She never did.

Only said they were getting a divorce and they’d drifted apart.

Not a peep from him since.

All I know is Kendrick and my mom started acting weird as hell the weeks after he left. I’d constantly hear them whispering behind closed doors, notice a sudden conversation change whenever I walked into the room. But then again, I was always a bit paranoid.

God… is he really back in town?

Zoey joins us with popcorn and gummies before my daddy issues rain on my parade. We start scrolling through Netflix. I’d rather skip the lovey-dovey and go full-on comedy tonight, but Zoey insists we watch some steamy romance movie that just came out. As for Morgan, she just wants to keep eating.

I notice all the movies in Zoey’s “Continue Watching” section are… well, hot and heavy, to say the least.

“Zoey, would you happen to have an itch that needs scratching by any chance?” I tease, and she groans.

“Give me a break. It’s the closest thing I’ve had to some action in weeks. And trust me, it’s not for lack of trying.”

“You went back to Sean?” I dread her answer.

“Fuck Sean. Sean can go suck a dick.”

I frown. “Who are we talking about, then?”

“Haze, of course.”

Here we go.

“Seriously, Zo?” I cringe. “Again?”

She fiddles with her phone, oozing shame.

“But you said you were done. You know he doesn’t want a girlfriend.”

“Don’t give me that look. Nothing happened…” She stops and mumbles, “Despite my best efforts.”

“What are you saying?” Morgan asks.

“He rejected me.” Zoey flings her hands up. “Me! Can you believe it? He doesn’t do serious, I get it, but he never turned down sex before. I showed up at his place yesterday, and he practically chased me off his porch. Didn’t even consider it. What am I going to do without my mind-blowing fuck buddy?”

Morgan snorts. “How will you ever survive?”

“Morg, I’m serious. Do you think he could…” Zoey pauses as though she’s terrified to say it out loud. “Be seeing someone? Like actually liking someone?”

“Of course not. It’s Haze,” I reply.

Truth is, as much as I’d like to soothe her worries, part of me can’t stop replaying the moment I walked in on Winter and Mr. Player in the bathroom earlier. They did seem pretty friendly. With their next-level cheesiness and “second date” rubbish. Haze’s voice echoes in my head.

Thank you for getting to know me.

Could it be…

“Really?” Zoey continues. “Because from what I’ve heard, he was with your cousin today.”

How the heck does she know that?

Does she have spies?

I shrug. “So? Probably doesn’t mean anything.”