“What does he see in her anyway? Bitch is kind of ugly. Like a four on a good day.”

Anger eats at my insides. Winter is like a sister to me. I open my mouth to tell her off, but Morgan beats me to it.

“Are you kidding? The girl’s gorgeous. She barely wears any makeup, and she looks like that? I’m sorry, but I have to disagree on this one. If Haze were to like her, I’d get it.”

Fuming, Zoey sends Morgan a nasty glare and diverts her attention to her phone. I lock eyes with Morgan and crack a thankful smile, to which she replies with an I got you nod.

“Well, then…” Zoey speaks after a few seconds of boiling on the inside. “Guess that means I’ll have to go for my plan B, doesn’t it?”

She turns to me.

“Hottie Blondie. You don’t mind, right? I know I was giving him a pass because I wanted you to jump his bones and forget what’s his name, but since you didn’t take me up on my offer…”

The mere thought of Zoey anywhere near Will makes my flesh crawl.

“Why him?”

“Why not him? He’s a total dreamboat. Those eyes, that body, those hands…” She’s practically drooling. “You know what they say about big hands.”

I press my lips together, trying—and failing—to conceal my annoyance.

“Earth to Kass?” Zoey waves her hand in front of my face. “So… What do you say?”

How about fuck no?

“I’d rather you didn’t.” I shift in place.

“Why? Is something going on between you two?”

“No, it’s just…”

“It’s just what?” she pushes.

“He’s my brother’s best friend. You know how I feel about my friends getting involved with these clowns.” I’m lying my ass off. If I’m being honest, I don’t know why I almost hurled on the carpet at the simple mention of them together, but the pit in my throat is good enough for me.

“Kass, come on. If I can’t get anywhere near him, then at least let me have Kendrick.”

“What? That’s even worse! He’s my brother. I don’t want you guys to hook up. Zoey, promise me.”

She begins to answer but hesitates, considering her options.


“Fine, jeez. I won’t touch Kendrick,” she gives in. “But no promises about Hottie Blondie.”

Backed into a corner, I ignore the irritation stirring in my stomach and sit as far away from her as I possibly can.

I don’t know what I’m madder about:

The fact that my best friend wants to get Will…

Or the fact that it bothers me.


I’ve always loved the rain.

And I don’t mean the cute drizzle some people love to call rain. I mean the “we shall never leave our houses ever again” rain. I especially loved it as a kid because with rainstorms often came power outages.