Blake, Luke, Zoey.

All people that know about us.

Also people that hate our guts—to help our case.

Objectively, Blake is nothing to worry about. I don’t think Kendrick would ever believe anything he said after what he did, not to mention he’d kill him on sight if he showed his face. As for Mr. Football-Fucking-Scholarship, Lu

ke already tried to get Kass fired and failed. I don’t think he would go as far as to get involved in Kass’s family for a bruised ego. The most likely culprit is Zoey. Although I did threaten to sell her out to her trash boyfriend about screwing Blake if she exposed us. Kass and I haven’t even been together for a month yet. How do we already have so many loose ends to worry about?

Conclusion: we fucking suck at keeping this a secret.

We need to step up our game. Now. No more being careless. Going out in public. We got wrapped up in it. The second we step foot inside school today, we need to be strangers.

There’s a good chance Kendrick will never forgive me for touching his sister. But what he would definitely never get over? Finding out from someone else. He’d never trust me again. I will tell him. Eventually. But it has to be in person.

Only reason I haven’t done it yet.

I start my car, firing Kass a brief text.

Will: Leaving now.

Her shitty car broke down again, which means she needs a ride to school. She said she’d take the bus, but I’m not letting her. I’ll just have to drop her off a few blocks early so no one sees us together.

My phone rings.

It’s Kendrick.


You have to pick up. He’ll be suspicious if you don’t. I curse, press Answer, and guide the phone to my ear.

“Hey, man.” I hold my breath.

A beat of silence.

“About fucking time. Thought you were dead for a second there.” Laughter erupts down the line.

My body unwinds.

“I know. Sorry. Just been busy.” I shift in my seat. “What’s up? How’s the penthouse treating you?

“Can’t complain. I play video games all day, and Winter’s healing pretty good. But that’s not why I’m calling.”


“Listen, I know this is going to sound weird, but… I’ve heard a few things and I wanted to ask you about it.”

My stomach drops.


“It’s Kass.”

He knows.

He so fucking knows.

“What about Kass?”