was going to lose her virginity in a bed. A real bed. Not a shabby air mattress covered by a sheet, surrounded by a dozen half-drunk guys.

She almost backed up the stairs, having second thoughts, but Gabe was behind her, heat coming off his skin in waves. Meanwhile, Drew was sitting in the corner, a beer casually tilted in one hand. “Sure this is what you want, kinky girl?”

Drew might not be the first one she had sex with, but she was at least going to kiss him first, she decided. So she gave him what she hoped was a seductive smile, and nodded. “I’m so hot right now.”

“Yeah you are,” one of the frat brothers called out, with a whistle.

“Take it off, baby,” said another one.

With the eyes of a bunch of horny college guys on her, Lexi unbuttoned her sweater and slipped her skirt off. But once she was standing in front of them in nothing but her shoes, her polka dotted bra and panties, she froze. She turned and looked to Drew for help, but he coolly nursed at his beer, taking in the sight of her body.

She wished she knew what he was thinking.

Gabe didn’t make her have to guess. “You’re so sexy, Lexi. In fact, I think that’s what we’re going to call you. Sexy Lexi.”

Some of the other guys took up the chant.

Sexy Lexi. Sexy Lexi. Sexy Lexi!

“Need some help?” Gabe asked, and when she nodded, he unsnapped her bra and her breasts tumbled free.

The guys loved that.

“Oh, yeah!” one of them cried. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

“Fucking A.”