Which means I care, too.

“Quicker I get there, the faster it’s over.”

“Fine. Don’t be a fucking stranger, okay?”

“I won’t,” I lie.


Weaving my way through the crowded halls, I try reassuring my best friend to no avail. Morgan walks by my side, arms full of notes, going on and on about an exam she is terrified of failing. She spent our entire lunch break studying and still says she’s not ready.

Seeing Will walk into Morgan’s house with that breathtaking smile on his face this morning felt surreal. I ran into his arms, he picked me up, twirled me around, Ethan faked gagged—it was perfect.

The guys spent breakfast bouncing jokes off each other. Will eventually made Morgan laugh so hard she choked on her cereal. If he wasn’t best friend approved before, he definitely is now.

Ethan took it upon himself to play detective for Morgan and ask Will about Alex’s relationship status. Will said he hasn’t met Alex’s girlfriend yet, so he’s not sure how serious they are.

Then Morgan brought up prom, and the room filled up with this heavy, awkward tension. Will and I didn’t get a chance to discuss it, but I’m guessing it goes without saying that we can’t go together. That would defeat the purpose of keeping our relationship a secret until we can tell Kendrick in person, which Will insists on.

Will dropped me off a few blocks away from school this morning. We didn’t kiss. Didn’t hug. Just in case someone was watching. It felt gutting. Having to climb out of the passenger seat like the guy in the car wasn’t my boyfriend. We exchanged smiles in the hall after first period, but it didn’t go any further. It’s weird. How I was in his arms this morning, yet to the world we’re strangers.

It doesn’t help that he didn’t once spend the night with me this weekend. The only night he stayed over was Friday. Kept saying he had to train and he’d see me the next day. But then, first thing in the morning, he’d turn up on Morgan’s porch with coffee, ready to spend the day with me. I was so happy to see him I couldn’t be bothered to think twice about it.

I know this situation is fucked-up—boy, do I know it—but I still can’t shake the giddy feeling in my stomach. Nor can I stop my heart from speeding at the mere thought of him. Telling Morgan I’ll see her in art class, I turn the corner and stop at my locker.

“No way? Haze came to see you?” a familiar voice squeals.

I flip my head back to see Callie walking by my locker with Bianca.

“Yep. And don’t think I didn’t notice he came back right in the time frame this Winter chick stopped showing up at school.” Bianca cackles. “He got sick of her. I knew he would.”

“Well, what happened?”

“What do you think happened?” Bianca smirks.

I cringe in disgust. I could punch Haze on my cousin’s behalf right now. If only this guy was ever at school.

So much for saying he loved her, huh?

Kendrick was right.

He better be out of her life.

I’ve witnessed my lot of awkward moments in life. But sitting at the same table as the guy I rejected, who tried to get me fired from my job, and my boyfriend that I chose over said guy? I don’t see how any situation could top that.

Working in silence, I focus on my art project, careful not to make eye contact with anyone. Bianca decided to show up for once in a lifetime, and she’s been talking with Luke, which I’m grateful for, since the class started. I would hate for him to talk to me or Will—

“So, Will,” Luke speaks up.

Of fucking course.

“Got a date to prom?”

Will doesn’t reply right away, probably trying to keep his fist away from Luke’s shit-eating grin.

“Wasn’t planning on going,” Will says.

“What about you, Kass? Are you going?” Luke asks, proud of the corner he’s backing us into. He knows damn well Will and I can’t go together. “Because my friend Greg’s looking for a date. And I thought you two could go together. You know, since you’re single.”