The thought rips me apart.

Defeats me.

No, it straight up disqualifies me from our maddening game of cat and mouse. I used to be unbeatable. Number one player through and through.

I always won the game until winning meant losing her.

It’s more than lust.

A lot more.

I like this girl.

And I want to give this a shot.

Screw the consequences.

I have to find her. I have to tell her. Even if there’s a chance that I’m too late. Walking off, I begin my search, but luck isn’t on my side, because I can’t find her anywhere. I must seek her blonde hair for five minutes before stopping by the beer keg. Who knows if she’s even here?

A voice startles me. “Drinking by yourself?”


“Can I help you?” I barely spare her a glance.

“Nope. But I’m hoping I can help you.” She leans forward, feeling my bicep. I move away with a cringe. When is Kass going to accept this Zoey chick is a backstabbing bitch?

“I’d rather poke my eyes out with a fork, but thanks.”

“Ouch.” She pouts. “Kendrick is much nicer than you.”

“Kendrick wants to fuck you, I don’t.”

She looks at me like I’ve just slapped her in the face.

“Is Kass here? You know, your best friend?” I remind her.

She quickly collects herself. “Nah, she couldn’t be bothered. She’s too busy with Luke.”

I squeeze the glass bottle so tightly at her statement I’m surprised it doesn’t shatter in my hands.

“What’s going on between those two anyway?” I ask.

“Oh, you don’t know?” She chuckles. “They’re a thing now. She told me they sealed the deal a few hours ago.”

They what?

She fucking slept with him?

She let him touch her… like I did?


After I left?

After I didn’t say what I should’ve?

Fuck, fuck, fuck.