While part of me is annoyed by his persistence, the other is… glad? I’m strangely happy that he noticed my pain. When I don’t reply, Will distances himself from me—to my unexpected disappointment—retreating to his side. I roll over to face him. He braces his head on his elbow, the hall’s gleam highlighting his cut jaw and chiseled features.

Good God, he’s hot even in the dark.

He speaks first. “Is it Zoey? Do I need to kick her ass?”

“Let’s say it was—what are you going to do? Punch a girl?”

“Fine. Then I’ll ruin her day. Break her heel or something.”

I chortle. “Is this really what you think ruins a girl’s day?”

“Hers? Yeah.”

“Shallow much?”

“I’m sorry, have you met the girl? A puddle looks deep next to her.”

I hate how easily he’s got me to laugh. I’m about to answer when a knock on my bedroom door launches my pulse to space.

“Kass, honey, are you still up?”

We both freeze.

My mom’s home.

It’s fine. Just pretend you’re sleeping.

“Sweetie, I heard you laughing. I know you’re up. Tell Morgan you’ll call her back tomorrow. It’s late. Can I have a hug good night?”

“Just a second,” I holler, staring at the annoyingly attractive problem next to me. Hide, my eyes scream. He does just that, opting for the world’s most original hiding spot: the gap under my bed.

“Come in.”

My mom obliges, twisting the knob and opening her arms for me. The hug good night is no biggie. It’s the conversation she gets into next that makes me wish I was deaf.

“So…” She sits on the edge of my bed. “I don’t mean to pry, but I overheard you talking on the phone with Morgan earlier today. You said something about a date tomorrow. With a boy named Luke, is it?”


“It’s just… You’ve never really had a boyfriend before, and I want to make sure you’ll be…” She hesitates. “Safe when the time comes.”

No way this is happening.

“Mom, I really don’t need you to give me the tal—”

“But I do. I need to give it to you. As a mom. Let me do this, please.”

No, no. Please don’t go there, my eyes plead. Not now.

“Sometimes, men are selfish, and I just… want you to stand your ground. It doesn’t matter if they say it doesn’t feel good with a condom, you stay safe, no matter what. It’s easy to let your partner convince you. It’s important that you find a man who gives you just as much pleasure as you give him. A selfish man in bed will be a selfish partner in life. Okay?”

Honest to god, someone knock me out.

“Got it. Thanks.”

It takes me a whole five minutes to get her to leave. As soon as the door shuts and her footsteps die down the hall, Will bursts out laughing.

Thanks, Mom.