“He’s the guy you told me about? My dad?” I yell at Jenny, who won’t even look at me, tears glimmering in her eyes.

Then it hits me.

The most probable explanation of how this all started. I always wondered why he quit his job as a college dean.

“Oh my God. Is she…” I almost gag. “Is she one of your students?”

Gasps run across the room.

My father looks mortified, which is how I know that I’m spot-on. This is why he quit. Because he didn’t want to get caught. It isn’t lost on me that Jenny altered her story, careful to exclude the dean/student details of the relationship, and said he only had one kid to make herself look better.

“How could you? Cheat on mom with a student? Dad, she could be my sister. My fucking sister.” My voice splits.

“Kassidy, that’s enough!” he barks.

“Is she the reason you’ve been gone for months? Why you gave up on us?”

It’s my father’s turn to snap.

“I didn’t! I didn’t give up on you. I’ve been calling your brother. Why do you think I’m here? I want him to meet her. The love of my life.”

Tears burn my eyelids. I’ve always suspected Kendrick was his favorite, but hearing him say it to my face still hurts like hell.

“Why not me?” I choke.

“Because you’re judgmental, Kassidy. You always have been. Just like your mother.”

That’s the dagger in the heart I can’t take. I begin to bawl, right there in the middle of a restaurant full of strangers.

“Don’t worry. I’m done looking at you.” I wipe my face with my sleeve. “I never want to see you again.”

I barge out of the building, hyperventilating. As if this day wasn’t shitty enough, I bump into someone entering the restaurant on my way out.


I look up, barely recognizing my big brother through the tears. Looks like he changed his mind, after all.

“You knew?” I yell so loud he jumps.

Guilt fills his eyes. “Kass, please, calm down.” He goes for my arm, but I fling it out of reach.

“Did you fucking know, yes or no?” I belt.

He gives in. “Yes, of course I knew. I’m the one who told mom.”

This is why

he was running out that day. Why he was so pissed. Why he and my mom were whispering for weeks after Dad left.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I try to punch him, but he dodges every blow—downside of attacking a trained fighter.

“I wanted to, Kass, I swear, but he was always your hero. I… I couldn’t do that to you. I wanted him to tell you himself. You have to believe me. I only came here to tell him to fuck off and stop calling me. I don’t want to meet his toddler girlfriend.”

“You mean my boss?” I huff out a bitter laugh.

“What?” His eyes grow. “No way?”

“Yep. My store manager is the one fucking dear old Dad. Isn’t the world small?” I speed walk to my car, Kendrick on my heels.