Why am I even bothering?

We are so busted.

Alex scoffs. “You mean to tell me you didn’t fuck in this bed last night?”

“No, we didn’t,” I say truthfully.

Will shrugs. “She’s right. We fucked in your hot tub.”

My eyes grow three sizes.

“Will!” I screech.

When I convinced Will to confide in Alex about his homeless status, I was hoping the Holmeses could spare him a room until he got his own place. Alex’s parents reluctantly agreed to let Will use their all but empty pool house, only allowing him inside the house to use the bathroom.

No one was home yesterday and Will convinced me to spend the night with him against my better judgment. I told my mom I was sleeping at Morgan’s. He assured me Alex and his family wouldn’t be back until later. And well, from the looks of it…

He was wrong.

“You had sex in my hot tub?” Alex blurts out.

“To be fair, you did fuck that Mia girl on my bed last week. Call it even?” Will suggests.

My mouth drops.

Alex did what?

Does Morgan know?

Holy shit!

Granted, last I heard they’re not on speaking terms anymore, but I thought Alex wasn’t over her. At least, until now. I can’t believe he’s still with that Mia chick.

“I told you nothing happened.” Alex clenches his jaw.

“Right.” Will snorts. “That why I found a condom wrapper in the pool house? Because nothing happened?”

“Nice try changing the subject. How long has this been going on?” Alex points an accusing finger at us.

I make eye contact with Will.

We seem to share the same reasoning.

He’s already figured it out.

No point in lying anymore.

“Since the kegger,” Will admits.

“Two goddamn months?” Alex spits.

It is crazy to think it’s already been seven weeks since Will and I exchanged I love you’s and worked through our issues. Seven weeks of sneaking around, kissing in dark corners, and ultimately, being so happy we make single people sick—and by people, I mean Morgan and Ethan, who are the only souls that know about us as of now.

Oh, and Alex.

Alex nods in understanding. “Of course. She was the only one who could pull you out of the bar when you lost your shit… Jesus, how the hell did I miss this?”

“Don’t beat yourself up. We’re pretty good at sneaking around.” Will attempts to soften the blow.