“I’m sorry, I thought—”

“What? That I was cheating on you? Look, this relationship might not mean shit to you, but it did to me.”

Panic flashes through his eyes.

“What do you mean did?”

“You just disappeared on me for days! Didn’t text, didn’t call. That doesn’t exactly scream ongoing relationship, does it?”

I don’t want this to end.

Of course not.

But I can’t let him treat me this way.

“Baby, please, listen to me. I’m so sorry—I know I promised I’d text you, but I couldn’t. I literally couldn’t.”

He moves closer.

I don’t move away—I can’t. My body won’t allow it. The same way it won’t let me inh

ale a proper breath when he cups my face, his eyes leveling with mine.

“This doesn’t change anything about what I said last week.”

He zeroes in on my lips, leaning in.

“Or… what I want.”

No, no, no, don’t let him kiss yo—


The air flees my lungs when he smashes his lips to mine, his fingers gliding through my hair and tugging my head forward. His tongue pries its way between my teeth, and I can’t contain a moan at how much I missed him. I kiss him back too fast for my liking, pushing to my tiptoes for deeper access.

I should be mad, but all I can feel is relief. Relief that he didn’t disappear on me because I sent him running for the hills. Not that it would’ve surprised me.

I did say “I love you.”


Triple cringe.

But Will going all Hulk on Ethan indicates he’s not, as I feared, looking to exit my life after we slept together.

“For the record.” He pecks my mouth. “Four days is too fucking long to go without this.” His arms close around me, and I breathe in his cologne, forgetting how bad his silence hurt me with each loving touch.

Because he’s back.

And he’s here.

“How did you know where to find me?” I whisper, my head propped against his chest.

“Kendrick told me you were staying with Morgan.”

“And the address?”

He winces. “You’re not going to like it.”